Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I'm Burning Out

Yeah, I like to use stupid 1-liners to show say what I'm really doing. But I have a feeling once I actually get Maat's Cap it will be rough to think of new ones.

Since it has been a while since I posted I will go back to where I left off, DRG. I believe it was 59 the last time I posted but now it is 61. That happened this past weekend while I was moping around and had no intentions of leaving my house for reasons I will briefly mention at the end of the post. Anyways, I got into more bird parties and got my Polearm up close to 180 which is decent but still not where it needs to be if I want to beat Maat. I still have 5 levels of exp to get my skill up higher and seeing that it is not even capped for level 54 yet I will be able to get it at 200 if not close to 200 by the time I start getting into regular Colibri parties and finish DRG to 66.

Next was BST which I was finally able to finish off SMN burning, hence the title. The purpose of the title is that last night I did 4 burns in a row and was starting to get a little burned out and was not in the mood to have me and another guy pull but me hold all the mobs while he went and joined the burn. For future information, it is rather difficult to recast with over 100 mobs smacking you even if you have Aquaveil up. I was able to hold the mobs pretty well but I did end up having to use Invincible at one point to save my arse.

You may be wondering why I have THF listed in the label also. Well, THF is listed because after I finished BST I switched to THF and got 7 levels going from 50 to 57 in 2 burns. It was great to basically fly through the 50s in a matter of 2 hours. lol I figure by the time I finish DRG to 66 through exp parties I should be able to burn THF to 66 through smn burns. Hopefully I can finish them at the same time and then strictly concentrate on RNG.

One thing I have been thinking about though is that I want to have SMN above 70 before I do Maat on it because I think that trying to do him without using my 2hr could really save me some time from having to wait for my 2hr to reset and do another fight right after it. Not to mention I wouldn't mind trying to snag a Yin Yang Robe before I do the fight to really rock his socks off.

Something I have started to think about is what will I do once I get all my jobs to 66 and get my Maat's Cap. There are a few jobs I wouldn't mind getting to 75 but I'm in no real rush to do any of that. Maybe I will start meriting again and start concentrating on finishing off the jobs that matter to me like RDM or maybe even SAM. I have some STR merits I could really use or plenty of other places I can drop merits. But I have been more thinking about finishing my own MNK off to 75. It could really be a big boost for getting myself into a Salvage group especially when I'm now 1/3 on Black Belt items without spending a dime. Although, another option is trying to join an HNM shell and just help out whenever I can. Its not like I would be around all the time but whenever I get on I could devote my online time to them to get some really nice gear for myself. Plus there is sea I could jump into to get myself really rounded out for some of my jobs like SAM, MNK, or even BLM. Not to mention in sea I could pick up the enfeebling cape.

I dunno, for those that read this blog let me know what you think I should do after Maat's Cap. Level all jobs to 75? Do SCH? Join HNM? Merit? Farm as much gil as I can? Finish Bonecraft to 100 and do subcrafts to 60? I need some help people!

Oh, and I said I was going to mention why I wasn't in a good mood this weekend. Which ironically coincides a little with Lost. On 7/23/09 my car was broken into and my work laptop was stolen. Part of the ID number on the laptop was also 23. Anyways, if you know something about Lost it is one of the "cursed" numbers that Hurley talks about. But I had to have my window replaced on my own dime and luckily work paid for the laptop. Hopefully that will all be finished and taken care of by the end of tomorrow though because I will be getting my car back by the end of the day tomorrow and hopefully all my software will be completely updated on my new laptop. Ok, I'm done writing as this turned into a long post.


Quote of the Day:
Guess what? I just shot a bear!!!
- Sawyer on Lost in Season 1

1 comment:

Khrone said...

After Maat's Cap:
1. SALVAGE!@!!
2. SCH to 37
3. Merits (cap-out BLM... maybe more merits into SAM if you think you'll ever really use it much ever again)

After that: I'd suggest PLD to 75, but I guess you already have Screamin if you ever really needed it. What about maybe gettin back to BLU? Or didn't you enjoy it all that much? Might be nice after you get full Morrigan's... /shrug