Last night ended up being a busy night but not everything started on time. Volleyball went well, got to play against a guy I used to play against and with but his team was terrible last night and we DESTROYED them. That was really fun whoopin on them too.
After that I rushed home because we were supposed to have Salvage. Well we had 5 of us ready to roll again but Dray was afk. So we got really fed up with it and started talking about better hours for everyone and possibly just kicking some people. We eventually dropped our Gigidy pearls and started using Caol's pearl called Cero. After over an hour we got a few more people on and ready to go so we geared up to go and then Dray came back too. Caol has us laid out for doing some QQA and QQTH which I'm quite happy about since they drop the 35s for Ares and Morrigan body pieces. Overall it was a good run but it was still not nearly as efficient as it needs to be. There was one point Caol d/c'd because he lost power and then Redge just started pulling random mobs for no reason because he thought it would be fun to just kill stuff. Well, we still hadn't done the QQA or the Chariot for the floor we were on so it was looking to be a brilliant waste of time until dray and I said we should go do the QQA at least for that floor. Finally Redge agreed to it, after running us to somewhere on the map where only Dray was supposed to be. So Dray popped the QQA by opening the door and we got the kill but no drop. After that we had about 5 min and then Caol and Redge want us to try to the Chariot but don't realize that we're running around with 2 aggro'd mobs so they rush in, pull the Chariot, mages die from trying to take care of the aggro, DD go down, and then there is Khrone and I left with like 10 seconds left. I get off a lucky Lullaby and sleep the mob on me but since I still didn't have SJ I couldn't cure Khrone at all and he had about 100 HP with the Chariot and a Rampart on him. With neither of my Lullabies up I couldn't do anything except stand there and tell him to try to use his firefly to get out. He told me he got to like 80% on the firefly when he died and literally not even 2 seconds later we get zoned out. I was the only one left alive with about 45 HP.
Like I said, overall it wasn't a bad run but there were things that definitely could've gone better like calling of cells much faster. The passing of cells was still good, but as you can't expect it to be super fast every time I couldn't really have expected much faster for our group. We did a good job of getting cells and following directions, but I still think we spent too much time trying to get cells for everyone. Sometimes we need to just cut our losses and move on, even if some DD don't have weapons. Going with the 9 that we did can be a hinderance more than a help sometimes because you try to unlock so much for so many people and it just takes too long. I do feel we are getting some good experience and we are all getting a better idea of what to expect. Not until we do full runs of all the zones do I think we will really have this stuff down.
Once we finished Salvage some of us decided to head up to sky. It was a pretty good day for sky since they made like 6M in sold items plus the gil items that dropped. I almost got my W Hands but I decided to just pass it to the buyer. Passing it will give me a little more desire to keep going up to sky because then I still have something to get. After W Hands all of my points will go towards payout and Haidate for Screamin and then if I'm still doing sky I guess just Osodes.
I do really want to get back to MNK some more because I want to get crack-a-lackin hard core on Maat's Cap again. Basically get my 2 nights a week in sky and then Salvage and exp will be my life. Too bad I won't have a chance to do any of that because my gf will be in town this weekend so there goes my game time.
Quote of the Day(this is actually a day old):
Khrone: So during my nap I was dreaming about Sneak Attacking, but not mobs, Mithra.
Me: You know rape is illegal right, even on Mithra?
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Valkurm Party?!?!
Yeah, I couldn't really believe it myself. I level synced my 50 MNK down to 14 to exp with Hybridkiller, Mactatus, and Khrone. Hybrid invited me because he knows I come with a personal PL. This actually was a much better party than I expected because we were doing about 10k/hr at one point. Then because we were leveling so fast the exp started to really crash towards the end of the night. Overall it was pretty cool and I did get to experience Fields of Valor for the first time. The benefits from FoV are rediculous because they can give you regen or refresh for a whiel. Hearing that makes me want to say, "Back in my day..."
The plus side from that party is that I am now 52 MNK. Knocking out 2 more levels from Maat's Cap feels great I must admit. It was nice to level with people I knew too since I didn't have to worry about retards not knowing their job or screwing things up. What else was really nice was that since I was still staying with Khrone so when he was pulling I could easily tell him if he should pull or not or if he was pulling I could see him running in with the mob. Anyways, more exp on MNK is a plus for me because that brings me that much closer to whooping on the Old Man.
Tuesday we were supposed to have Salvage. I got out to Khrone's place a little later than I expected from my house because I got caught up talking to my brother that I live with normally (not the gimped carless one). I even called ahead and told Khrone that I was going to be about 15 min late since I got stalled. No biggy, or so I figured. When I get to Khrone's place I immediately run up and get on and notice there really aren't that many people there. Then I notice that Drayco is in Ilrusi Atoll doing assaults and I'm thinkin "WTF mate?!" So I throw on the Gigidy pearl and see that only Caol, Hybrid, Khrone, Mac, myself, and Dray were on. Hybrid was already putting together the party in whitegate so I jump in and notice that there are only 5 of us in the party because Dray is in assault. 10:20 or so rolls around and we all notice that dray is no longer online and on his mule in rol-mart .... ok. So maybe he just had a bad night and forgot(?) to say he wasn't coming. Anyways, we were sitting at 5 and then Ratman pops on. We are excited because then we still have a THF that we can run in with. Well, we thought we did at least because then Rat informs us that he doesn't have enough assault points for a salvage permit. At that point we decided we needed to do a little restructuring of when our group would meet. The 5 of us that were there all decided on 9PM, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and whenever we could on the weekends. Caol even had the times cleared with Zalorolo because it would still cut into sky but he was ok with that since it would only be a little of the beginning. So we all go our seperate ways and last night we log on and put on the Gigidy shell just to see what's up and see that Dray made an LS message of something like "Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8PM, if you can't make it 100% of the time don't come". That's when we started talking between the rest of us and thought that we may move on from "Dray's" Salvage group. Oh, and I guess someone was saying that he's changing how there would have been a priority of like if you have 2/3 of the items we would go for your 3rd item. I dunno, we all talked a little bit and are going to see how Thursday turns out before we make any final decisions. The thing right now is that I can't 100% make 8PM because I have volleyball. I can 90% make 9PM but 8PM is right in the middle of the evening causing a big ole problem with volleyball, like if I have a 7:20 game I'm boned.
Tonight will be 6:30 volleyball, 8PM(?) Salvage, and then 10PM sky. Sounds like I have quite the busy evening laid out for me. We shall have to see how Salvage turns out though because tonight could be make or break.
Quote of the Day:
So since Dray was doing assaults when we were supposed to enter does that mean he's cut from his LS too?
- don't remember who said it
The plus side from that party is that I am now 52 MNK. Knocking out 2 more levels from Maat's Cap feels great I must admit. It was nice to level with people I knew too since I didn't have to worry about retards not knowing their job or screwing things up. What else was really nice was that since I was still staying with Khrone so when he was pulling I could easily tell him if he should pull or not or if he was pulling I could see him running in with the mob. Anyways, more exp on MNK is a plus for me because that brings me that much closer to whooping on the Old Man.
Tuesday we were supposed to have Salvage. I got out to Khrone's place a little later than I expected from my house because I got caught up talking to my brother that I live with normally (not the gimped carless one). I even called ahead and told Khrone that I was going to be about 15 min late since I got stalled. No biggy, or so I figured. When I get to Khrone's place I immediately run up and get on and notice there really aren't that many people there. Then I notice that Drayco is in Ilrusi Atoll doing assaults and I'm thinkin "WTF mate?!" So I throw on the Gigidy pearl and see that only Caol, Hybrid, Khrone, Mac, myself, and Dray were on. Hybrid was already putting together the party in whitegate so I jump in and notice that there are only 5 of us in the party because Dray is in assault. 10:20 or so rolls around and we all notice that dray is no longer online and on his mule in rol-mart .... ok. So maybe he just had a bad night and forgot(?) to say he wasn't coming. Anyways, we were sitting at 5 and then Ratman pops on. We are excited because then we still have a THF that we can run in with. Well, we thought we did at least because then Rat informs us that he doesn't have enough assault points for a salvage permit. At that point we decided we needed to do a little restructuring of when our group would meet. The 5 of us that were there all decided on 9PM, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and whenever we could on the weekends. Caol even had the times cleared with Zalorolo because it would still cut into sky but he was ok with that since it would only be a little of the beginning. So we all go our seperate ways and last night we log on and put on the Gigidy shell just to see what's up and see that Dray made an LS message of something like "Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8PM, if you can't make it 100% of the time don't come". That's when we started talking between the rest of us and thought that we may move on from "Dray's" Salvage group. Oh, and I guess someone was saying that he's changing how there would have been a priority of like if you have 2/3 of the items we would go for your 3rd item. I dunno, we all talked a little bit and are going to see how Thursday turns out before we make any final decisions. The thing right now is that I can't 100% make 8PM because I have volleyball. I can 90% make 9PM but 8PM is right in the middle of the evening causing a big ole problem with volleyball, like if I have a 7:20 game I'm boned.
