Monday, June 2, 2008

Do a good turn daily

That statement was taken MUCH too far on Saturday. Saturday was ZM day for Khrone (that f#$@ sonofa...) so we started allllllll the way at ZM4. Since I figured we should start a little early to try and get the unlit lanterns so we wouldn't have to wait as long, we started at about noon (yes noon, please note that). After about a half hour of farming and getting I think 1 or 2 lanterns with me dual boxing I had to run to my friend's house to let out her dog. We had a total of 7 people show up but only 4 needed ZM4 done. Thank you to Graav for helping us get to ZM4 fight and waiting patiently for us to kill it. We beat it with only an unneccessary Hybridkiller death (since the WHM decided not to cure him) and it was about 3PM by that point, hurray.

On to ZM5... All of these stones were pretty easy EXCEPT Cape Terrigan. Ifrit's Cauldron should be the hardest because of all the magic aggro and everything but was it ... nooooooooo. So our WHM decides she doesn't want to follow the party and go drop down to about where Gustav Tunnel is, where might I add is a one way drop off. So she dies there so I can just tractor her back up. I raise her and what does she do... runs straight at 2 mobs getting aggro and dying AGAIN! So I have Screamineagle tanking 2 mobs at once while I raise her and sleep 1 mob while Screamin takes the other out, no biggie. I raise her and she sneak/invis's up and runs away while I'm killing these mobs by myself, WTF! While I'm sitting there owning these two mobs I'm talking to Caldera/Hybrid about how RETARDED this WHM is. So finally ZM5 done at about 5PM, THANKFULLY!

ZM6 is a fight out in Quicksand Caves, not a problem because we have a strong tank and a good party set up. To start off, the WHM is too close to the party, which I always like to do while fighting mobs that have an AOE silence TP move, so she gets silenced. We drop 2 of the mobs with no real problem, awesome. On to the RNG type mob which also has Eagle Eye Shot in its back pocket. Well let me tell you a story about an unprepared WHM who says they will solo their way through CoP obviously broke as a joke because they couldn't afford oils/powders through ZM5, apparently she doesn't have the gil to afford Echo Drops as well because while Screamin's HP is dropping she's standing back picking her nose since she is silenced. And what do you know, when Screamin had about 600 HP BOOM EES in the face and he goes down! Luckily they took the RNG down without any problem after EES and there actually wasn't any exp loss which was nice. But yet again, "we todd did" WHM.

(7PMish dinner break)
ZM7 = CS, so ZM8. Well guess what, the WHM had thrown out their delkfut key the day before so she had to walk the whole way up ... yippee! So we all get to the top of the tower and Toboue gets back on and asks if he can join us since he needs ZM8 on out also. No biggie, that puts us at 7 people so we'd have to do the fight twice anyways. We go in, win even though I'm pretty sure the WHM got hit with silence-ga AGAIN. After the kill we have to run back around but guess what, the WHM got aggro somehow and got lost or something, I dunno because I had already run around and was not about to run back and help out a STUPIDO WHM. Ok, we go in we all 2hr this guy again and whoop some ace. BTW, I really don't know how to play PLD well because Hybrid took hate away from me even after I Invincibled ... that hooker!

ZM9-11 = CS, so ZM12. Finally something that no one can screw up on ... HA. We drop down to where the fight is, some people get aggro from some worms we get some TP. I turn around and see that Khrone had already popped the mob and was like ... WTF Mate?! Luckily the pot never once did a -ga3 because that could've been bad with our WHM meleeing too, freakin idiot who by the way had already deleveled to 73 at this point. At least it was fun to have Screamin on his MNK because he was doin some awesome damage and tanked about half of the fight. Oh, and btw the one DRG had to leave before that point so he's kinda SOL on that fight now, let him go solo it...

In conclusion on my ZM portion, I HATE NOOBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111ONEONEONE People need to suck up and buy oils/powders when they need to, and people need to pay attention! When they are told to do something ... DO IT! And on that note, I will never EVER do a ZM again. MORONS!!! And we finished about about 11:30 ... almost 12 hours of ZMs.

