I have hit the 100 level mark til Maat's Cap. It was just simple leveling on WHM when I probably should've been sleeping but oh well.
What was really funny last night is that I got home from volleyball thinking that I had to go to sky and when I logged on I discovered that I was the ONLY person on my LS. I was totally shocked and not until I called Khrone up at about midnight that I realized that it was Wednesday and we didn't have sky. That just gave me more incentive to exp.
I swapped to WHM and sat there looking for a party for about an hour and just when I was about to give up, as always, I got a party. The TV was on but I wasn't really watching, I think it was George of the Jungle, but this one commercial kept coming on that was saying "Sleep is the best thing for your body". This was quite ironic because I was forgoing sleep to get more exp in. lol I got about 1/3 of the way through 63 and am alllllmost done with WHM. The way I'm going I think I only have about 4 more exp parties and I should be done. This would be awesome because I am ready to move on to another job, but again I come to the point where I don't know which job I want to do next.
When it comes to jobs I am pretty much just choose what job I want to do next when I finish the job and I just stick it out. Hybrid said he would duo with my BST so that rules out BST. SMN I have a feeling I'm just going to try to SMN burn my way all the way to 66 because it would be the quickest way. This leaves me with PLD, THF, RNG, and DRG to choose from. All 4 of these options are really nice because the 3 DD jobs are great on birds and PLD is a tank job which is always looked for. I guess we can just do this by process of elimination again, PLD is easy but takes the most gear so I will hold off on that. RNG will definitely cost me a bundle so I'll save that for last. That leaves me with DRG and THF, both get piercing damage boost on birds so they should rock in any burn exp party that I join.
I think I may just do THF next to get it out of the way. THF will be kind of gear intensive because of AGI and DEX gear that I should stack myself with. As I have been known to be a little lax on my gear though I may let some of it slide and just stick with simple gear choices that don't drown my inventory. So I guess I should start looking into what gear I should get for THF now eh?
Until WHM is done though I won't bother even gathering gear for THF though. Which means this weekend I will be concentrating on WHM.
On a side note, I kind of joined a Salvage group with a guy I was in an LS with a while back. He was looking for a BRD so I figured since he had the title of Moon Charioteer he might actually have a pretty good group. I will give a go and see how it pans out and hopefully I can get some gear out of this LS unlike the last 2 attempts at a salvage group that I've been in.
Quote of the Day:
(After telling Khrone about the commercial with the "Sleep is the most important thing for your body")
Me: I completely disagree, Morrigan's would be the best body piece. How does sleep fit in over that?
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Light Leveling
Since I was out of town camping this weekend I didn't get much done. I got back Monday but ended up taking 2 naps throughout the day because I was so tired and then ended the day at my friend's place eating some food that he had cooking for 10 hours that tasted really good. For as long as he had cooked the corned beef I didn't think it was THAT amazing, but it was really good.
In game I did do some light leveling Thursday and Monday. Thursday I got my BST to 55 doing my camp in garlaige and ended Screamin with a 25kish buffer on BST. Congrats bro on a job well done on letting me finish your last 2 levels on BST. :P
Yesterday I did some afternoon leveling on WHM and got it to 62. Nothing spectacular because it was a level sync party in Qufim Island that wasn't really all that good. When I got home from my friend's place I did throw my flag up on WHM and see if I could get a party or go do something with Khrone. Sadly sky was canceled so I did have free time the rest of the night but when Khrone told me he was probably just gonna go to bed I decided that I might as well do the same because odds were low anyways that I was going to get a party and I only saw shouts in Japanese which wasn't boding too well for me getting into a shout group. So I just decided to hit the sack and enjoy sleeping in a comfy bed again.
