Thursday, April 2, 2009

1000 Levels

I would like to thank all the little people for my 1000th level. Here's to you cracked out exp guy who doesn't want to do anything except work his butt off to try to get an in game item that has no bearing on your real life but will spend copius amounts of time working towards it. So crack open that Bud Light Mr. Exp Whore and drink to your levels.

Last night I was in a refreshingly great exp party. In the party was brd, cor, rdm, nin, drg and me as drk and we ROCKED! With my ring on we were sitting at about 30k/hr which I have never seen before. Once my ring wore we were still sitting at about 20k/hr but we kept running out of colibri to kill which was kind of disappointing. If we would have been able to be at the Ley point by ourselves we could've easily been constantly chaining because we were hitting chain 7s then running out of mobs.

What else was nice is that we had all people that knew what they were doing! 3 people were working towards Maat's Cap, including myself, and then one guy Mori who has Maat's Cap. What else is funny is that Mori actually remembered me from a party we had like 4 years ago because it was so awesome it was hard to forget. It was great flying through mobs with that party because I could basically unload on the mobs and not worry too much about dying. The party was so nice I got my DRK to 61 which is exactly my 1000th level.

Besides exp I got my Bonecraft up to 74 doin Marid Arrowheads. I think I'm going to take the Marid Arrowheads to about 76 then start going through the components for RR hairpins since they are such a big gil maker right now. RR hairpins are about 50k and as long as I don't break a synth and lose items I would make around 10k per pin, if not more and I shouldn't break too much since I'm so close to cap now.

Something else I did a lot of was talking to Mac about duoing stuff as RDM/RDM or RDM/BLM. We are thinking about duoing DRG, DRK, and MNK Aerns in sea which would get us some nice capes aaaaaaaaand allow us to make some gil by selling the Deeds that those mobs drop. Mac was also talking about duoing Jailer of Fortitude which I don't think would be too tough and maybe get us some more pop items and maybe torques. Both of these I am actually very excited about because it will beef up my gear some more and hopefully it'll be my new income after I am done with sky.

I wasn't really going to get into it too much in this post but I have a feeling tomorrow I will sit down and make a post about something Mac and I were talking about how MND really helps out RDM with their debuffs but how Enfeebling Magic skill is way more important to have before you can concentrate on MND. I just wanted to mention this here because that way if I forget maybe Khrone will remind me at work tomorrow to make this post or I probably will forget because my rememberory is just that awesome.

This evening I decided I'm actually going to go to basketball since 2 of my 3 volleyball leagues are over and I need more exercise or I'm gonna become a fatty. I just have to be careful of my knee and not to overdo it. Sadly this means that I won't have as much time as I would like to exp my DRK or maybe go to sky. Hopefully that will still leave me enough time to go exp or get something done that I want including some Nyzul Isle to upgrade my mage gear some. But Nyzul will be included in my post tomorrow about RDM and gear.

Quote of the Day:
It is great to be in a party where everyone knows what to do .... and does it well!
- me during my party last night

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