Monday, August 3, 2009

I Just Stole 60

Basically, I thieved myself through the 50s again without swinging a weapon. Thief is now 60 and ready for the 1 night stand to finish it to 66.... hopefully! The great part is that I don't have anything to skill up for THF so it doesn't really matter if I blow it off. I just need to get it to 66 and that's all.

Another thing I got done this weekend was get DRG to 62 and my Polearm to 192. I still have a lot of work to do on my Polearm skill but I'm happy that I'm making decent progress on my DRG. This is one job I haven't minded taking the slow way because I know in the end it will shine with higher weapon skill and my new found knowledge of how to mitigate hate. Dropping a 600+ weaponskill on a mob and not taking any damage by the time the tank has hate back is great. Third Eye, High Jump, and Super Jump are great abilities to have in your arsenal since you can drop lots of damage, take 0 damage, and then magically have the tank tanking again.

The goal for this week is finishing THF or getting THF mostly finished and more progress on DRG. I'm thinking a minimum of 5 levels by the end of Thursday because on Friday I go out of town for the weekend.

Quotes of the Day:
I realize the internet is a frightening place what with our fascination with girls and cups in a 2 to 1 ratio...
- [GM]Dave

Playing these games is like masturbating. You're doing it by yourself, but you're imagining someone else was playing with you.
- [GM]Dave referring to offline poker games

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