On a side note that has nothing to do with FFXI, I know, I'm shocked too, I found a 1 season show that looks pretty cool. While leveling my WHM I watched the first 6 episodes of the show thus far. It is called Harper's Island, and the premise is a mass murder was on the island and killed 6 people and kinda caused families to scatter off the island. Now these people are coming back 7 years later for a wedding because 2 of the people met on the island so they are going back because the girl's wealthy family was going to foot the bill. Anyways, the show starts off with someone dying in the first 5 minutes and by the end of like the 2nd episode 5 people died. Right now there are about 8 people dead and they still don't really know who is doing all of this killing. I have a guess to who is doing all the killing but I won't say anything on here and just let whoever watches the show have their own opinions. FYI, all the episodes are on CBS.com which is where I watched them all. Oh, and hulu.com is awesome too. :D
Quote of the Day:
I'm on vaca.
- it was more the quote of the weekend because we were constantly drinking and just relaxing and having fun, but it wasn't vacation, it was vaca. lol
In game I did do some light leveling Thursday and Monday. Thursday I got my BST to 55 doing my camp in garlaige and ended Screamin with a 25kish buffer on BST. Congrats bro on a job well done on letting me finish your last 2 levels on BST. :P
Yesterday I did some afternoon leveling on WHM and got it to 62. Nothing spectacular because it was a level sync party in Qufim Island that wasn't really all that good. When I got home from my friend's place I did throw my flag up on WHM and see if I could get a party or go do something with Khrone. Sadly sky was canceled so I did have free time the rest of the night but when Khrone told me he was probably just gonna go to bed I decided that I might as well do the same because odds were low anyways that I was going to get a party and I only saw shouts in Japanese which wasn't boding too well for me getting into a shout group. So I just decided to hit the sack and enjoy sleeping in a comfy bed again.
On a side note that has nothing to do with FFXI, I know, I'm shocked too, I found a 1 season show that looks pretty cool. While leveling my WHM I watched the first 6 episodes of the show thus far. It is called Harper's Island, and the premise is a mass murder was on the island and killed 6 people and kinda caused families to scatter off the island. Now these people are coming back 7 years later for a wedding because 2 of the people met on the island so they are going back because the girl's wealthy family was going to foot the bill. Anyways, the show starts off with someone dying in the first 5 minutes and by the end of like the 2nd episode 5 people died. Right now there are about 8 people dead and they still don't really know who is doing all of this killing. I have a guess to who is doing all the killing but I won't say anything on here and just let whoever watches the show have their own opinions. FYI, all the episodes are on CBS.com which is where I watched them all. Oh, and hulu.com is awesome too. :D
Quote of the Day:
I'm on vaca.
- it was more the quote of the weekend because we were constantly drinking and just relaxing and having fun, but it wasn't vacation, it was vaca. lol
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Screamin's #4 75
It has been done, Screamineagle's BST is now 75 with the help of last year's Anniversary Band. I burned through 4 charges last night on BST that's how well I was doing on BST.
Sadly I had to still start in Crawler's Nest because I still wasn't comfortable enough to go charm stuff in Garbage Citadel. Once I dinged 53 though I did a quick check of GC and saw no one ther so hurried my way there. Just my luck though about 2 minutes after I looked the 1st time another BST jumped into the Hellmine spot. I sat around hoping he wouldn't be there that long and hoped I had just overlooked him earlier but he told me he had gotten there about 20 minutes before I asked him which was just about when I left CN and headed there. He was nice enough to agree to trio with me and level sync down to 53 because he was 56 at the time. One really nice thing was that we were still getting great exp even as a trio and none of us even came close to dying.
When we started up I had my exp ring up and Screamin of course had his anni band up so we were ROCKING out exp. I mean Screamin was getting almost 600 exp on some of the hellmines that we chained. The only issue was that because there were only 4 hellmine pops we were burning through them pretty quickly. Luckily we were able to take out the Fallen Majers too and I think we did end up taking out 1 Fallen Mage as well. It helped keep our chains going and helped fill the void while waiting for hellmines to respawn. Most of the time we would clear all the hellmines and Fallen Majers and then the hellmines would be repopping, so it worked out perfectly. Occasionally it was a pain when the hellmines blew up and took out all 3 of our pets because then we'd all have to find new pets, but I did find a light at the end of the tunnel. I discovered that if I uncharm my pet and my pet is not the target of the hellmine's self-destruct I can get my pet to not get hit by it. The one time the hellmine self-destructed and I uncharmed my pet and the other guy's pet died, Screamin's was down to about 10%, and because mine got missed, mine was still at around 70%. A new trick (and a new macro I need to make) for a good duo team to live by.