Tonight will be 6:30 volleyball, 8PM(?) Salvage, and then 10PM sky. Sounds like I have quite the busy evening laid out for me. We shall have to see how Salvage turns out though because tonight could be make or break.
Quote of the Day:
So since Dray was doing assaults when we were supposed to enter does that mean he's cut from his LS too?
- don't remember who said it
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
rift /rɪft
–noun opening made by splitting, cleaving, etc.; fissure; cleft; chink. open space, as in a forest or cloud mass, or a clear interval.
3.a break in friendly relations: a rift between two people; a rift between two nations.
4.a difference in opinion, belief, or interest that causes such a break in friendly relations.
a.a fault.
b.a graben of regional extent.
6.the plane or direction along which a log or mass of granite can most easily be split.
7.wood or a piece of wood that has been split radially from a log.–verb (used with object), verb (used without object) burst open; split.
3 about sums it up to what happened with a lot of people in LolFail, a huge break in friendly relations. Its actually funny because I have almost come to expect this now. I haven't been in an LS that hasn't ended in a flaming ball poo poo cah cah just like this one, and of course there is always the iteration afterwards. As much as people don't want to say it or admit it, this LS is basically and off shoot of one from way back before I even got onto Hades. I guess it was originated by Hiox (I think that was his name), and then got turned into DramatisPersonae led by Driz/Gwen (hubby/wife combo) and a shell which I was apart of. After them it kept the same name and was turned over to Babybear which didn't last long because everyone had their own opinion on what was going on which ended up driving BB to just quiting and the shell falling apart. Due to that falling apart Vaniel started picking up people into MyFirstDay which didn't last long either because people accused him of stealing which was always complete and utter BS because he never had a reason to steal anything in the game because his gear never changed at all ... EVER. So Van gave up everything to Drayco and Cedrick who then started AstrumNovae. (on a side note, I'm pretty sure there was an iteration of OrganizedChaos in there too) Then Dray and Ced accused each other of stealing and Ced booted Dray who had basically the entire bank of well over 10M. That basically led to the downfall of that one which lead nicely into LolFail because Sush was in AN but got booted earlier so he said fork it and moved on and made his own. So there I was in LolFail with some of the same people I was in DP with way back in the day. Seriously, people just keep flowing right into the next iteration. Relentless which is now run by Zalorolo, Shiiga, Hybridkiller, and Caol, but again, basically same group as LolFail with a few changes mostly in who's running it.
At least I can honestly say the only thing I'm going to miss are the payouts. It was by far my biggest source of income and since I feel that I'm basically done with sky now, especially since I got lucky and got N Hands last night because our buyer fell asleep while we were killing, I don't really feel that I will ever need to find another sky shell considering the only thing I would ever want from sky now for Treu is W Hands, but Haidate would be uber for Screamin.... There will always be a big need for gil which is becoming increasingly aparent to me because in order to really do much more with my SAM outside of merits I will need oodles of gil. My one ring really need to be upgraded because I'm still just WSing in my Jaeger Ring which is really sad. Also, when I cap my GK merits I can swap out Potent Belt for a Warwolf Belt and get 2 more STR there. Another upgrade I could do is Alky gloves for a lot more STR but I'm content with my Hachiman for now. There are just so many upgrades that I really could and should do but I really don't want to bust my load on this if I don't haaave to. Honestly I'd rather save myself from buying the big ticket items and save gil for Morrigan set.
Last night I also came to the realization that I needed to fix my macros for SAM again because what I was doing just wasn't working and I was occasionally WSing without having my STR gear on. After thinking long and hard about it I finally discovered a way to make my macros work better for me. It may not be the most appropriate of ways, but I'm actually very pleased with how well it worked out. I actually tried them out during a Kirin last night and the were splendid. While I am on that note, that Kirin was parse and the winner was Kyrja followed by Khrone followed by me. Khrone didn't beat me by much and Kyrja didn't beat him by much, but they were cheating and using food and I was just doin it all natural. Man, my SAM could be super uber if I really wanted it to... ok, already talked about this. I do feel that I am having more fun playing with SAM though than I was just sitting on BRD or my crappy BLM waiting to see stuff happen. There was also a god fight that Thebossman, who just joined the shell, was the top parser and I wasn't too far behind him. In his defense he did tank a little bit in that fight and I think I only missed 1 WS and crit'd 2. His DRK is REALLY well geared and I wish I had half the stuff he did.
Anyways, this has turned into a long winded post again ... whoops. Tonight I will be running around with Khrone again and then back home to play volleyball then back out to his house. I think tonight I will take off from sky to merit some more. My thoughts are still to keep meriting this week still and then swap over to MNK starting at some point this weekend. Getting back to Maat's Cap again because Brian asked so politely. :P
Quote of the Day:
Shiiga: are you coming to get some tail?
me: does Zal know you are asking me this? lol
Shiiga: yeah, I'm drunk
- well at least my experience started off on a good note in Relentless, I guess we will have to see how long it will last
–noun opening made by splitting, cleaving, etc.; fissure; cleft; chink. open space, as in a forest or cloud mass, or a clear interval.
3.a break in friendly relations: a rift between two people; a rift between two nations.
4.a difference in opinion, belief, or interest that causes such a break in friendly relations.
a.a fault.
b.a graben of regional extent.
6.the plane or direction along which a log or mass of granite can most easily be split.
7.wood or a piece of wood that has been split radially from a log.–verb (used with object), verb (used without object) burst open; split.
3 about sums it up to what happened with a lot of people in LolFail, a huge break in friendly relations. Its actually funny because I have almost come to expect this now. I haven't been in an LS that hasn't ended in a flaming ball poo poo cah cah just like this one, and of course there is always the iteration afterwards. As much as people don't want to say it or admit it, this LS is basically and off shoot of one from way back before I even got onto Hades. I guess it was originated by Hiox (I think that was his name), and then got turned into DramatisPersonae led by Driz/Gwen (hubby/wife combo) and a shell which I was apart of. After them it kept the same name and was turned over to Babybear which didn't last long because everyone had their own opinion on what was going on which ended up driving BB to just quiting and the shell falling apart. Due to that falling apart Vaniel started picking up people into MyFirstDay which didn't last long either because people accused him of stealing which was always complete and utter BS because he never had a reason to steal anything in the game because his gear never changed at all ... EVER. So Van gave up everything to Drayco and Cedrick who then started AstrumNovae. (on a side note, I'm pretty sure there was an iteration of OrganizedChaos in there too) Then Dray and Ced accused each other of stealing and Ced booted Dray who had basically the entire bank of well over 10M. That basically led to the downfall of that one which lead nicely into LolFail because Sush was in AN but got booted earlier so he said fork it and moved on and made his own. So there I was in LolFail with some of the same people I was in DP with way back in the day. Seriously, people just keep flowing right into the next iteration. Relentless which is now run by Zalorolo, Shiiga, Hybridkiller, and Caol, but again, basically same group as LolFail with a few changes mostly in who's running it.
At least I can honestly say the only thing I'm going to miss are the payouts. It was by far my biggest source of income and since I feel that I'm basically done with sky now, especially since I got lucky and got N Hands last night because our buyer fell asleep while we were killing, I don't really feel that I will ever need to find another sky shell considering the only thing I would ever want from sky now for Treu is W Hands, but Haidate would be uber for Screamin.... There will always be a big need for gil which is becoming increasingly aparent to me because in order to really do much more with my SAM outside of merits I will need oodles of gil. My one ring really need to be upgraded because I'm still just WSing in my Jaeger Ring which is really sad. Also, when I cap my GK merits I can swap out Potent Belt for a Warwolf Belt and get 2 more STR there. Another upgrade I could do is Alky gloves for a lot more STR but I'm content with my Hachiman for now. There are just so many upgrades that I really could and should do but I really don't want to bust my load on this if I don't haaave to. Honestly I'd rather save myself from buying the big ticket items and save gil for Morrigan set.
