Monday, September 28, 2009

How Did I Win?

Ok, so I beat Maat on THF yesterday, and I have absolutely no clue how. I will have to go through and total up the numbers and all but I really have no clue how I beat him. By the shear fact that I don't think I did nearly as much damage as my other runs, I'm down right stupefied. The only thing that changed from the last fight was the Emperor's Hairpin and Leaping Boots that I borrowed from Disdain.

Let us start out with the numbers I do remember off the top of my head:
- I evaded 7 of Maat's attacks
- Blink absorbed 3 of Maat's attacks
- I Perfect Dodged 7 of Maat's attacks
- Maat gave up when I dropped him below 20%
- I used a Vile Elixir +1
- I used an exp scroll to level up
So, those are the glaring facts of the fight that I currently have. I did also have a Vile Elixir ready for use just in case. Actually as Maat gave up I was hitting my macro to use it because I only had about 530 HP when he gave up which is AT MOST 3 hits.

The fight: 100 TP, Blink Band, Sole Sushi +1, Sneak Attack, hit for 200+, melee, hang up phone, Evisceration for about 250, hit my I Wing macro, realize I didn't have an I Wing, search satchel for I Wing, I Wing, swear a lot in tells to Disdain while still meleeing, Maat PD's, I Flee to entrance, wait for him to catch up to me, flee to the back of the zone, use exp scroll, melee, Dancing Edge, Vile Elixir +1, use PD, melee and pray for my life, Maat gives up while I am hitting my Vile Elixir macro.

I know that may not be the most readable summary but until I post my screenshots that'll have to do.

The ONLY thing that I can think of is that maybe his evasion wasn't nearly as high so I was landing more melee hits because that was the first time I was able to get to 100 TP without using sleeping pots or an I Wing. By all that I can think of though is that he still should've whooped me because other fights I did a skill chain and still only got him to 28%. I'm really looking forward to going home and running the numbers for these fights.

There is one hypothesis I do have for all of these fights: Maat gets easier the more times you fight him. Again, there is no proof, nor have I fought him more than the necessary times. The only thing that makes me think this is that the more times I have fought him on all of my jobs I have always gotten him further down in health and he has done things that wouldn't do as much damage to me. For example, the first time I lost to him on DRK, he drained me for 300+ HP to finish me off, but never used it in any of my other fights. Maybe I'm totally off my rocker, but its just a thought.

T-minus 5 levels and 1 fight to go! :D

Quote of the Day:
I can't believe I forgot an I Wing!!!
- me, during my THF Maat fight

1 comment:

Ara said...

lol ah reading your damn blog makes me miss this game. Grrr! Tre! Grrr!

No money anymore. >< Looks like I'll have to stick to free LoTRO for a while.

Star Wars beta is looking for people.