Last night was a fun night filled with just doing stuff with friends. Those are the best nights and sometimes you end up getting the most accomplished.
For starters, I got online and on a whim decided to check Shiki Weapon and wadda ya know, he's up. So I'm frantically searching for friends to help me but basically no one was on. Finally I found Mac on and he said he'd be more than happy to come as long as it was up. So we go out there and let me tell you, Mac is a beast at solo RDM. I have no clue how he does it because his macros have to be retardedly complex. Any time he casts a spell he swaps like 4 pieces of gear and then swaps back. I was there on BRD and he was on RDM/NIN and he really didn't need me at all as he took a total of 0 damage the whole fight. Sadly the robe didn't drop but we are planning on going back out there today and hopefully getting the drop so I can look like a real 75 SMN.
After that I had to bounce for a bit, but when I came back Swifman had just logged on too. He let me borrow his Apollo's Staff so I could go Repose Maat a few times and get another big W in my column. That does put me back at 500 for Maat fights, 6 losses and 6 wins, 2 losses on BRD, 2 on MNK, 1 on DRG, and 1 on BLM. I do have much better plans for MNK, BLM, and DRG though so I should be good on those. My big concerns are THF, NIN, and PLD.
So that was a quick and easy fight considering my 1st Repose landed, 2nd resisted, then 3rd and 4th landed. I took a whopping 0 damage but did get silenced once. Its a good thing I did have my Echo Drops macro'd because that saved me about 3 seconds of getting pummeled. But in reality it was an easy fight. Win time was 6min 44sec and the record was 6min 6sec so I did pretty darn good.
Once I got back from that Swifman and I were trying to find stuff to do so we did some ENMs. Hagun ENM where we both dual boxed which was fun and ended up going pretty well, but no drop. Then we headed out to Monarch Linn for 2 ENMs out there. We ended with the Fire in the Sky one that was cake because we both 2hr'd on RDM and didn't get much of a drop from there either. But we also duo'd the Uninvited Guests and that was quite interesting.
Usually you do Univited guests with a DD/NIN and a RDM. It goes pretty well most of the time but when you go in as 2xRDM/WHM it gets quite interesting. We were kiting around the whole time and nuking when possible. I figured out early on that if you kite with W Legs around the outside of the circle he won't catch you for 90% of the fight. The only big problem is locking in hate on 1 person to kite so the other person can nuke and rest without much of a problem. Because of my 5/5 ice accuracy on RDM my nukes were doing about 5% damage each time but I'm guessing Swifman's were getting resisted regularly which is why I was kiting the mob for most of the time. Swif finally was able to start pulling hate from me by cure bombing me so I could rest up to nuke the last bit down. We luckily finish after 28 minutes when we only had 30 minutes to do the fight. It was ugly but really fun at the same time.
Hopefully tonight I can get my YYR, knock out my DRG fight, and then maybe do some Limbus with Swifman if we have some extra time. I'm having fun doing all these little side things with him and Mac because they keep me interested and actually helps me towards having better gear and more gil to play with when I want to buy stuff.
Quote of the Day:
Smelly cat, smelly cat...
- one of Phoebe's songs in Friends (Sleepy Maat reminded me of Smelly Cat for some reason)
1 comment:
I think I'm buying a Taru account with 75 PLD, DRG, BLM and NIN. o.o
mwhahaha? lol
Who's still on Hades?
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