Thursday, June 4, 2009

Free Drop

This will only be a short post since I don't have much to update. Heck, most of this update is going to be about Screamin. lol

Starting with Screamin, I basically don't do sky anymore. I really only go up when they really need people since I seriously have everything I need from sky. This is why I've been sending Screamineagle up instead of me because they usually need DD for Kirin burns and my SAM has been hacked up from lending gear to other people, such as my Peacock Charm to Disdain who hasn't logged on since I lent it to him and my Hagun to Hybrid because he doesn't have the gil right now to buy one. Anyways, Tuesday night the LS needed more DD for Kirin again so I sent Screamin up on MNK since it is pretty well geared. Turns out that D Body drops and our leaders were trying to sell it to the other LS that was there waiting to do Kirin. It ends up that no one that is allowed to lot on it wants it so it free dropped. Well, it ended up free dropping to Screamin so I could get him a Shura Togi now. This leaves the only abj that he really needs from sky now is D Legs which I could really care less about. Hurray for Screamin being done with sky too though. :D

Only update I have for myself is just that I've been working on PLD AF. I have all the keys and now have the quested pieces done, but the coffers themselves are being bastards. Last night I literally searched every spot in The Eldieme Necropolis and didn't find the coffer, but I did find the chest. Tonight the coffers better be more cooperative because I want to get crackin on PLD this weekend and I don't wanna blow Friday night searching.

Oh, and some sad news I just got last night. One of my friends may be transfering servers to Remora. I guess they said the friends they are with right now have a lot of drama on this server so they are jumping to go hang with some other friends they have there. Lame excuse if you ask me. I uprooted once and jumped servers and when I did half of my friends quit and I had to start all over again. At the point where I am I don't have it in me to leave and make all new friends again because I have friends all over this server, even if I'm not that close with them, that I just don't want to leave.

Quote of the Day:
Ohana means family.
- Stitch from Lilo and Stitch obviously ... yeah, I was watching it last night.

1 comment:

Ara said...

Grats on the drop.

Remora's crap, tell them not to go.