Last night I also came to the realization that I needed to fix my macros for SAM again because what I was doing just wasn't working and I was occasionally WSing without having my STR gear on. After thinking long and hard about it I finally discovered a way to make my macros work better for me. It may not be the most appropriate of ways, but I'm actually very pleased with how well it worked out. I actually tried them out during a Kirin last night and the were splendid. While I am on that note, that Kirin was parse and the winner was Kyrja followed by Khrone followed by me. Khrone didn't beat me by much and Kyrja didn't beat him by much, but they were cheating and using food and I was just doin it all natural. Man, my SAM could be super uber if I really wanted it to... ok, already talked about this. I do feel that I am having more fun playing with SAM though than I was just sitting on BRD or my crappy BLM waiting to see stuff happen. There was also a god fight that Thebossman, who just joined the shell, was the top parser and I wasn't too far behind him. In his defense he did tank a little bit in that fight and I think I only missed 1 WS and crit'd 2. His DRK is REALLY well geared and I wish I had half the stuff he did.
Anyways, this has turned into a long winded post again ... whoops. Tonight I will be running around with Khrone again and then back home to play volleyball then back out to his house. I think tonight I will take off from sky to merit some more. My thoughts are still to keep meriting this week still and then swap over to MNK starting at some point this weekend. Getting back to Maat's Cap again because Brian asked so politely. :P
Quote of the Day:
Shiiga: are you coming to get some tail?
me: does Zal know you are asking me this? lol
Shiiga: yeah, I'm drunk
- well at least my experience started off on a good note in Relentless, I guess we will have to see how long it will last
Monday, February 23, 2009
A New View on Things
I guess I'll just go chronologically through the weekend as I normally do.
Friday I got some merits and then went to a birthday party. After the birthday party I went out to a bar and saw a kid I hadn't seen since like 9th grade. He told me about this band that was playing at Cebar's in Euclid, Sumrada. What he didn't know is that I have known that family for basically my entire life and they are actually cousins of one of my best friends growing up ... small world.
Saturday I woke up and promptly begain meriting again with Mactatus and it seems every party I am in with him at the bird camps does about 20k/hr. I mean we were TEARING through mobs like they were Easy Prey. At the end of the day I was sitting at 4/5 Store TP so I decided to upgrade my gear a little more and got 2 pieces of Hachiman gear. The hands will be a permanent addition and the feet are going to be for WSing now until I can get a pair of rutters. Which by the way, I did have a rutter run with Mac and Dray helping out, Mac tanking and Dray for the TH3, but sadly they didn't drop. It was a rather easy fight for Mac so hopefully I can get another air tank and get it to drop this next time.
After gaming I went to the bar to see Sumrada play and had a fun night. Afterwards I went home and Khrone was supposed to just stay at my house but he ended up stopping at someone else's house after the bar. I was then later woken up by my brother I live with to here that Khrone tried driving home (about a 30 min drive) and fell asleep at the wheel. He rolled his Jeep on the freeway and somehow walked away without even literally a scratch. When I heard that he rolled his Jeep I don't think I have ever frozen up like that before. I mean I was literally in a daze and broke out in a cold sweat, it was almost like I had a near death experience. Luckily he is fine and today he said he wasn't even really sore but his Jeep was totalled. Since we work together I have become his personal PL, I mean driver, since we work at the same place anyways. So this week I dunno my availability for anything since I will be spending my time working around his schedule too.
Sunday was just spent meriting again as I want to horde as much as I could to finally finish Store TP to 5/5, which I did, and be able to move on to something that will help me do more damage on my WS, like GK skill which is now level 3 as well. I think I will spend the time to get GK 8/8 and Overwhelm at 3/5 and then get back to Maat's Cap jobs. Those are the biggest 2 increases in damage and accuracy before it gets kind of retarded to upgrade anymore. As it stands to just get to that point I will need 27 merits which is quite a daunting task. I think I may call it quits for meriting after this week unless I get those 27 merits first. Samurai is a fun job and I can start doing some great damage on it but I don't really feel the need to completely cap merits on it and pimp it all out. Besides, I honestly want to get back to MNK and working towards Maat's Cap.
Some sad news this weekend, LolFail has ceased to be a sky shell. Sush decided he was done with sky and handed over the reigns of sky to Zalorolo who has seemingly picked up Hybrid as the 2nd in command. From what I understand it wasn't a pretty split because Sush did take the bank for the week which A LOT of people were angry about and he supposedly took the pop items and sold them as well for himself to keep. The word on the street is that Sush did walk away with about 6M in pop items and gil items from the week. As for the other pop items that Hulc had I don't know what happened to those. I don't feel the need to state my opinion because its mine and I like to stay unbiased either way. I know Sush wants me to roll with them for low man sky to just strictly get gil which I am perfectly ok with because gil has always been the problem with me in my career in FFXI. On the other hand I feel that the other friends I have made through LolFail would be mad at me for going with him to do that. It seems that I am damned if I do, damned if I don't because I know I could do better for my char if I went with Sush, but do better for more people if I went with Relentless (the new sky shell). Since I don't really have to decide either way for now I will just soak up the extra time I have with Khrone and try to either help him get more stuff done, like missions and assaults, or merit and exp to go for Maat's Cap. As for if either group needs/wants me to help out I am more than willing to, like how Sush and I duo'd a Despot this weekend and made a quick and easy 225k a piece. Or if Khrone wants to get back to sky to finish off his pieces of gear and maybe get me an Osode in the process I'm down for that as well. Time will tell to see where I end up. Although, sea does sound nice because I could get my enfeebling cape that I am aching to get. Ok, this post has gone on long enough...
Tonight I will be moving my PC to Khrone's house because it seems I'll be staying there for the next few nights at least. Khrone and I have found a new toy to play with though so that will probably take up some of our time tonight playing with that. He will probably be doing a lot of car searching since he is still carless and I will probably be doing a lot of exping, hehe. Hopefully I can get my old PC working again as well because I think the power supply died on me and it has taken me literally months to do anything about it. So I'll have my work cut out for me tonight.
Quote of the Day:
People, wear your safety belts. I have no doubt in my mind that if I wasn't wearing mine, I would be dead right now.
-Khrone talking about his car accident
Friday I got some merits and then went to a birthday party. After the birthday party I went out to a bar and saw a kid I hadn't seen since like 9th grade. He told me about this band that was playing at Cebar's in Euclid, Sumrada. What he didn't know is that I have known that family for basically my entire life and they are actually cousins of one of my best friends growing up ... small world.
Saturday I woke up and promptly begain meriting again with Mactatus and it seems every party I am in with him at the bird camps does about 20k/hr. I mean we were TEARING through mobs like they were Easy Prey. At the end of the day I was sitting at 4/5 Store TP so I decided to upgrade my gear a little more and got 2 pieces of Hachiman gear. The hands will be a permanent addition and the feet are going to be for WSing now until I can get a pair of rutters. Which by the way, I did have a rutter run with Mac and Dray helping out, Mac tanking and Dray for the TH3, but sadly they didn't drop. It was a rather easy fight for Mac so hopefully I can get another air tank and get it to drop this next time.
After gaming I went to the bar to see Sumrada play and had a fun night. Afterwards I went home and Khrone was supposed to just stay at my house but he ended up stopping at someone else's house after the bar. I was then later woken up by my brother I live with to here that Khrone tried driving home (about a 30 min drive) and fell asleep at the wheel. He rolled his Jeep on the freeway and somehow walked away without even literally a scratch. When I heard that he rolled his Jeep I don't think I have ever frozen up like that before. I mean I was literally in a daze and broke out in a cold sweat, it was almost like I had a near death experience. Luckily he is fine and today he said he wasn't even really sore but his Jeep was totalled. Since we work together I have become his personal PL, I mean driver, since we work at the same place anyways. So this week I dunno my availability for anything since I will be spending my time working around his schedule too.
