That is what everyone was doing at Screamineagle last night when I was showing off his gear after Dynamis-Bastok. I'm pretty sure all the paladins there continually checked him as I was swapping his gear around to show off all the sweet gear he has. It's really nice to have him around when I need him, like for raises or being the mule to hold the glass for dynamis or whatever else. It will also be VERY nice for using him while leveling my other low level jobs because I have a feeling that will be a lot of my free time this summer. The more I think about the less time I realize I will probably have this summer because of my girl friend being home. So what better way to spend all that extra free time than getting all the jobs I need for Maat to at least 40?
I think Maat's cap has turned into a long term goal that I will just keep in the back of my head. That way I can always have SOMETHING to do. When I realized this morning that I have 5 of 15 jobs done as far as Maat's cap is concerned I figured I might as well try to make a break for it. At least getting the last 10 jobs that I need to 40 or higher for now would be really nice and I wouldn't have to worry about sub jobs anymore besides the AU or WotG jobs which I already have 2 of the 5 done with.
As for what I did last night, Dynamis-Bastok. Of course I showed up late because of volleyball but when I got in they were ROLLING through dynamis. Normally we go behind the AH to avoid all the extra mobs that are infront of it, but they went through the stables and through the AH with seemingly no problem. I was shocked and happy that they could finally start going through like that again because they had about 24 people in there I believe. Everything went pretty smoothly and there wasn't a single wipe. Not only can Khrone say that was his first dynamis but it ended up being his first clear also. Honestly I don't think I've ever cleared that much of Bastok before either which shocked me even more. The drops weren't that great but there were a few AFs that dropped, I think 4 total: THF, BLM, BST, and SAM. Overall I was very pleased at how it went. I died more times than I would've liked on BLM but I did only take 1 R1 and that was from my own RR, the rest of the time I took and R2 and I think 2 R3s ^^
Besides dynamis I only did my choco quest to drop another scroll on my PLD who is now halfway through lvl 11. lol I've pretty well decided that is my next job to 40 besides SMN with Disdain. Like I said, I am just trying to plug away at these jobs and slowly knock them out of the way. I highly doubt I would take any of these jobs even all the way to 75 but if I can work for Maat's cap I will do it.
There is also one problem with me getting those jobs to 66, expanding of group 2 merits. With that expansion I definitely need to get crackin back to meriting because now I will be SUPER gimped. It will be nice not having to pick and choose 3 and 3 or 3, 1, 1, 1 for the merits. I can now drop like 5, 3 and 2 or something along those lines, or even 5 and 5. But that will be saved for another post as this one is already expanding rapidly without me rambling on even more.
Tonight I may be pulled into a Promy run, but I am not missing Salvage tonight as I have already told the v-ball team I sub for on Thursdays I can't go (just because I don't want to miss Salvage). Which also brings me to something I REALLY REALLY REALLY need to start doing again, Assault! My assault points are extremely low so I need to start doing them again or I won't be able to do Salvage anymore, which would suck. Ok, things I need to do tonight:
- Assault
- Salvage
- Merit
- Craft??
Outside of the top 3 there really isn't much I will have time to do. I should get back to crafting but I need to find a good way to get Coral Fragments because I just don't have the gil to afford it right now. So I guess while I'm doing other stuff I will try to get Screamineagle somewhere to try and get me some coral while I do other stuff on my char. 2 chars really is better than 1 :D
Quote of the Day:
If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits eighty-eight miles per hour... you're gonna see some serious shit.
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