What is this FFXI that people talk about? I seem to remember this game, but what is it?
I kid I kid, I joke I joke. Seriously though, I have logged on 4 times since the server merger about a month ago. Once was the day after and I did some fun VNM stuff and then 2 times for dynamis and then once more just sitting there in game while I was watching a Cavs game. Honestly since starting my new workout, P90X, I have had very little time to play and what time I would have had I was dedicating to FFXIII.
FFXIII has been a really sweet game and a good look into what SE is probably going to do with FFXIV. I love the paradigm switching, no joke. Its awesome that you can swap your job on the fly and there's no MP to worry about, just time in between abilities or attacks (ATB gauge). It appears they are putting something very similar to that in FFXIV which looks like it is going to be pretty slick. I am now starting to get pumped about FFXIV because of all the good information that is coming out and videos and pictures and people Alpha testing!!! I'm still waiting to find out more about this game though before I build my new computer. Hoping they release all the info in the next 2 or 3 months.
Anyways, now that I am basically done with FFXIII I may start playing FFXI again. I still want to try to finish some stuff off and get back a little into HNM. My 2 goals in HNM right now are still finish my Black Belt and get a Dalmatica. And I also may be joining a salvage group with Khrone soon which would be hawt since that is another major thing I wanted to do in game. :D We shall see how it goes.