Sunday was just spent meriting again as I want to horde as much as I could to finally finish Store TP to 5/5, which I did, and be able to move on to something that will help me do more damage on my WS, like GK skill which is now level 3 as well. I think I will spend the time to get GK 8/8 and Overwhelm at 3/5 and then get back to Maat's Cap jobs. Those are the biggest 2 increases in damage and accuracy before it gets kind of retarded to upgrade anymore. As it stands to just get to that point I will need 27 merits which is quite a daunting task. I think I may call it quits for meriting after this week unless I get those 27 merits first. Samurai is a fun job and I can start doing some great damage on it but I don't really feel the need to completely cap merits on it and pimp it all out. Besides, I honestly want to get back to MNK and working towards Maat's Cap.
Some sad news this weekend, LolFail has ceased to be a sky shell. Sush decided he was done with sky and handed over the reigns of sky to Zalorolo who has seemingly picked up Hybrid as the 2nd in command. From what I understand it wasn't a pretty split because Sush did take the bank for the week which A LOT of people were angry about and he supposedly took the pop items and sold them as well for himself to keep. The word on the street is that Sush did walk away with about 6M in pop items and gil items from the week. As for the other pop items that Hulc had I don't know what happened to those. I don't feel the need to state my opinion because its mine and I like to stay unbiased either way. I know Sush wants me to roll with them for low man sky to just strictly get gil which I am perfectly ok with because gil has always been the problem with me in my career in FFXI. On the other hand I feel that the other friends I have made through LolFail would be mad at me for going with him to do that. It seems that I am damned if I do, damned if I don't because I know I could do better for my char if I went with Sush, but do better for more people if I went with Relentless (the new sky shell). Since I don't really have to decide either way for now I will just soak up the extra time I have with Khrone and try to either help him get more stuff done, like missions and assaults, or merit and exp to go for Maat's Cap. As for if either group needs/wants me to help out I am more than willing to, like how Sush and I duo'd a Despot this weekend and made a quick and easy 225k a piece. Or if Khrone wants to get back to sky to finish off his pieces of gear and maybe get me an Osode in the process I'm down for that as well. Time will tell to see where I end up. Although, sea does sound nice because I could get my enfeebling cape that I am aching to get. Ok, this post has gone on long enough...
Tonight I will be moving my PC to Khrone's house because it seems I'll be staying there for the next few nights at least. Khrone and I have found a new toy to play with though so that will probably take up some of our time tonight playing with that. He will probably be doing a lot of car searching since he is still carless and I will probably be doing a lot of exping, hehe. Hopefully I can get my old PC working again as well because I think the power supply died on me and it has taken me literally months to do anything about it. So I'll have my work cut out for me tonight.
Quote of the Day:
People, wear your safety belts. I have no doubt in my mind that if I wasn't wearing mine, I would be dead right now.
-Khrone talking about his car accident
Friday, February 20, 2009
Poroggo Madame Down
I must admit, this run went a lot smoother than our last one. There were a few mistakes but nothing that really brought us to a screetching halt.
We farmed the cells in a much faster manner this time, all as a group. Everyone was doing a better job of passing quickly on the cells and had a much better understanding of who gets what cells. Overall I would have to say we were much more efficient with our 30 minutes this time than the last time. There was one mistake of going up the wrong portal so we missed out on some other cells that may have helped us a little more but we were still good.
As for the 4th floor we started off very poorly. Caol pulled some mamool ja when no one else was ready because Dray was telling people stuff to do while Caol was also telling different orders. So we were all waiting in the side room and all of a sudden Caol comes running out with 2 mamool ja and one of them was a BLM. When we ran out to start fighting the first one the BLM one had already started casting Thundaga3 which killed I believe 3 or 4 of us right off the bat. Eventually we wiped to the mamool ja but not until after killing the 1st one and getting a much needed HP cell for Caol, which by the way was totally luck because those mobs drop random cells. It ended up not being a total disaster because we were able to get that HP cell.
After that we were ready for the the NM. We prep up, get ready, and pull. Dray pulls all the pets to the one side like he was supposed to but for some reason Caol said he was spamming his Chi Blast macro but it just wasn't going off. Dray raises back up and we try again, and this time Caol actually snags it and pulls it kinda into the side room ... yeah kinda. Well kinda was "kinda" a mistake because then he decided to link a bunch of his other froggie friends which started to OWN us. Somehow we kinda got away from it but sadly we still wiped. Attempt #3 went really well and actually flawlessly. The only way it could have gone better is if dray was lucky enough to deaggro the frogs. We pulled the NM way back into a room and just whooped on it until he charmga. Once that wore off we whooped on her some more and charmga and then dead. Got the 3 100% drops from it which completed Caol's Usu feet which is cool because that means we can start concentrating on other floors and other pieces of gear now.
The next run I guess is scheduled for Sunday at 6PM which I can't make because I have volleyball at 7. I guess they are going to try the 5th and 6th floor NMs and possibly the boss in Zhayolm Remnants which could be cool .... for them. As much as I'd like to go to Salvage I can't ditch my new volleyball team because we normally only play with 5 as it is.
Sunday there will be a huge change in LolFail too I guess because Sush is changing how the whole LS will be run. There is supposedly going to be Dynamis and Sea added into the shell and cutting back on Sky. Sush also said that there will be some attendance cuts from the LS based on attendance and attitude which really has everyone scared. Everyone that's in the LS seems to want to stay in the LS. Also, as of last night Sush didn't really have a direction for the LS as of yet. This weekend we will just have to wait and see what Sush wants to do. One thing he did say was nixing points in sky and giving people with jobs for the items priority for pieces of gear instead of doing a straight points system. Another stipulation that he did say was that nothing is set in stone as of yet and he will have to see whate he ends up planning out. I am actually kind of looking forward to seeing how this ends up. This could definitely either expand the shell or really destroy the shell, only time will tell.
It is Friday and I am not going anywhere this weekend which is awesome because that means I can merit and do assaults and just get a lot done in game that I need to do ... like capping Store TP so I can work on more GK and Overwhelm merits. I'm excited to deck out my SAM because of the merit party I had with Mac when we were just utterly DESTROYING everything. We hit chain 104 before I had to leave but Mac said that they actually went up to like 214 or so before they called it quits. I got an extra 10k buffer bringing my buffer up to 30k on SAM and an extra merit leaving me at 2 in reserve. That means I need about 100k more exp to cap Store TP and then I can be a real SAM and have a 6 hit build since sadly I am not right now.
Quote of the Day:
That's the spot
- me while making it look like lil Ratman was giving me some tender lovin while he was dead in Salvage (picture on the lolfail website)
We farmed the cells in a much faster manner this time, all as a group. Everyone was doing a better job of passing quickly on the cells and had a much better understanding of who gets what cells. Overall I would have to say we were much more efficient with our 30 minutes this time than the last time. There was one mistake of going up the wrong portal so we missed out on some other cells that may have helped us a little more but we were still good.
As for the 4th floor we started off very poorly. Caol pulled some mamool ja when no one else was ready because Dray was telling people stuff to do while Caol was also telling different orders. So we were all waiting in the side room and all of a sudden Caol comes running out with 2 mamool ja and one of them was a BLM. When we ran out to start fighting the first one the BLM one had already started casting Thundaga3 which killed I believe 3 or 4 of us right off the bat. Eventually we wiped to the mamool ja but not until after killing the 1st one and getting a much needed HP cell for Caol, which by the way was totally luck because those mobs drop random cells. It ended up not being a total disaster because we were able to get that HP cell.
After that we were ready for the the NM. We prep up, get ready, and pull. Dray pulls all the pets to the one side like he was supposed to but for some reason Caol said he was spamming his Chi Blast macro but it just wasn't going off. Dray raises back up and we try again, and this time Caol actually snags it and pulls it kinda into the side room ... yeah kinda. Well kinda was "kinda" a mistake because then he decided to link a bunch of his other froggie friends which started to OWN us. Somehow we kinda got away from it but sadly we still wiped. Attempt #3 went really well and actually flawlessly. The only way it could have gone better is if dray was lucky enough to deaggro the frogs. We pulled the NM way back into a room and just whooped on it until he charmga. Once that wore off we whooped on her some more and charmga and then dead. Got the 3 100% drops from it which completed Caol's Usu feet which is cool because that means we can start concentrating on other floors and other pieces of gear now.