Now my BST is 54 and could now probably charm the beetles pretty easily down in the basement of GC and Screamin's BST is a little over 6k into 75. I'm very with how much I got done last night on BST even if I did have to skip all of sky to do it. Thankfully I was able to get 4 charges burned leaving me with only 3 charges to use the next 2 nights. As long as no one is at the hellmine camp tonight I should be able to burn 2 rings before having to leave for volleyball. Which means I would only have 1 charge left for Screamin to go through which I could half burn while I'm doing sky and he's just killing mobs in sky on his BST. Maybe I'll even try to pop a Despot or something. lol
Quote of the Day:
I jizz right in my pants every time you're next to me,
and when we're holding hands its like having sex to me.
You say I'm premature, I just call it ecstacy.
- Jizz In My Pants (SNL skit)
Sadly I had to still start in Crawler's Nest because I still wasn't comfortable enough to go charm stuff in Garbage Citadel. Once I dinged 53 though I did a quick check of GC and saw no one ther so hurried my way there. Just my luck though about 2 minutes after I looked the 1st time another BST jumped into the Hellmine spot. I sat around hoping he wouldn't be there that long and hoped I had just overlooked him earlier but he told me he had gotten there about 20 minutes before I asked him which was just about when I left CN and headed there. He was nice enough to agree to trio with me and level sync down to 53 because he was 56 at the time. One really nice thing was that we were still getting great exp even as a trio and none of us even came close to dying.
When we started up I had my exp ring up and Screamin of course had his anni band up so we were ROCKING out exp. I mean Screamin was getting almost 600 exp on some of the hellmines that we chained. The only issue was that because there were only 4 hellmine pops we were burning through them pretty quickly. Luckily we were able to take out the Fallen Majers too and I think we did end up taking out 1 Fallen Mage as well. It helped keep our chains going and helped fill the void while waiting for hellmines to respawn. Most of the time we would clear all the hellmines and Fallen Majers and then the hellmines would be repopping, so it worked out perfectly. Occasionally it was a pain when the hellmines blew up and took out all 3 of our pets because then we'd all have to find new pets, but I did find a light at the end of the tunnel. I discovered that if I uncharm my pet and my pet is not the target of the hellmine's self-destruct I can get my pet to not get hit by it. The one time the hellmine self-destructed and I uncharmed my pet and the other guy's pet died, Screamin's was down to about 10%, and because mine got missed, mine was still at around 70%. A new trick (and a new macro I need to make) for a good duo team to live by.
Now my BST is 54 and could now probably charm the beetles pretty easily down in the basement of GC and Screamin's BST is a little over 6k into 75. I'm very with how much I got done last night on BST even if I did have to skip all of sky to do it. Thankfully I was able to get 4 charges burned leaving me with only 3 charges to use the next 2 nights. As long as no one is at the hellmine camp tonight I should be able to burn 2 rings before having to leave for volleyball. Which means I would only have 1 charge left for Screamin to go through which I could half burn while I'm doing sky and he's just killing mobs in sky on his BST. Maybe I'll even try to pop a Despot or something. lol
Quote of the Day:
I jizz right in my pants every time you're next to me,
and when we're holding hands its like having sex to me.
You say I'm premature, I just call it ecstacy.
- Jizz In My Pants (SNL skit)
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Yearly Update
Just wanted to throw this in here too. I made another post already for my daily update, but just realized I didn't include this picture. So here's all the total info on Treubond!

I'm actually surprised that my Alliance's Joined and Number of Times KO'd are just about the same. I honestly would've expected my death toll to be way higher than that. I find it also strage that that 1 in 3 parties I join ends up being an alliance, quite shocking to me.
I'm actually surprised that my Alliance's Joined and Number of Times KO'd are just about the same. I honestly would've expected my death toll to be way higher than that. I find it also strage that that 1 in 3 parties I join ends up being an alliance, quite shocking to me.