Also, a big thanks to Caldera/Hybridkiller for helping us through about 80% of the missions. Khrone owes you big time dude, but me more...
ZM Section DONE

Now that I'm done complaining about n00bs I will move on to Dynamis-Windurst ... oh wait........ Well well well, Dynamis-Windy, how I loathe thee but how I loathe n00bs MORE. Why can't people follow simple instructions? Is it so hard to wait for the tank to pull the mob to you? Is it so hard to be patient for once? Is it so hard to listen to simple instructions like don't move or move back? Is it so hard to listen to things like please sleep "X" mob or silence "Y" mob? Is it so hard to understand that RDMs should be doing the sleeping as they have a MUCH higher enfeebling magic skill? Is it so hard to have your extra NINs just blink tanking the extra statues so your puller doesn't get owned ALL THE TIME? Is it so hard for people to get a buffer on their job that they come to dynamis on so I don't have to constantly see "X levels down to 74" and then them whine about getting an R3?

I can't take much more of this n00btacular behavior without going insane VERY SOON. The only thing that kept me even semi in the game still was that I got the BLM AFv2 gloves that dropped there. Its alright I guess because then I get more Dark Magic skill on my BLM for Aspir and Drains, but basically just another inventory -1. At least I will not have another reason to go to a Dynamis-Windurst again unless I actually get SMN leveled because those seem to be the only really good piece of AF that drop in windy. All in all windy wasn't THAT bad because we only wiped once and I think it was because of the RDM getting some linked aggro or something while pulling, but we still got that NM down so no real problem. Then what really peeved me was the people whining about raises after the wipe and not taking the raises cast on them, GET A BUFFER YOU EFF TARDS!!! If I can get a buffer on my BLM you can get a buffer on your TP burn job!!! That blew about 10 minutes waiting for those extra R Tards so we were left with about 12 minutes when we finally were going to try the last NM pull. There was a problem with the pull where the THF underestimated where the mobs spawn. I forgive him because honestly, he owned up to it, admitted his mistake, and learned from it. But because of those guys wasting like 10 extra minutes with the raises we didn't even have a CHANCE to try a pull on the NM again. While we were trying to guess how much more time we would've had Efftup, "efft up". He got a raise late because he was one of "those" people with the raises and came running back to the LS camp with like 10 mobs on his tail and killed about 8 people for NO REASON at all. So after that we all just dropped glasses and bounced. Fan-friggin-tastic.

The only gem that really saves my weekend was that I got my PLD from 11 to 21 just on Sunday with having Screamin PL me. Lina-tard was using the /lsmes for her own personal gain by asking people to help her get her Dune Boots instead of posting on the site like EVERYONE else. I guess they went out and tried to kill it last night but only got it to 50% before wiping. I wasn't about to go out there and help someone that I REALLY don't like with something that I had just done 2 months ago. I did give some pointers on what to do and how to do it but they just didn't have the fire power to do it. They didn't listen to me, of course, so I guess Flayer leveled down again and I think someone else got the kill. It was too late for me and as soon as I hit 21 I loged off so I don't even know what happened.

It was a bleh weekend.

Quotes of the Day:
I will do my best, to do my duty, to god and my country, and to pimp slap n00bs every chance I can.

An angel gets its wings if you stand on the bridge.
- Caldera while talking about people in dynamis not staying where they are told

1 comment:

Khrone said...

"an angel gets it's wings if you stand on the bridge" rofl I can't believe I missed that one. :-D

But yes. Uber-thanks to you and Hybrid for the help. And to Screamin for gearing/meriting up such an awesome PLD and MNK, which hade your dual-boxing at least a little easier. ^^

Hopefully I'll be 75 within the next 10 days (gotta try to make it to 75 before my 1 year anniversary!) and then I'll be able to start helping you guys out with whatever you wanna get done. ... ie. {Salvage} ^^