The next run I guess is scheduled for Sunday at 6PM which I can't make because I have volleyball at 7. I guess they are going to try the 5th and 6th floor NMs and possibly the boss in Zhayolm Remnants which could be cool .... for them. As much as I'd like to go to Salvage I can't ditch my new volleyball team because we normally only play with 5 as it is.
Sunday there will be a huge change in LolFail too I guess because Sush is changing how the whole LS will be run. There is supposedly going to be Dynamis and Sea added into the shell and cutting back on Sky. Sush also said that there will be some attendance cuts from the LS based on attendance and attitude which really has everyone scared. Everyone that's in the LS seems to want to stay in the LS. Also, as of last night Sush didn't really have a direction for the LS as of yet. This weekend we will just have to wait and see what Sush wants to do. One thing he did say was nixing points in sky and giving people with jobs for the items priority for pieces of gear instead of doing a straight points system. Another stipulation that he did say was that nothing is set in stone as of yet and he will have to see whate he ends up planning out. I am actually kind of looking forward to seeing how this ends up. This could definitely either expand the shell or really destroy the shell, only time will tell.
It is Friday and I am not going anywhere this weekend which is awesome because that means I can merit and do assaults and just get a lot done in game that I need to do ... like capping Store TP so I can work on more GK and Overwhelm merits. I'm excited to deck out my SAM because of the merit party I had with Mac when we were just utterly DESTROYING everything. We hit chain 104 before I had to leave but Mac said that they actually went up to like 214 or so before they called it quits. I got an extra 10k buffer bringing my buffer up to 30k on SAM and an extra merit leaving me at 2 in reserve. That means I need about 100k more exp to cap Store TP and then I can be a real SAM and have a 6 hit build since sadly I am not right now.
Quote of the Day:
That's the spot
- me while making it look like lil Ratman was giving me some tender lovin while he was dead in Salvage (picture on the lolfail website)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
1st Salvage Run
Lets just say this didn't really go according to plan. From the word go we were not nearly as organized as any of us thought we were. I mean we went in without having a real cell order nailed down and didn't even have the cells from the main box decided. It took up around 2 minutes before we even decided who got what in the box. Honestly, it should take about 30 seconds and in Salvage, time is everything. Now I'm not gonna totally point my finger and say it was that person's fault because we all went in assuming someone else knew exactly what to do when really we should all know what to at least expect. Cell order should be nailed out ahead of time or at least a general idea and people just weren't prepared for the pace that Salvage needs to go. It just shows that you can't go in unprepared for Salvage.
Hmm, just saw a new post on LolFail's website by Sush talking about how he's going to be breaking a lot of pearls and cleaning up the LS. I hope that means he'll just be booting people that don't contribute to the LS anymore. Khrone is freaking out because he's scared he might get booted now when he still needs D legs and D head. I told him not to worry because he takes the load of attendance off Sush's shoulders so I don't really see Sush booting him since he is a regular, active, and contributing member of the LS. I could see Sush more of booting me from the LS but I feel that I do contribute to the LS with helping with attendance and helping run some farming runs on the rare occasion Sush isn't on. There is also the fact that I am one of the main Bards for Kirin runs and we don't really have that many bards in the LS so I feel kinda safe. Eh, I am worried a little bit because I do have some fun and make some good gil in this LS. It has DEFINITELY been the most productive LS I've been in, even if it was only sky. I've never seen people get gear so quickly and be able to make some gil in the process. Sush said he didn't have a list together of who he was depearling yet so I guess I'll just have to wait and see if I'm on the dreaded list.
As for tonight, I hope to get a Hagun ENM run done so I can make some of my gil back from me buying the Hagun I have. It put a big hole in my wallet so I'm hoping to refill it with that. After the ENM I'm probably going to have to get ready for Dynamis-Bastok right away since they roll out at 8 PM. At least I will be able to make the whole run tonight and maybe even snag the SAM meditate gloves from Bastok.
Quote of the Day:
Some of the consideration i have taken to see who will be staying in this shell, or who will be leaving is based on attendance & attitude.
- Sush in his post
I should have the attendance part down since I've only missed like 5 days in 6 months.
Hmm, just saw a new post on LolFail's website by Sush talking about how he's going to be breaking a lot of pearls and cleaning up the LS. I hope that means he'll just be booting people that don't contribute to the LS anymore. Khrone is freaking out because he's scared he might get booted now when he still needs D legs and D head. I told him not to worry because he takes the load of attendance off Sush's shoulders so I don't really see Sush booting him since he is a regular, active, and contributing member of the LS. I could see Sush more of booting me from the LS but I feel that I do contribute to the LS with helping with attendance and helping run some farming runs on the rare occasion Sush isn't on. There is also the fact that I am one of the main Bards for Kirin runs and we don't really have that many bards in the LS so I feel kinda safe. Eh, I am worried a little bit because I do have some fun and make some good gil in this LS. It has DEFINITELY been the most productive LS I've been in, even if it was only sky. I've never seen people get gear so quickly and be able to make some gil in the process. Sush said he didn't have a list together of who he was depearling yet so I guess I'll just have to wait and see if I'm on the dreaded list.
As for tonight, I hope to get a Hagun ENM run done so I can make some of my gil back from me buying the Hagun I have. It put a big hole in my wallet so I'm hoping to refill it with that. After the ENM I'm probably going to have to get ready for Dynamis-Bastok right away since they roll out at 8 PM. At least I will be able to make the whole run tonight and maybe even snag the SAM meditate gloves from Bastok.
Quote of the Day:
Some of the consideration i have taken to see who will be staying in this shell, or who will be leaving is based on attendance & attitude.
- Sush in his post
I should have the attendance part down since I've only missed like 5 days in 6 months.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Popping Kirin
Here is a word of advice: Don't be the one to pop Kirin. I popped Kirin last night and got a Stone V in the face, but hey, I did get 3 WS off so I got that goin for me. I was hoping that with all the WS spam at the start it may have interupted his casting ... lesson learned. lol
Not really anything in game to mention about last night because we just did a bunch of gods and 2 Kirins. One good thing is that with all of the gods we have been selling stuff which means more gil for payout.
As for RL though, I had our final game for bball and I nailed a 2/3 court shot just before halftime. It was HAWT!!! Someone else from my team was going to chuck it up but it got tipped and I grabbed it with about 3 seconds left at the top of our 3-point line, took about 2 stepps and threw it up. While it was in the air I thought for sure it was going to hit the rafters or a light or something but it just cleared all of it and landed in, nothing but net! We definitely dominated that team though, ended up being 65-39 and we got 3rd place in the league. Honestly we should have been in the championship game but in the semi's we couldn't hit a shot to save our lives and only lost by 5 points.
Tonight in volleyball I get to play a girl that I've known my whole life and pretty much was the first person to get me interested in volleyball. Last time we played her team I was using her for target practice, even when she was at the net I was still dumping the ball right on her head. lol Let's hope I can keep that up tonight.
Tonight for in game though ... SALVAGE!!! We are doing our first Salvage run tonight which will be oodles of fun because its a definite change of pace that I am whole heartedly looking forward to. Sky is meh now that I only need N Hands and W Hands, neither of which I really have any of intention of uncursing right away.
Quote of the Day:
He told me that on my death bed I would achieve total consciousness. So I've got that goin for me.
- Caddyshack
Not really anything in game to mention about last night because we just did a bunch of gods and 2 Kirins. One good thing is that with all of the gods we have been selling stuff which means more gil for payout.
As for RL though, I had our final game for bball and I nailed a 2/3 court shot just before halftime. It was HAWT!!! Someone else from my team was going to chuck it up but it got tipped and I grabbed it with about 3 seconds left at the top of our 3-point line, took about 2 stepps and threw it up. While it was in the air I thought for sure it was going to hit the rafters or a light or something but it just cleared all of it and landed in, nothing but net! We definitely dominated that team though, ended up being 65-39 and we got 3rd place in the league. Honestly we should have been in the championship game but in the semi's we couldn't hit a shot to save our lives and only lost by 5 points.
Tonight in volleyball I get to play a girl that I've known my whole life and pretty much was the first person to get me interested in volleyball. Last time we played her team I was using her for target practice, even when she was at the net I was still dumping the ball right on her head. lol Let's hope I can keep that up tonight.
