Wednesday, May 14, 2008


So I'm really starting to get bored of soloing DNC. Last night I had my flag up for about 2 or 3 hours while I was soloing but not a single invite. At least I passed my goal and got to 34 last night, hopefully will get 37 by Thursday and be done. The damage is no good at all on my dancer and the only way I can keep up with about a 3.5k/hr role is by being DNC/BST. I wanted to try a new spot so I went to North Gustaberg [S] but it was even slower there and I ended up dying once because those spiders were just too hard and the rock eaters were too few. When I moved myself back out into the Jungles all the spots close to Kazham were taken so I decided to move to the zone near Yhoator Jungle. I got decent exp there along with being able to charm the lizards which do some massive damage. They were doing so much damage that Screamineagle or myself just couldn't keep hate off of them. It was nice to have a pet that could do all that damage but they also were dying twice as fast because of how much hate they were getting.

One complaint I have about DNC... why be able to build up so many finishing moves when you can only use them once ever 30 seconds? 90% of the time I'm sitting at 5 (max) finishing moves and nothing to do with them. You can only use a Flourish every 30 seconds which use 2 finishing moves, but each time to successfully land a step on a mob you get 2 finishing moves and the recast on steps is only 15 seconds. So even if I only landed 50% of my steps I would never run out of finishing moves. This is just strange to me especially since DNC is mainly a support role and do very little damage as it is. All a DNC is really good for is blowing its TP to heal the party and debuf the mob. Unless I am missing something about DNC in later levels that makes more use of finishing moves ... but I haven't seen anything about it yet.

I guess I have gotten to the point where I just want DNC at 37 so its out of my hair and another sub job is done. Once I finish DNC I will have time to get back to meriting and then NIN when Khrone catches it. Really, I just want more hours in the day to move on with other stuff I WANT to do. As much fun as I have had leveling other jobs I want to have time to go merit my RDM more so I can go play around with mobs in sky for some pop items. One day I may just get the pop items for certain gods and go to my friend's LS and have them burn down some gods for me. The longer I am in the LS I am in the more I am upset because I know I could be accomplishing so much more in a different LS. This is kind of how I have been my whole FFXI career though, I've had some fun but not accomplished much. As much as I've had fun and for as long as I've been playing this game I have not accomplished NEARLY as much as I should have simply because of the LSs I have chosen. When I joined NitohRyu (my first sky LS) I was in it for like a year and a half and I only got 2 items I think, but it was cool because I did a lot of other stuff, got a lot of experience, made a bunch of friends, and was just an all around good time. DramatisPersonae I feel that I got the most out of though because I actually got a handful of items and some good ones at that. I got screwed on a few items but it was kind of my own fault ... like missing out on RDM AFv2 hat which COULD'VE been mine a year and a half ago but I missed that damn Xarc run. Oh well... Now the LS I'm in was good, then got bad, then got decent, and now we have trouble pulling enough people together to even get a dynamis run in. Or something stupid happens like wiping to Byakko when for once I decide I want the pants. Ok, I'm done whining now. This post has completely gone away from what I wanted it to be.

Quote of the Day, take from Khrone:
Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.
- Douglas Adams

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