Seeing as you can get new Anniversary Rings I decided to take a break from WHM so I could try to speed up the slower road. The other reason I am doing BST now is because I can level sync duo with Screamineagle's BST and I would love to get his BST to 75. Another thing with Screamineagle is that he still had a full 10/10 charges on his Anniversary Band from last year. Seeing as I wanted to get a new band before they stop giving them out, I needed to burn it fast.
Yesterday it took me a little while to get used to dual boxing duo BST, but I feel that I am getting the hang of it now. Crawler's Nest at 51/52 is really easy and slow exp duoing. I'm not really sure what people were talking about how duo BST is way better than soloing because I remember getting more like 3-4k/hr as solo and I was only getting about 2-3k/hr last night duoing. The bonus is that I am definitely getting used to BST and how to release a pet and grab a new one without getting hurt because of having a 2nd BST there to keep hate. Basically every mob one of my chars would swap pets and I would just cruise.
With my anni band on I was only getting between 180-300 per kill which is total crap and anni band gives double exp for up to 3k exp. I was knocking out as high of level mobs as I could with what level I was at and still having mobs to easily charm. I will just be more than happy to get into Garlaige Citadel and fight bombs because I know how good that exp can be solo or duo and I'm banking on rolling through anni band charges as I was only able to burn about 3 charges last night. One of these nights I will probably completely skip sky just so I can burn through these bands because it HAS to be done by Thursday since I will be out of town from Friday til Monday and they stop handing out the rings on Monday. So Thursday or bust!
Last night I was also able to be in sky while soloing Screamin's BST in sky doing Flamingos on pots. It was actually pretty easy and only a few times would I really get messed up because I would release the pet either too late or after releasing the pet I would have a -ga3 or tier4 cast on me and I didn't realize. But I must admit, not once while duoing or soloing did I die! GO ME! Something else I realized last night is that with this anni band I will EASILY get Screamin's BST to 75 with a good buffer and maybe even start meriting a little on it. I figure I'm about 19k from 75 now with 7 charges left (6k needed for a charge to be used up) which puts me at 42k total before finishing this anni band. So if I just let all of it go into exp I would end up with a 23k buffer on his BST which more than enough. Actually, that would leave me at a very good place on his BST because I would expect to leave about 15-20k buffer on there and if I do more soloing in sky I can also use Fields of Valor and get about 1400 free exp every 11 mobs. Now that I have also gotten him some tabs I can give him a real refresh from the tabs and not have to worry about constantly swapping in Gaudy Harness when he get super low on MP, which also means I could melee more for faster kills.
Yesterday I was really excited about BST but the super slow exp really killed my high hopes for it. Tonight I'm really hoping that I can get to Garlaige and get some good exp flowing. The duo guide says 2 bats can easily take down the mines which is great because the level gap between myself (and my pets) and the mines is much higher which means I should actually be getting about 150-200 exp per kill which would be just grand. Here's to hoping no one is down in the basement of the Citadel because I WILL be taking their mobs, sorry.
Here's to hoping tonight I can get through at least 3 more charges tonight and maybe even a 4th.
Quote of the Day:
I bought a cactus. A week later it died. And I got depressed, because I thought, Damn. I am less nurturing than a desert.
- Demetri Martin
(Khrone found it as the google quote of the day)
Yesterday it took me a little while to get used to dual boxing duo BST, but I feel that I am getting the hang of it now. Crawler's Nest at 51/52 is really easy and slow exp duoing. I'm not really sure what people were talking about how duo BST is way better than soloing because I remember getting more like 3-4k/hr as solo and I was only getting about 2-3k/hr last night duoing. The bonus is that I am definitely getting used to BST and how to release a pet and grab a new one without getting hurt because of having a 2nd BST there to keep hate. Basically every mob one of my chars would swap pets and I would just cruise.
With my anni band on I was only getting between 180-300 per kill which is total crap and anni band gives double exp for up to 3k exp. I was knocking out as high of level mobs as I could with what level I was at and still having mobs to easily charm. I will just be more than happy to get into Garlaige Citadel and fight bombs because I know how good that exp can be solo or duo and I'm banking on rolling through anni band charges as I was only able to burn about 3 charges last night. One of these nights I will probably completely skip sky just so I can burn through these bands because it HAS to be done by Thursday since I will be out of town from Friday til Monday and they stop handing out the rings on Monday. So Thursday or bust!
