Friday, May 23, 2008


Yesterday was quite a lazy day. Not only was I actually tired I didn't really get much done in game either. Let's see, I finished my latent for Retribution, then went out with a couple people to beat the NM which was pretty easy. Now that I have Retribution I have to go try it out though. After that I geared up for Salvage just in case my group didn't go in before I got home, but volleyball went a little late and they were in by the time I got back. So no Salvage for me. :-(

Then Disdain wanted to go level his SMN because he is going to try out Carmine Dobsonflies again tonight. I guess they did it last night and abused my char but only got 1 Jaeger Ring at all but at least it went to Caldera. Hopefully they take me out there too because I would love to have a Voyager Sallet and sadly I will be at a baseball game when the window opens. Not to mention this weekend my girl friend will be home thereby sapping all of my free time to game this weekend. Also, Sunday I have Screamineagle's wedding to go to so that kinda shoots even more of the weekend.

Guess any time I have in game this weekend will be Campaign and Campaign Ops to get a little exp for myself. I would like to use it on my SMN but Disdain wants to catch up the level that he is behind me. I guess that means I will be using it on my PLD then because I have a feeling that will be my next job to 37/40 because it is a feasable sub job for RDM with auto refresh and some extra defensive bonuses. Not to mention gaining access to some extra sword weapon skills that do more damage than Savage Blade.

I'd like to talk more today about stuff I want to accomplish but nothing seems to be going according to plan, like some how SMN snuck into my plans last night. Last night I was going to try to merit after I got home but then Dis just snuck in and stole me with the lure of SMN which I am kind of partial to as they can be very powerful end game. Bleh, I need more hours in the day to get everything done that I want to. It seems that I never get anything accomplished anymore but yet I still have stuff that I can put in here and say I did. No matter how much I do there is twice as much I still want to do after it. Each time I look at my To Do list that I have at work it just seems to grow even though I think I'm checking things off of it. I NEED MORE TIME!!!!

Quote of the Day, since we are talking about time I figured I should get a quote from a movie that has everything to do about time:
Where we're going, we don't need roads.

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