I was plesently surprised to find that my new 40" Samsung LCD TV was at my parent's house waiting for me to pick it up after work. After I had dinner at their house, since my mom had already finished making it, I went home and I set up my TV. To my surprise though I received a phone call from my girl friend saying that she had just gotten home because they decided to just leave the truck at a shop down in Columbus to get fixed and they would go get it next week when it was fixed. Which meant, suprise suprise, no FFXI time AT ALL. When I say "AT ALL" I mean I barely touched my computer last night let alone even attempted to log on. Ended up going to volleyball with her then she came back to my place after because her aunt was staying in her room at home so she stayed with me. All FFXI time GONE.
Since I have no update I figure this would be a good time to lay out what I would like to do this summer while my girl friend is around and have me attempt to get some stuff done in game. Things I could possibly do:
- Merit (generally doesn't take too long, hour or two)
- PL a low level job some more (can do this at my leisure)
- Get Screamineagle's Fishing up higher while fishing for Shall Shells for myself
- Begin just buying the items I need for BC and skilling it up again
- Choco quests
- Escort quests
- Campaign/Campaign Ops
- Attend events I can make it to
- Assault
At this point this is about all I can think of that I could possibly do. I wouldn't have the time nor inventory space to completely level a new job but I think I have what I need to get DRG going, which incidentally is my last Maat's Cap job below 30 :D This does make me kind of excited because that means I can start crankin out jobs to 40 and 50 now which will be uber fantastic!
I need to decide whether I just want to take all my jobs 10 levels at a time or what. There is the possibility of doing all my mage jobs at one time because gear will cross over and the do my melee jobs at once because some of that gear will almost definitely cross over. For the most part my mage jobs will just be my RSE and some resting MP gear, so I'd be set til 50 on SMN and WHM. For my melee gear, I believe a lot would still cross over for the most part between sets of jobs. Like my MNK and SAM could be leveled together because the gear should all be the same except the weapon and the waist I believe. But then at the same time, if I come to the realization that I won't get Maat's cap by when I would like to, I would have jobs that I NEVER want to do again ... like DRK. I should probably just prioritize my jobs so I know which ones I can do together and would enjoy, like MNK/SAM and WHM/SMN. So then maybe I could pair up THF, DRG, and PLD as the next jobs then finally DRK. It is going to be a long complicated mess that hopefully at some point Sush and I can work together on blitzing our way through some of the lower jobs and then get rolling on higher ones to finish off.
This next list will be my current priority of jobs to 50 AFTER getting all Maat's Cap jobs to 37 at least:
1) WHM
2) SMN (with Disdain when he gets back from his break)
3) MNK
4) SAM
5) PLD
6) DRG
7) THF
8) DRK
As of now that will be my order. And as of now, I don't really feel well so I'm done.
Quote of the Day:
You don't have to be tall to play big.
- Me at volleyball last night :D
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