Last night I was also able to be in sky while soloing Screamin's BST in sky doing Flamingos on pots. It was actually pretty easy and only a few times would I really get messed up because I would release the pet either too late or after releasing the pet I would have a -ga3 or tier4 cast on me and I didn't realize. But I must admit, not once while duoing or soloing did I die! GO ME! Something else I realized last night is that with this anni band I will EASILY get Screamin's BST to 75 with a good buffer and maybe even start meriting a little on it. I figure I'm about 19k from 75 now with 7 charges left (6k needed for a charge to be used up) which puts me at 42k total before finishing this anni band. So if I just let all of it go into exp I would end up with a 23k buffer on his BST which more than enough. Actually, that would leave me at a very good place on his BST because I would expect to leave about 15-20k buffer on there and if I do more soloing in sky I can also use Fields of Valor and get about 1400 free exp every 11 mobs. Now that I have also gotten him some tabs I can give him a real refresh from the tabs and not have to worry about constantly swapping in Gaudy Harness when he get super low on MP, which also means I could melee more for faster kills.
Yesterday I was really excited about BST but the super slow exp really killed my high hopes for it. Tonight I'm really hoping that I can get to Garlaige and get some good exp flowing. The duo guide says 2 bats can easily take down the mines which is great because the level gap between myself (and my pets) and the mines is much higher which means I should actually be getting about 150-200 exp per kill which would be just grand. Here's to hoping no one is down in the basement of the Citadel because I WILL be taking their mobs, sorry.
Here's to hoping tonight I can get through at least 3 more charges tonight and maybe even a 4th.
Quote of the Day:
I bought a cactus. A week later it died. And I got depressed, because I thought, Damn. I am less nurturing than a desert.
- Demetri Martin
(Khrone found it as the google quote of the day)
Friday, May 15, 2009
I think the constant adrenaline of the possibility of Byakko's Haidate for Screamin has finally stopped now that I have it. Starting Wednesday I have just been exponentially more tired that usual. Wednesday I went to be early and still was tired in the morning and same goes for last night and today. It sucks because I have so much I still want to do in game but I've just been too tired to do anything. Even as I write this I feel like I'm passing out at my desk at work which is not good.
If I didn't have so much exping that I NEED to do this weekend I would probably be sleeping about 10 hours a night. Sadly I need to burn the last 5 charges of my anni ring so I can get my new one before next week because I doubt I will have much time to do it then. Hopefully the anni ring and exp ring will get my WHM close to 66 so I can put it on the shelf. It will be nice to move on to another job because I feel like I'm stalling out on WHM right now even though I don't mind it.
Next up will be SMN just so I can be done with jobs under 50 and only have a few jobs that don't rely on magic left. I have been hearing about a great SMN burn party tactic in Korroloka tunnel that has gotten some people I know about 10 levels in the 40s and 50s which goes much further than the Bubu SMN burn party. Supposedly the target for that one is around lvl 12 (at least I think that's what they said) and seriously can get you up to chain 100++ in a few seconds. Basically pull all of Korroloka and then make them go boom with SMN 2hrs. If I can use this for my SMN I should seriously be able to get my SMN from 44 to 66 in a few nights. I just have to find a group to do it with.
Tonight I will be helping out Khrone finish his CoP 3-5 mission to kill Diabolos. I had fun with the fight when I did it but hopefully he can go 1/1 instead of 1/11 like I did. Honestly it shouldn't be tough as long as we don't get stupid people and since I will be the one doing most of the stunning I'm feeling pretty confident about it. Once we finish that I will be moving on to go exp my WHM and blitz the ho to 66. The rest of the weekend will be basically exping to finish WHM and work on SMN to 66. Fun fun exp weekend. That is unless Khrone tries to blitz through CoPs and I get stuck doing those all weekend.
Quote of the Day:
I'm a Motherlover.
