Monday, March 2, 2009

Sync'd Punching

Not must of an update really, the main thing is I wanted to post a QotD, but I guess since I'm posting I could mention a couple things.

I was happy to have a little free time on Saturday to go level my monk. Sadly I spent most of the time just standing around and then Mac finally said he'd go exp so we went and duo'd (MNK+BRD) on pets in the desert. At one point we were up around 10k/hr. I got my MNK 2 more levels out there and am now 54 and Mac got his BRD from 30 to I believe 33 or 34. That was fun to get some more exp but sad that I still couldn't use some of my really nice gear.

Another sad story is that Sush seems to have really done it to himself now. I guess someone went back through some of our drops and discovered that Sush was stealing from the LS. Supposedly there was a W Legs buyer that "donated 2 pop sets" to get it for free but it more seems that Sush just pocketed the 5M that the guy paid for them. This is just another huge bad mark on Sush's record. It is sad because he was such a great player and then he went behind so many people's backs that trusted him and swiped our gil.

Anyways, I guess I will just get back to leveling and salvage and enough sky to keep up with payout. Leveling is what I'm most looking forward to because that means I will be moving towards Maat's Cap again. My big goal for this week is to try to hit 66 on MNK by Sunday. It is a big goal but you need to push for those goals to be able to push yourself to the next level. I only have about 3 more months of being able to play as much as I do now. Once my gf moves back from school my time will be greatly cut down I'm sure. By that time I hope to be done with Maat's Cap so I can do smaller goals and events like Dynamis twice a week or Limbus twice a week or maybe even Einherjar in there twice a week.

Quote of the Day:
I was busy waiting for her to throw another punch. Wife or not, one swing and she gets a Hadouken upside her head.
- [GM]Dave (

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