Tonight for in game though ... SALVAGE!!! We are doing our first Salvage run tonight which will be oodles of fun because its a definite change of pace that I am whole heartedly looking forward to. Sky is meh now that I only need N Hands and W Hands, neither of which I really have any of intention of uncursing right away.
Quote of the Day:
He told me that on my death bed I would achieve total consciousness. So I've got that goin for me.
- Caddyshack
Monday, February 16, 2009
Could it be?
So the closer we're getting to an actual start date the more it seems as though we are actually going to do it ... Salvage! The ONE thing I really want to do in this game still ... besides possibly getting Maat's Cap of course. I'm PUMPED!!!
Hopefully this actually pans out and goes well because it seems to already be starting out on shaky ground. I'm thinking once we get a few runs under us we'll be fine and be able to just keep rolling. My biggest fear is that people are going to start fighting over drops and/or loot whoring which is what always tears groups apart, similar to Sky shells breaking over Haidates. One of the things is not everyone in this group are close friends and some have basically just met for the first time. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how it goes.
Til then, here's to hoping for good drops and good times!
Quote of the Day:
We're starting Salvage Tuesday?!
- me :D
Hopefully this actually pans out and goes well because it seems to already be starting out on shaky ground. I'm thinking once we get a few runs under us we'll be fine and be able to just keep rolling. My biggest fear is that people are going to start fighting over drops and/or loot whoring which is what always tears groups apart, similar to Sky shells breaking over Haidates. One of the things is not everyone in this group are close friends and some have basically just met for the first time. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how it goes.
Til then, here's to hoping for good drops and good times!
Quote of the Day:
We're starting Salvage Tuesday?!
- me :D
Friday, February 13, 2009
My trek to 75 on another job is done. Samurai is now 75! It was a long and kinda fun journey that is finally over. There were many ups and downs in exp but I don't think anything was worse than 74. I literally went from about 5k into 74, all the way to 75 just in campaign battles. It was painful but I was able to do it. Once I broke into 75 I decided to splurge and buy myself a bunch of the other gear that a 75 SAM should have: Wyvern Helm, Brutal Earring, and my long awaited Hagun.
Once I dinged into 75 I was excited to buffer and merit on it but sadly I wasn't allowed to since I had 0 merits. Since then I got a quite different merit party which did about 30k in about 2 hours. It was 3xBLU, RDM, BRD, and me as SAM/DNC leaving up Aspir Samba. This party was actually really fun and got me a 20k buffer on SAM and 2 more merits to play with. My merits for SAM are now up to 2 GK and 2 Store TP. Once I finish Store TP merits I need to work on Overwhelm and GK skill because I will have my 6-hit set up so more damage and accuracy is what needs to be worked on next. I would like to keep meriting to have a very respectable SAM before I get back to MNK but I dunno, I could probably try to sneak in both at the same time but I know how doing multiple things at once is such a pain.
My next job will be MNK which means I have to keep my eye out for gear that I should snag to get it to 66. From now on all jobs are just going to 66 because I am quite overloaded on gear right now so I can't handle any more 75s to gear up. As for some of the random gear I still have sitting around from other jobs, I will just keep it for now as long as I can use it in the short term for a next job that I will be leveling. So like I plan on doing DRG after MNK so I will hold on to my Assault Earring for now since I will hopefully be using it in a few weeks.
Ugh, a few weeks per job, that does not sound fun. I still have a very long trip til Maat's Cap but at least I have something to look forward to after all of my hard work.
Something actually Sky related though, I got N Body last night. Kirin was nice enough to drop 2 to us since there were 2 of us hoping for N Bodies. That leaves me at 2 R/EX pieces of gear left that are worth getting in Sky, N Hands and W Hands. After those 2 I will be becoming a strictly part time member or an as needed member as there will be very little that I need from the sky shell besides gil and possibly an Osode that is basically way out of reach right now since there are so many outside farmers that leave me in the dust. I have accepted that there is no way for me to get an Osode in this LS so I will just stick to my plan of weekly payouts and 2 or 3 days a week of sky and then working on my next jobs to 66 or meriting my current jobs a little better.
One thing I do have to learn to do is try to make some gil. I have my RDM/NIN all ready to roll but I have yet to try to use it to do something like Despot. Getting Despot just once will get me some good gil that would easily buy me another nice piece of gear or a cursed item or something along those lines.
Anyways, I need to get back to work because I'm so far behind from going to class the past 2 days. This weekend I will also be visiting my gf for Valentine's Day, so no gaming at all until Sunday. Then Sunday I get to jump right back into a hopeful Dynamis-Beaucedine and then up to sky. Hope we mow through our team we play on Sunday for volleyball so I can get back ASAP to rape some mobs and maybe (year right) get a RDM body. :D .... yeah, I'm dreamin.
Quote of the Day:
[Reservations on Saturday at] 4:45 is pretty early, I was going to study in the afternoon for my tests.
- my gf after she told me that I was supposed to plan the evening ... guess she left out the part of telling me when the evening starts.
Once I dinged into 75 I was excited to buffer and merit on it but sadly I wasn't allowed to since I had 0 merits. Since then I got a quite different merit party which did about 30k in about 2 hours. It was 3xBLU, RDM, BRD, and me as SAM/DNC leaving up Aspir Samba. This party was actually really fun and got me a 20k buffer on SAM and 2 more merits to play with. My merits for SAM are now up to 2 GK and 2 Store TP. Once I finish Store TP merits I need to work on Overwhelm and GK skill because I will have my 6-hit set up so more damage and accuracy is what needs to be worked on next. I would like to keep meriting to have a very respectable SAM before I get back to MNK but I dunno, I could probably try to sneak in both at the same time but I know how doing multiple things at once is such a pain.
My next job will be MNK which means I have to keep my eye out for gear that I should snag to get it to 66. From now on all jobs are just going to 66 because I am quite overloaded on gear right now so I can't handle any more 75s to gear up. As for some of the random gear I still have sitting around from other jobs, I will just keep it for now as long as I can use it in the short term for a next job that I will be leveling. So like I plan on doing DRG after MNK so I will hold on to my Assault Earring for now since I will hopefully be using it in a few weeks.
Ugh, a few weeks per job, that does not sound fun. I still have a very long trip til Maat's Cap but at least I have something to look forward to after all of my hard work.
Something actually Sky related though, I got N Body last night. Kirin was nice enough to drop 2 to us since there were 2 of us hoping for N Bodies. That leaves me at 2 R/EX pieces of gear left that are worth getting in Sky, N Hands and W Hands. After those 2 I will be becoming a strictly part time member or an as needed member as there will be very little that I need from the sky shell besides gil and possibly an Osode that is basically way out of reach right now since there are so many outside farmers that leave me in the dust. I have accepted that there is no way for me to get an Osode in this LS so I will just stick to my plan of weekly payouts and 2 or 3 days a week of sky and then working on my next jobs to 66 or meriting my current jobs a little better.
One thing I do have to learn to do is try to make some gil. I have my RDM/NIN all ready to roll but I have yet to try to use it to do something like Despot. Getting Despot just once will get me some good gil that would easily buy me another nice piece of gear or a cursed item or something along those lines.
Anyways, I need to get back to work because I'm so far behind from going to class the past 2 days. This weekend I will also be visiting my gf for Valentine's Day, so no gaming at all until Sunday. Then Sunday I get to jump right back into a hopeful Dynamis-Beaucedine and then up to sky. Hope we mow through our team we play on Sunday for volleyball so I can get back ASAP to rape some mobs and maybe (year right) get a RDM body. :D .... yeah, I'm dreamin.
Quote of the Day:
[Reservations on Saturday at] 4:45 is pretty early, I was going to study in the afternoon for my tests.
- my gf after she told me that I was supposed to plan the evening ... guess she left out the part of telling me when the evening starts.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Almost There
Instead of going up to sky, I decided to sit around in campaign trying to get my SAM to 75 while having my flag up. Sadly, NO PARTY INVITES in about 4 hours so it was purely campaigning last night and probably will be tonight. But I am under 15k to 75!!! I also decided that I am not going up to sky tonight until I'm 75. Once I hit 75 and get at least a few thousand exp buffer I can go up then.