- look up the SNL skit Motherlover and you'll understand
If I didn't have so much exping that I NEED to do this weekend I would probably be sleeping about 10 hours a night. Sadly I need to burn the last 5 charges of my anni ring so I can get my new one before next week because I doubt I will have much time to do it then. Hopefully the anni ring and exp ring will get my WHM close to 66 so I can put it on the shelf. It will be nice to move on to another job because I feel like I'm stalling out on WHM right now even though I don't mind it.
Next up will be SMN just so I can be done with jobs under 50 and only have a few jobs that don't rely on magic left. I have been hearing about a great SMN burn party tactic in Korroloka tunnel that has gotten some people I know about 10 levels in the 40s and 50s which goes much further than the Bubu SMN burn party. Supposedly the target for that one is around lvl 12 (at least I think that's what they said) and seriously can get you up to chain 100++ in a few seconds. Basically pull all of Korroloka and then make them go boom with SMN 2hrs. If I can use this for my SMN I should seriously be able to get my SMN from 44 to 66 in a few nights. I just have to find a group to do it with.
Tonight I will be helping out Khrone finish his CoP 3-5 mission to kill Diabolos. I had fun with the fight when I did it but hopefully he can go 1/1 instead of 1/11 like I did. Honestly it shouldn't be tough as long as we don't get stupid people and since I will be the one doing most of the stunning I'm feeling pretty confident about it. Once we finish that I will be moving on to go exp my WHM and blitz the ho to 66. The rest of the weekend will be basically exping to finish WHM and work on SMN to 66. Fun fun exp weekend. That is unless Khrone tries to blitz through CoPs and I get stuck doing those all weekend.
Quote of the Day:
I'm a Motherlover.
- look up the SNL skit Motherlover and you'll understand
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I Have Now Beaten Sky
Byakko's Haidate x2 and W Legs x2 ... yeah, I think I've beaten sky. It was painful because it came down to our last pop set again but this time I was lucky enough to have it drop for me. I was pumping my fists and was ecstatic after I got it. When Byakko died I had Screamineagle in the party within seconds and lotted the Haidate. Khrone asked me after a min if Screamin was even in sky yet and I told him to check the alliance because Screamin had already lotted it. lol
Now I can finally relax from sky and not worry too much about it since I now have all I want for both chars. I doubt I will get anything else for either char because it will cost gil to uncurse any abjurations I get which I'm just not willing to spend on a 2nd char. Anyways, that really does mean I can start looking more at exp and more at other end game events that will take MUCH less of my time and still allow me to sleep at night.
The only issue now with end game is that I don't know where to look for LSs now. I guess I could just throw out a general post on the LS forums for my sky shell to see who else does what because I need to think about limbus and einherjar and maybe even a new dynamis shell that I can go to twice a week.
Anyways, I need to try and get a lil more work done from home. I had to at least throw up a post about 2nd pair of Byakko's Haidate. :D
Now I can finally relax from sky and not worry too much about it since I now have all I want for both chars. I doubt I will get anything else for either char because it will cost gil to uncurse any abjurations I get which I'm just not willing to spend on a 2nd char. Anyways, that really does mean I can start looking more at exp and more at other end game events that will take MUCH less of my time and still allow me to sleep at night.
The only issue now with end game is that I don't know where to look for LSs now. I guess I could just throw out a general post on the LS forums for my sky shell to see who else does what because I need to think about limbus and einherjar and maybe even a new dynamis shell that I can go to twice a week.
Anyways, I need to try and get a lil more work done from home. I had to at least throw up a post about 2nd pair of Byakko's Haidate. :D
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Haidate Please
I doubt I'll put a label on this post because this is going to be a post full of just random thoughts that I need to just write down. There also isn't much for me to update on because I haven't gotten much done in game.
As far as WHM goes, I haven't gotten a good party yet. Last night I got in a party, killed 1 mob while the PLD was d/cing, and then the party disbanded. The only positive I've done for WHM this week was me finishing off my AF. I'd hope that tonight I could level WHM some more but I have volleyball at 7:30 and then sky at 10, so I'd only have about an hour between getting home and needing to be in sky.
