Thursday, February 26, 2009

Valkurm Party?!?!

Yeah, I couldn't really believe it myself. I level synced my 50 MNK down to 14 to exp with Hybridkiller, Mactatus, and Khrone. Hybrid invited me because he knows I come with a personal PL. This actually was a much better party than I expected because we were doing about 10k/hr at one point. Then because we were leveling so fast the exp started to really crash towards the end of the night. Overall it was pretty cool and I did get to experience Fields of Valor for the first time. The benefits from FoV are rediculous because they can give you regen or refresh for a whiel. Hearing that makes me want to say, "Back in my day..."

The plus side from that party is that I am now 52 MNK. Knocking out 2 more levels from Maat's Cap feels great I must admit. It was nice to level with people I knew too since I didn't have to worry about retards not knowing their job or screwing things up. What else was really nice was that since I was still staying with Khrone so when he was pulling I could easily tell him if he should pull or not or if he was pulling I could see him running in with the mob. Anyways, more exp on MNK is a plus for me because that brings me that much closer to whooping on the Old Man.

Tuesday we were supposed to have Salvage. I got out to Khrone's place a little later than I expected from my house because I got caught up talking to my brother that I live with normally (not the gimped carless one). I even called ahead and told Khrone that I was going to be about 15 min late since I got stalled. No biggy, or so I figured. When I get to Khrone's place I immediately run up and get on and notice there really aren't that many people there. Then I notice that Drayco is in Ilrusi Atoll doing assaults and I'm thinkin "WTF mate?!" So I throw on the Gigidy pearl and see that only Caol, Hybrid, Khrone, Mac, myself, and Dray were on. Hybrid was already putting together the party in whitegate so I jump in and notice that there are only 5 of us in the party because Dray is in assault. 10:20 or so rolls around and we all notice that dray is no longer online and on his mule in rol-mart .... ok. So maybe he just had a bad night and forgot(?) to say he wasn't coming. Anyways, we were sitting at 5 and then Ratman pops on. We are excited because then we still have a THF that we can run in with. Well, we thought we did at least because then Rat informs us that he doesn't have enough assault points for a salvage permit. At that point we decided we needed to do a little restructuring of when our group would meet. The 5 of us that were there all decided on 9PM, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and whenever we could on the weekends. Caol even had the times cleared with Zalorolo because it would still cut into sky but he was ok with that since it would only be a little of the beginning. So we all go our seperate ways and last night we log on and put on the Gigidy shell just to see what's up and see that Dray made an LS message of something like "Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8PM, if you can't make it 100% of the time don't come". That's when we started talking between the rest of us and thought that we may move on from "Dray's" Salvage group. Oh, and I guess someone was saying that he's changing how there would have been a priority of like if you have 2/3 of the items we would go for your 3rd item. I dunno, we all talked a little bit and are going to see how Thursday turns out before we make any final decisions. The thing right now is that I can't 100% make 8PM because I have volleyball. I can 90% make 9PM but 8PM is right in the middle of the evening causing a big ole problem with volleyball, like if I have a 7:20 game I'm boned.

Tonight will be 6:30 volleyball, 8PM(?) Salvage, and then 10PM sky. Sounds like I have quite the busy evening laid out for me. We shall have to see how Salvage turns out though because tonight could be make or break.

Quote of the Day:
So since Dray was doing assaults when we were supposed to enter does that mean he's cut from his LS too?
- don't remember who said it


Khrone said...

Yeah, who'da thought that a Dunes party might actually be a little {fun}? (just a little tho, til my dedication wore off.)

And I got to be a THF puller AND use my Rogetsurin for the first time! Yippy skippy!

Ara said...

I miss the Dunes...

Beats the damn Shire anyday!