Friday, May 15, 2009


I think the constant adrenaline of the possibility of Byakko's Haidate for Screamin has finally stopped now that I have it. Starting Wednesday I have just been exponentially more tired that usual. Wednesday I went to be early and still was tired in the morning and same goes for last night and today. It sucks because I have so much I still want to do in game but I've just been too tired to do anything. Even as I write this I feel like I'm passing out at my desk at work which is not good.

If I didn't have so much exping that I NEED to do this weekend I would probably be sleeping about 10 hours a night. Sadly I need to burn the last 5 charges of my anni ring so I can get my new one before next week because I doubt I will have much time to do it then. Hopefully the anni ring and exp ring will get my WHM close to 66 so I can put it on the shelf. It will be nice to move on to another job because I feel like I'm stalling out on WHM right now even though I don't mind it.

Next up will be SMN just so I can be done with jobs under 50 and only have a few jobs that don't rely on magic left. I have been hearing about a great SMN burn party tactic in Korroloka tunnel that has gotten some people I know about 10 levels in the 40s and 50s which goes much further than the Bubu SMN burn party. Supposedly the target for that one is around lvl 12 (at least I think that's what they said) and seriously can get you up to chain 100++ in a few seconds. Basically pull all of Korroloka and then make them go boom with SMN 2hrs. If I can use this for my SMN I should seriously be able to get my SMN from 44 to 66 in a few nights. I just have to find a group to do it with.

Tonight I will be helping out Khrone finish his CoP 3-5 mission to kill Diabolos. I had fun with the fight when I did it but hopefully he can go 1/1 instead of 1/11 like I did. Honestly it shouldn't be tough as long as we don't get stupid people and since I will be the one doing most of the stunning I'm feeling pretty confident about it. Once we finish that I will be moving on to go exp my WHM and blitz the ho to 66. The rest of the weekend will be basically exping to finish WHM and work on SMN to 66. Fun fun exp weekend. That is unless Khrone tries to blitz through CoPs and I get stuck doing those all weekend.

Quote of the Day:
I'm a Motherlover.
- look up the SNL skit Motherlover and you'll understand

1 comment:

Khrone said...

Yeah, when you hit up SMN, let me know and I'll bring my SMN too.

I might even go level a few of Annel's jobs sometime soon just to get her up to level 12 on a few things so we can use her as our {Level Sync}.

Korroloka Tunnel takes you from ~12 to 15 or I guess you can even do a burn at level 14 too.

Once we hit level 15, we can go hit up Buburimu and burn over there too. :D (assuming we can't find anymore people/jobs at level 12)