Sky this week has been VERY slow because attendance has been crap. Not even the leaders are showing up to the runs which brings down everyone else, which in turn ends sky runs in a hurry. Tonight if we have the numbers and Zal actually logs on for the first time this week, we have about 5 Byakko pop sets to burn through. Screamin is next in line in the LS for Haidate but sadly the next one goes to a buyer. Still, even if we only get a 40% drop rate on the pants I will have Haidate for Screamin ... WOO HOO. I just really hope that people show up tonight so we can roll through those pop sets and get some Haidates past around.
Next on the list to talk about is Salvage. So far the group is still at a stand still because I asked Vaniel last night but he said he just got his work hours switched to evenings and he couldn't say that he was too excited about Salvage gear. As of now that leaves our Salvage group at myself, Khrone, and Disdain, which is a good start I guess. Jobs we still need are MNK, THF/BRD/RDM, WHM, and a DD. Khrone is definitely MNK, but then Disdain can swap between BRD and THF or even DRG and I could go between BRD, RDM, and SAM. The only necessary jobs one of us cannot switch between is a 2nd MNK and a WHM. I'd really like to find a MNK we can trust and a WHM we can trust, but the problem is there aren't that many people I trust in this game anymore. I guess I could ask Vayla and Klitz and them, but they haven't been online too much and they have been concentrating a lot on building up themselves again. Ugh, even if Screamin were still around that would knock out our 2nd MNK. I wish my friends would stop leaving the game and stay so we can get more stuff done together in the game. lol
Possibilites to ask still:
Vayla, Bleemo, Klitz(don't know his new char's name) and their other friend
Thought of the Day(changing things up a lil today):
Doing my Wii Fit has actually been helping me sleep better at night. I guess there is grounds to doing work outs does help you sleep at night.
And don't dis the Wii Fit, there are some HARD exercises on there that make you sweat and build muscle.
As far as WHM goes, I haven't gotten a good party yet. Last night I got in a party, killed 1 mob while the PLD was d/cing, and then the party disbanded. The only positive I've done for WHM this week was me finishing off my AF. I'd hope that tonight I could level WHM some more but I have volleyball at 7:30 and then sky at 10, so I'd only have about an hour between getting home and needing to be in sky.
Sky this week has been VERY slow because attendance has been crap. Not even the leaders are showing up to the runs which brings down everyone else, which in turn ends sky runs in a hurry. Tonight if we have the numbers and Zal actually logs on for the first time this week, we have about 5 Byakko pop sets to burn through. Screamin is next in line in the LS for Haidate but sadly the next one goes to a buyer. Still, even if we only get a 40% drop rate on the pants I will have Haidate for Screamin ... WOO HOO. I just really hope that people show up tonight so we can roll through those pop sets and get some Haidates past around.
Next on the list to talk about is Salvage. So far the group is still at a stand still because I asked Vaniel last night but he said he just got his work hours switched to evenings and he couldn't say that he was too excited about Salvage gear. As of now that leaves our Salvage group at myself, Khrone, and Disdain, which is a good start I guess. Jobs we still need are MNK, THF/BRD/RDM, WHM, and a DD. Khrone is definitely MNK, but then Disdain can swap between BRD and THF or even DRG and I could go between BRD, RDM, and SAM. The only necessary jobs one of us cannot switch between is a 2nd MNK and a WHM. I'd really like to find a MNK we can trust and a WHM we can trust, but the problem is there aren't that many people I trust in this game anymore. I guess I could ask Vayla and Klitz and them, but they haven't been online too much and they have been concentrating a lot on building up themselves again. Ugh, even if Screamin were still around that would knock out our 2nd MNK. I wish my friends would stop leaving the game and stay so we can get more stuff done together in the game. lol
Possibilites to ask still:
Vayla, Bleemo, Klitz(don't know his new char's name) and their other friend
Thought of the Day(changing things up a lil today):
Doing my Wii Fit has actually been helping me sleep better at night. I guess there is grounds to doing work outs does help you sleep at night.
And don't dis the Wii Fit, there are some HARD exercises on there that make you sweat and build muscle.
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