It will feel so great to be done with another job as far as exping it to 75. All I would have to do is buffer and merit it which I'm not TOO worried about at this exact moment. I do plan on at least getting a good amount of buffer and merits into it before I start back on MNK so I don't have a lot of gear just laying around that I'm barely using. There is so much good gear that I am going to ding into also: Byakko's Haidate, Walahra Turban, Wyvern Helm (for WSs), and my newly acquired Brutal Earring!!!
Bruta Earring is actually a really funny story which will also lead into the quote of the day. So I got like 25 coins from Mobi for I believe 7k per coin which is what I was hoping to pay for them which brought me 8 coins shy of 75. Last night I asked the LS again if anyone had some more coins and Eltio had 7 which he sold me for 7.5k which was also an acceptable price for me. Now I only needed 1 more coin... AWESOME. Well I had seen somebody selling 4 coins for 8k each and some other guy selling 46 coins for 9.2k each. Wouldn't you know it, the guy selling the coins for 8k each was out of coins and the guy selling the 46 coins had 50 coins for 9.2k each. I kinda flipped my shit and started bitching in the LS which is when I pulled out a word that I hadn't heard in a long time ... thundercunt. Yes, I said the guy that bought the 8k coins and was reselling them for 9.2k was a thundercunt. Needless to say everyone else in the LS was like "WTF Mate?!?!" Anyways, the story gets going from there but much hilarity ensued.
There is one more HUGE thing I need for my SAM ... Hagun. I suppose I could settle for an Onimaru for now but I really just want a Hagun and be done with SAM, except for Rutters which I still have to pop. If I can't find some help tonight, I will make Khrone come tank it for me on his MNK/NIN to give him some practice tanking. So really only 2 big items I am missing for my SAM and it'll be very nice.
In response to Brian: Yes, sea gorgets are the best WS neck piece for SAM but also require a UFO organ which I don't have anyone to really help me get one. Sea gorgets are great for 1 hit WS because they add a straight 5% damage boost, but for multi-hit WS the bonus is definitely isn't there. Also, the sea torque is the best neck piece to TP in as well, but as I do not have a sea LS it is also out of my reach. These would be great pieces of gear to have but as I do not have the time to join a sea LS or have the friends to help me take down a UFO I'm kind of just gonna stay with my PCC/Chiv Chain combo.
Tonight: 75SAM and sky ... maybe snag me an N Body or something.
Quote of the Day:
Me: Thundercunts!!!
Nomar/Cabbage/Eltio/Khrone: HOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
- in reference to Thunder Cats ... if you didn't get it :P
It will feel so great to be done with another job as far as exping it to 75. All I would have to do is buffer and merit it which I'm not TOO worried about at this exact moment. I do plan on at least getting a good amount of buffer and merits into it before I start back on MNK so I don't have a lot of gear just laying around that I'm barely using. There is so much good gear that I am going to ding into also: Byakko's Haidate, Walahra Turban, Wyvern Helm (for WSs), and my newly acquired Brutal Earring!!!
Bruta Earring is actually a really funny story which will also lead into the quote of the day. So I got like 25 coins from Mobi for I believe 7k per coin which is what I was hoping to pay for them which brought me 8 coins shy of 75. Last night I asked the LS again if anyone had some more coins and Eltio had 7 which he sold me for 7.5k which was also an acceptable price for me. Now I only needed 1 more coin... AWESOME. Well I had seen somebody selling 4 coins for 8k each and some other guy selling 46 coins for 9.2k each. Wouldn't you know it, the guy selling the coins for 8k each was out of coins and the guy selling the 46 coins had 50 coins for 9.2k each. I kinda flipped my shit and started bitching in the LS which is when I pulled out a word that I hadn't heard in a long time ... thundercunt. Yes, I said the guy that bought the 8k coins and was reselling them for 9.2k was a thundercunt. Needless to say everyone else in the LS was like "WTF Mate?!?!" Anyways, the story gets going from there but much hilarity ensued.
There is one more HUGE thing I need for my SAM ... Hagun. I suppose I could settle for an Onimaru for now but I really just want a Hagun and be done with SAM, except for Rutters which I still have to pop. If I can't find some help tonight, I will make Khrone come tank it for me on his MNK/NIN to give him some practice tanking. So really only 2 big items I am missing for my SAM and it'll be very nice.
In response to Brian: Yes, sea gorgets are the best WS neck piece for SAM but also require a UFO organ which I don't have anyone to really help me get one. Sea gorgets are great for 1 hit WS because they add a straight 5% damage boost, but for multi-hit WS the bonus is definitely isn't there. Also, the sea torque is the best neck piece to TP in as well, but as I do not have a sea LS it is also out of my reach. These would be great pieces of gear to have but as I do not have the time to join a sea LS or have the friends to help me take down a UFO I'm kind of just gonna stay with my PCC/Chiv Chain combo.
Tonight: 75SAM and sky ... maybe snag me an N Body or something.
Quote of the Day:
Me: Thundercunts!!!
Nomar/Cabbage/Eltio/Khrone: HOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
- in reference to Thunder Cats ... if you didn't get it :P
Friday, February 6, 2009
Lack of Sleep
I have to admit, sky is really starting to burn me out during the day now. We keep going way over time and I'm not getting nearly enough sleep. We are supposed to end sky at 3 but for the past 2 weeks we've been ending at like 4 or 4:30 and that extra hour or hour and a half of sleep is quite valuable to me. If this keeps up I'm going to have to just start leaving early because I can't keep up with this. Today for example I slept in until 11AM, partially because my alarm clock is junk, when I should've been working for at least an hour by that time. I mean I woke up at 11AM, not got to work.
Anyways, I feel a lot more refreshed today which is good since tonight I don't have sky and I don't have to wake up for work tomorrow. That means I'll be exping on my SAM until I hit 75 and have a good buffer on it. After that I will have to start meriting again because even to make a decent SAM I still need a boat load of merits. Let's do a little calculation for merits I would NEED: 8/8 GK (21) and 5/5 Store TP (15) = 36 merit points. And that is just bare minimum to have a decent SAM. In order to have a good, not even great, SAM I would need 3 more into Overwhelm (12) and 5/5 Meditate (15) which is another 30 merits!!! I guess that means I have my work cut out for me. On the plus side, once I get a good number of merits into SAM I can get back to Maat's Cap with all my free time.
I am looking forward to finishing off SAM and having a good end game DD ready to roll. The only down side is that SAM gear is really friggin expensive, but that's the way all good DD are I suppose. I guess I could really pimp out my WAR for a lot less but WAR just doesn't really interest me anymore. Anyways, I'll still be happy to be done with SAM and have another job to fall back on.
Next up after SAM though is MNK which will be another fun job. SAM and MNK have been the 2 that I really wanted to work on for a while anyways because of how they can be used in the events that I want to use them in. Sadly I have realized that in order to really have a good MNK end game I would have to drop some extra gil into D Body which I am currently not willing to do because I still want to save that gil for buying up items for Salvage gear. I really would like to move faster through some of these jobs but I just don't have the time unless I cut out sky which I don't really want to do because there is still some gear I need/want and the payouts are good.
At least my weekend is basically all planned out for me .... exp SAM. lol I am really hoping to be 74 tonight and maybe possibly hopefully even 75 tonight if I get lucky enough. What I am kind of thinking is that we could get a mostly LS East Ronfaure [S] party together and just blow through exp there. I could even throw Screamin into the mix as RDM at 37 which would be cool because then I could get him moving a little on his RDM which I hope to get to 75 eventually.
Ok, I really need to get back to work because I am obviously way behind for today.
Quote of the Day:
Back to back Haidates for the LS... AWESOME!!!
- someone in the LS after we did 2x Byakko and got Haidate to drop both times
Anyways, I feel a lot more refreshed today which is good since tonight I don't have sky and I don't have to wake up for work tomorrow. That means I'll be exping on my SAM until I hit 75 and have a good buffer on it. After that I will have to start meriting again because even to make a decent SAM I still need a boat load of merits. Let's do a little calculation for merits I would NEED: 8/8 GK (21) and 5/5 Store TP (15) = 36 merit points. And that is just bare minimum to have a decent SAM. In order to have a good, not even great, SAM I would need 3 more into Overwhelm (12) and 5/5 Meditate (15) which is another 30 merits!!! I guess that means I have my work cut out for me. On the plus side, once I get a good number of merits into SAM I can get back to Maat's Cap with all my free time.
