I have hit the 100 level mark til Maat's Cap. It was just simple leveling on WHM when I probably should've been sleeping but oh well.
What was really funny last night is that I got home from volleyball thinking that I had to go to sky and when I logged on I discovered that I was the ONLY person on my LS. I was totally shocked and not until I called Khrone up at about midnight that I realized that it was Wednesday and we didn't have sky. That just gave me more incentive to exp.
I swapped to WHM and sat there looking for a party for about an hour and just when I was about to give up, as always, I got a party. The TV was on but I wasn't really watching, I think it was George of the Jungle, but this one commercial kept coming on that was saying "Sleep is the best thing for your body". This was quite ironic because I was forgoing sleep to get more exp in. lol I got about 1/3 of the way through 63 and am alllllmost done with WHM. The way I'm going I think I only have about 4 more exp parties and I should be done. This would be awesome because I am ready to move on to another job, but again I come to the point where I don't know which job I want to do next.
When it comes to jobs I am pretty much just choose what job I want to do next when I finish the job and I just stick it out. Hybrid said he would duo with my BST so that rules out BST. SMN I have a feeling I'm just going to try to SMN burn my way all the way to 66 because it would be the quickest way. This leaves me with PLD, THF, RNG, and DRG to choose from. All 4 of these options are really nice because the 3 DD jobs are great on birds and PLD is a tank job which is always looked for. I guess we can just do this by process of elimination again, PLD is easy but takes the most gear so I will hold off on that. RNG will definitely cost me a bundle so I'll save that for last. That leaves me with DRG and THF, both get piercing damage boost on birds so they should rock in any burn exp party that I join.
I think I may just do THF next to get it out of the way. THF will be kind of gear intensive because of AGI and DEX gear that I should stack myself with. As I have been known to be a little lax on my gear though I may let some of it slide and just stick with simple gear choices that don't drown my inventory. So I guess I should start looking into what gear I should get for THF now eh?
Until WHM is done though I won't bother even gathering gear for THF though. Which means this weekend I will be concentrating on WHM.
On a side note, I kind of joined a Salvage group with a guy I was in an LS with a while back. He was looking for a BRD so I figured since he had the title of Moon Charioteer he might actually have a pretty good group. I will give a go and see how it pans out and hopefully I can get some gear out of this LS unlike the last 2 attempts at a salvage group that I've been in.
Quote of the Day:
(After telling Khrone about the commercial with the "Sleep is the most important thing for your body")
Me: I completely disagree, Morrigan's would be the best body piece. How does sleep fit in over that?
Good luck with Salvage.
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