Thursday, July 16, 2009

Fast And Burning

JUST LIKE MY PEE!!!! No, not really...

Well, I am happy to say I got 2 levels last night! Actually I got 3 levels last night, but the 1 on SMN I don't really count because it is already post Maat's Cap level. But the other 2 levels were on BST so that is a big step in the right direction as that is my highest Maat's Cap job that isn't 66 yet. I probably got about 50k on my BST from SMN burning when it would've been more but we had 2 huge screw ups on pulls.

Some people think because they know the concept of how an Astral Flow party works they know how to do it correctly. Such as; I know how to pull, I get hate from one of each type of mob and just link everything. Yes, that is how you pull for an Astral Flow party, but just because you can make it all the way across the zone without dying doesn't mean you actually pulled correctly.

The other puller in my 2nd group did not understand how to pull. He just aggro'd and ran, that was it. You have to actually keep the mobs close or they depop. The one good pull we had with the 2nd group was because I cleaned up everything he missed. The guy said, I'll pull the middle, and by the time I got Screamin in the zone there were 10 mobs just at the front part of the middle that had already repopped. So I pulled some bats from up top, then pulled the middle again and we got about 30k which is just from pulling the middle. When this guy "pulled the middle" the second time I didn't have Screamin clean up after him because I had Screamin do an actual upstairs pull. This is where I should have realized it was a bad idea. I got 8k from that pull and that was with my exp ring. 8k... Let me reiterate, 8k. I know my pull on Screamin wasn't that great because the tunnels are narrow and it is very easy to lose a lot of mobs, but this guy obviously got NOTHING from pulling the middle. Needless to say, if I ever do Astral Flows with him, I'm not letting him pull the middle... EVER. But hey, at least our Level Sync target only gained 1 level on his 13 DRG.

Live and learn I guess. Next time I'm only doing SMN burns with people I know and trust because I'm pretty sure I could dual box pull better than that guy "pulls the middle". I was surprised that Korroloka was so empty, but that makes me hopeful for next week. If I can snag Vandy to be my 2nd puller we can easily rock out 60-90k in a few hours and finish off his DNC and maybe start another job for him since he's trying to take all jobs to 75.

Tonight I probably won't have any progress because I have some RL stuff to do and then tomorrow I'm heading to PA to go camping for the weekend with some friends from college. So basically, partying all weekend in the middle of nowhere.

Quote of the Day:
Just remember, you're still better than Tom.
- me to someone I play v-ball with, its funny if you know the whole story, but I'm lazy

1 comment:

Ara said...

Shit Tre! You're getting damn close. I still say it's an old man cap. :)

Have you beat Maat on any of your 66's? I've been busy and have missed some of your posts and I'm to lazy to go back and read them.