I am looking forward to finishing off SAM and having a good end game DD ready to roll. The only down side is that SAM gear is really friggin expensive, but that's the way all good DD are I suppose. I guess I could really pimp out my WAR for a lot less but WAR just doesn't really interest me anymore. Anyways, I'll still be happy to be done with SAM and have another job to fall back on.
Next up after SAM though is MNK which will be another fun job. SAM and MNK have been the 2 that I really wanted to work on for a while anyways because of how they can be used in the events that I want to use them in. Sadly I have realized that in order to really have a good MNK end game I would have to drop some extra gil into D Body which I am currently not willing to do because I still want to save that gil for buying up items for Salvage gear. I really would like to move faster through some of these jobs but I just don't have the time unless I cut out sky which I don't really want to do because there is still some gear I need/want and the payouts are good.
At least my weekend is basically all planned out for me .... exp SAM. lol I am really hoping to be 74 tonight and maybe possibly hopefully even 75 tonight if I get lucky enough. What I am kind of thinking is that we could get a mostly LS East Ronfaure [S] party together and just blow through exp there. I could even throw Screamin into the mix as RDM at 37 which would be cool because then I could get him moving a little on his RDM which I hope to get to 75 eventually.
Ok, I really need to get back to work because I am obviously way behind for today.
Quote of the Day:
Back to back Haidates for the LS... AWESOME!!!
- someone in the LS after we did 2x Byakko and got Haidate to drop both times
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Tachi: Kasha
Well I have officially gotten Tachi: Kasha and can now solo a Light skillchain. The only thing is so far I have not had the chance to even try it out yet.
Last night I did another level sync party to 68 and it started off not so great. I had to teach the WHM, PLD, and RDM how to do their jobs. It actually got so bad at one point I had to bring Screamineagle out to help with healing and silena since the whm NEVER cast it. After Mobi left the party, new guy in LolFail with a KClub, the party was still chugging along and I was telling the WHM what a regen spell was and when to use it ... ALL THE TIME ON A PLD TANK!!! Then the RDM and WHM were both just cure bombing and taking hate all the time because they didn't know how to let the PLD keep hate by curing himself occasionally. Not to mention when an imp would silence him he wouldn't get a silena at all.
Once I got Screamin out there it got a little better because the PLD could actually use his MP and hold hate better. After a bit a new PLD came out to tank for us that was pretty good. He didn't use his abilities to hold hate as well as a great tank would but he could hold hate well which was a definite bonus because I could actually start using Hasso again after full timing Seigan for most of the party. Then THANKFULLY, the WHM left and we got a new one. This WHM was much better and had some crow gear on to help shed the hate from curing. After that the MNK got replaced and we started really owning. At that point it was already starting to get late but I could see our xp/hr climbing so I didn't want to leave. Finally I got 72 on SAM and halfway to 73 which I was very happy with even though in 1 East Ronfaure [S] party I could've done that in half the time.
There were a few spots where I thought I did a good job. The one time was when the MNK used his 2hr and was smackin the crap out of this Jnun and I was just using Hasso, not even Berserk too, and I was still pulling hate over him. It was a really good ego boost. haha I think that party also made me realize that SAM is seemingly a much better DD than MNK is so I guess I don't have to beat myself up over getting MNK to 75 and instead just to 66.
It is semi relaxing to know that I only have to go to 66 on the rest of my jobs after SAM since I will have all the jobs that I really want at 75 for now. I mean it would be nice to have jobs like DRK, MNK, or WHM at 75 but they aren't a necessity. All in all I will have the jobs I need for Salvage: SAM, RDM, and BRD. That gives me plenty of versatility t0 swap around between DD and support jobs. As I am looking at it right now, it seems Khrone would be our main tank in Salvage. lol
Another problem I have right now is not knowing what GK I should be using until I can even find a Hagun for sale. I am thinking about the latent GK but that is 200k and the other that I was thinking of is 100k. The other option is to go get a Gem of the North and try to get the GK off of Zip which is a pretty good GK. Oh well, it won't really matter until I'm 75 anyways since I will probably be level syncing until then.
Quote of the Day:
I'm glad you use me for my Netflix.
- my gf when I told her I was watching movies online on her Netflix account :D
Last night I did another level sync party to 68 and it started off not so great. I had to teach the WHM, PLD, and RDM how to do their jobs. It actually got so bad at one point I had to bring Screamineagle out to help with healing and silena since the whm NEVER cast it. After Mobi left the party, new guy in LolFail with a KClub, the party was still chugging along and I was telling the WHM what a regen spell was and when to use it ... ALL THE TIME ON A PLD TANK!!! Then the RDM and WHM were both just cure bombing and taking hate all the time because they didn't know how to let the PLD keep hate by curing himself occasionally. Not to mention when an imp would silence him he wouldn't get a silena at all.
Once I got Screamin out there it got a little better because the PLD could actually use his MP and hold hate better. After a bit a new PLD came out to tank for us that was pretty good. He didn't use his abilities to hold hate as well as a great tank would but he could hold hate well which was a definite bonus because I could actually start using Hasso again after full timing Seigan for most of the party. Then THANKFULLY, the WHM left and we got a new one. This WHM was much better and had some crow gear on to help shed the hate from curing. After that the MNK got replaced and we started really owning. At that point it was already starting to get late but I could see our xp/hr climbing so I didn't want to leave. Finally I got 72 on SAM and halfway to 73 which I was very happy with even though in 1 East Ronfaure [S] party I could've done that in half the time.
There were a few spots where I thought I did a good job. The one time was when the MNK used his 2hr and was smackin the crap out of this Jnun and I was just using Hasso, not even Berserk too, and I was still pulling hate over him. It was a really good ego boost. haha I think that party also made me realize that SAM is seemingly a much better DD than MNK is so I guess I don't have to beat myself up over getting MNK to 75 and instead just to 66.
It is semi relaxing to know that I only have to go to 66 on the rest of my jobs after SAM since I will have all the jobs that I really want at 75 for now. I mean it would be nice to have jobs like DRK, MNK, or WHM at 75 but they aren't a necessity. All in all I will have the jobs I need for Salvage: SAM, RDM, and BRD. That gives me plenty of versatility t0 swap around between DD and support jobs. As I am looking at it right now, it seems Khrone would be our main tank in Salvage. lol
Another problem I have right now is not knowing what GK I should be using until I can even find a Hagun for sale. I am thinking about the latent GK but that is 200k and the other that I was thinking of is 100k. The other option is to go get a Gem of the North and try to get the GK off of Zip which is a pretty good GK. Oh well, it won't really matter until I'm 75 anyways since I will probably be level syncing until then.
Quote of the Day:
I'm glad you use me for my Netflix.
- my gf when I told her I was watching movies online on her Netflix account :D
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Broken Latent
I'm now that much closer to being a full fledged SAM. I am now about 4k exp from 72 and I guess that means I need to drop a ton of gil and get a Hagun. Also, in the exp party I was in last night I got enough skill ups to start my Tachi: Kasha WS quest. After a quick Kirin last night I ended up going to Kuftal Tunnel and breaking the latent so now I just have to do the WSNM which supposedly isn't too hard.
Hopefully tonight I will be able to get Tachi: Kasha and maybe even do a Rutter Sabaton run. Because my volleyball game tonight is at 8 that kind of stops me from getting any exp tonight but at least that should leave enough time to go do Kasha and Rutter runs. We'll see what all I can actually get accomplished tonight.
Quote of the Day:
Naz, we decided since the lack of numbers we're going to be disbanding the LS. Hope you can find a new sky shell as good as this one was.
- Sush "punking" Nazereth who was actually falling for it...
Hopefully tonight I will be able to get Tachi: Kasha and maybe even do a Rutter Sabaton run. Because my volleyball game tonight is at 8 that kind of stops me from getting any exp tonight but at least that should leave enough time to go do Kasha and Rutter runs. We'll see what all I can actually get accomplished tonight.
Quote of the Day:
Naz, we decided since the lack of numbers we're going to be disbanding the LS. Hope you can find a new sky shell as good as this one was.
- Sush "punking" Nazereth who was actually falling for it...
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