Tuesday, February 24, 2009


rift   /rɪft
1.an opening made by splitting, cleaving, etc.; fissure; cleft; chink.
2.an open space, as in a forest or cloud mass, or a clear interval.
3.a break in friendly relations: a rift between two people; a rift between two nations.
4.a difference in opinion, belief, or interest that causes such a break in friendly relations.
a.a fault.
b.a graben of regional extent.
6.the plane or direction along which a log or mass of granite can most easily be split.
7.wood or a piece of wood that has been split radially from a log.–verb (used with object), verb (used without object)
8.to burst open; split.

3 about sums it up to what happened with a lot of people in LolFail, a huge break in friendly relations. Its actually funny because I have almost come to expect this now. I haven't been in an LS that hasn't ended in a flaming ball poo poo cah cah just like this one, and of course there is always the iteration afterwards. As much as people don't want to say it or admit it, this LS is basically and off shoot of one from way back before I even got onto Hades. I guess it was originated by Hiox (I think that was his name), and then got turned into DramatisPersonae led by Driz/Gwen (hubby/wife combo) and a shell which I was apart of. After them it kept the same name and was turned over to Babybear which didn't last long because everyone had their own opinion on what was going on which ended up driving BB to just quiting and the shell falling apart. Due to that falling apart Vaniel started picking up people into MyFirstDay which didn't last long either because people accused him of stealing which was always complete and utter BS because he never had a reason to steal anything in the game because his gear never changed at all ... EVER. So Van gave up everything to Drayco and Cedrick who then started AstrumNovae. (on a side note, I'm pretty sure there was an iteration of OrganizedChaos in there too) Then Dray and Ced accused each other of stealing and Ced booted Dray who had basically the entire bank of well over 10M. That basically led to the downfall of that one which lead nicely into LolFail because Sush was in AN but got booted earlier so he said fork it and moved on and made his own. So there I was in LolFail with some of the same people I was in DP with way back in the day. Seriously, people just keep flowing right into the next iteration. Relentless which is now run by Zalorolo, Shiiga, Hybridkiller, and Caol, but again, basically same group as LolFail with a few changes mostly in who's running it.

At least I can honestly say the only thing I'm going to miss are the payouts. It was by far my biggest source of income and since I feel that I'm basically done with sky now, especially since I got lucky and got N Hands last night because our buyer fell asleep while we were killing, I don't really feel that I will ever need to find another sky shell considering the only thing I would ever want from sky now for Treu is W Hands, but Haidate would be uber for Screamin.... There will always be a big need for gil which is becoming increasingly aparent to me because in order to really do much more with my SAM outside of merits I will need oodles of gil. My one ring really need to be upgraded because I'm still just WSing in my Jaeger Ring which is really sad. Also, when I cap my GK merits I can swap out Potent Belt for a Warwolf Belt and get 2 more STR there. Another upgrade I could do is Alky gloves for a lot more STR but I'm content with my Hachiman for now. There are just so many upgrades that I really could and should do but I really don't want to bust my load on this if I don't haaave to. Honestly I'd rather save myself from buying the big ticket items and save gil for Morrigan set.

Last night I also came to the realization that I needed to fix my macros for SAM again because what I was doing just wasn't working and I was occasionally WSing without having my STR gear on. After thinking long and hard about it I finally discovered a way to make my macros work better for me. It may not be the most appropriate of ways, but I'm actually very pleased with how well it worked out. I actually tried them out during a Kirin last night and the were splendid. While I am on that note, that Kirin was parse and the winner was Kyrja followed by Khrone followed by me. Khrone didn't beat me by much and Kyrja didn't beat him by much, but they were cheating and using food and I was just doin it all natural. Man, my SAM could be super uber if I really wanted it to... ok, already talked about this. I do feel that I am having more fun playing with SAM though than I was just sitting on BRD or my crappy BLM waiting to see stuff happen. There was also a god fight that Thebossman, who just joined the shell, was the top parser and I wasn't too far behind him. In his defense he did tank a little bit in that fight and I think I only missed 1 WS and crit'd 2. His DRK is REALLY well geared and I wish I had half the stuff he did.

Anyways, this has turned into a long winded post again ... whoops. Tonight I will be running around with Khrone again and then back home to play volleyball then back out to his house. I think tonight I will take off from sky to merit some more. My thoughts are still to keep meriting this week still and then swap over to MNK starting at some point this weekend. Getting back to Maat's Cap again because Brian asked so politely. :P

Quote of the Day:
Shiiga: are you coming to get some tail?
me: does Zal know you are asking me this? lol
Shiiga: yeah, I'm drunk
- well at least my experience started off on a good note in Relentless, I guess we will have to see how long it will last


Ara said...

lol It was actually:

Imperfection (Hiox and some taru)
DP (Gwen/Driz) - This was the best.
EntourageLS (BB/Jen, but apparently BB/Mos/Ishida)
BlameItOntheBunnies (Van's temp LS)

At the same time:
Organized Chaos (Sudn/Net/myself with Van) - This was second best and all my fault shit hit the fan.
Repition (with Zam and Mosvani)

Then OC turned in MFD and Rep into AN.

Crazy I remember all that.

Ara said...

I should add, that all the LS's on Hades are doomed to the same fate. Sadly unless it's um Stanislav's LS, whatever it's called.

I believe that's the longest lasting shell on Hades.

Ara said...

Not sure why it matters but! There was an LS between Imperfection and DP, that was lead by Jackson.

It was very short lived because he got banned for POS hacking when dead.

Just so you know the true history behind your LS. haha

Treubond said...

Oh my, I missed a lot of LSs then. And I guess I do remember Imperfection with Jackson but I was only in that for like a week before it broke because Jackson got banned.

You left out Jen in OC also because if you remember correctly she was the cause of the downfall of Entourage AND OC. (Never trust a single woman who whores herself out to people ... literally flying out to do them.) So I was a part of every single one of those LSs except Imperfection with Hiox.

And yes Excellence is still alive and kickin on Hades. AscendantSky is back as a social as well though. I would almost venture to guess that EX is one of the longest running linkshells on any server. Most other good shells I've heard of are either relatively new or have broken. Well, Tanaii is technically still around on Hades but they have never been much of an end game shell and have repearled at least once because the original leader quit to have a kid.