Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dunzo with Monkzo

As you can probably guess by the title, I now have MNK at 66!!! It was a painful party to be in last night because the one SAM was a moron and kept screwing up Hybrid's and myself's Howling Fist to SATA Tachi: Yukikaze. This SAM was trying to create a 6-hit set up I think at level 60, it was kind of sad to watch it. He also had no concept of lining up straight across from the tank so Hybrid could SATA the sadly geared NIN tank.

What is with people wearing crap gear. I can gear some of these jobs that these people are wearing soooooooo easily and it wouldn't even cost much. A High Breath Mantle is the most important piece of gear a tank can have and it only costs about 8k on Hades. 8k for 50 charges of Enmity+5 and HP+38, WHAT THE HELL PEOPLE?!?!?! This is a no brainer! The friggin NIN last night was wearing a Nomad's Mantle at 61. WHO DOES THAT?!?!?! I'm sitting there thinking "Jesus f&@$ my eye Christ, these guys are retarded!!!" It is just so painful to have all of these people poorly geared when all it takes is just a little bit of research and a little bit of gil. I mean meleeing let alone tanking in your Empress Ring earns you rights to be hung from the gallows until dead. Argh, stupidity frustrates me greatly.

Now that I am done with MNK though I can go about my business with the next job in the queue, DRK. It should be very simple for me to gear it because I don't really need much and I could clean up some space from the gear I'm using for MNK. As of now I still haven't decided exactly how I'm going to gear it but I know depending on where I level it will also depend on what weapon I use. If I level at 50 I will probably use a GS because the GS at 50 is really nice, but if I do East Ron [S] parties I will use a GA because Sturmwind owns at that level. I guess I may just have to carry around 2 weapons then just in case. Scythe probably won't be an issue until I get to close to 60 because then I get Guillotine which is the first good WS for it.

So I also heard from Mac last night. He said he's been busy with moving to Kentucky or something because his ship date got pushed back a month because of something with paperwork. Mac did say that he was definitely going to let me use his char while he's gone though! Too bad he said he'll probably be a ghost for a little while longer because I could really go for some extra progress in Assaults and exp considering I'm moving on to DRK now.

Tonight my gf is coming home for spring break so she'll be around for the next 10 days or so. Guess what that means, limited gaming time. It is gonna be sad not being able to make the progress that I would be hoping to anymore and not being able to collect on gil from sky. We shall have to see how much time I really do spend with her and how much I can actually get accomplished in my drastically reduced playing time. So til whenever I have an actual update again... peace!

Quote of the Day:
We heard what he meant.
- Me after someone said something completely wrong but everyone knew what he meant

1 comment:

Ara said...

STILL don't have the old man cap?
