Tuesday, June 3, 2008

To go for, or not to go for, that is the question

Maat's Cap... I don't know if I should even attempt to go for it or what. There is so much I still want to do in this game its rediculous! It is not even the fact that I want to do stuff that doesn't have to do with gaining exp but it has to do with weather I want to merit or if I want to level another job. I am not sure what I should be doing because I am not sure if I WANT to level another job to 75 or really spend that time making my jobs that I have that much better. My Elemental Magic(8/8) and Enfeebling Magic(6/8) are quite high enough for now but I would like to spend more time meriting Ice and Wind Accuracy for my RDM, merit Ice and Thunder Potency for my BLM, Nightengale and Troubadore for my BRD, tons of stuff for my WAR ... UGH.

Over the next couple months I think it will be a lot easier for me to focus because I will have less in game time to mess around. It should basically consist of: come home from work, do guild point item, merit with LS people or PL myself, do event (sky/dynamis/salvage), and merit/PL myself more. Or the alternative is: come home from work, do guild item, spend night with girlfriend. I have a feeling my girlfriend will be taking up A LOT more of my play time this summer because she can get kinda clingy. She does understand that I REALLY like this game though and even when we talk on the phone she can sense that I want to be playing the game instead and will let me go play. Hopefully she will understand when I want to go do things like sky or dynamis or salvage, but that means I will have to sacrifice all my extra free time of exping to go spend with her. I suppose "sacrifice" isn't really the word I should've chosen, but more of trade off. So I could play a couple nights a week but then she will also want to spend more of that time with me.

I am thinking that I will be able to hit most events, but then still spend weekends with her and the off nights with her. ...hehe... I just realized I'm still trying to plan out FFXI around my RL so I can keep making progress in the game with maximizing my RL time and game time. Oh the wonders of the universe that bring me to having a video game compete with my real life. Obviously I will lose time in one for the other but I love this game just that dang much, but at the same time I'm not going to give up my life for it. This game won't still be around in 10 years, but my friends, family, and girl friend will be. You always have to weigh the long term effects of your time investments now. Like I am having fun with this game NOW, but I can't 10 years from now. So I have to balance my real life in so I still HAVE something 10 years from now.

This seems to be the opposite of what some end game shells do though. They don't weigh in their real life, rather they do actually sacrifice their real life for this game and spend "hours staring at Darters". The only thing I can see for myself is if I win the lottery I would "spend hours staring at Darters" but I am fortunate to now have a 2nd character at my disposal to get other things done, like fishing or crafting to make more gil. I think I have to finally sit down and figure out how to fish because it is a REALLY good gil maker with 100 cooking. So I need to jump on that and take advantage of my mule :P

I did get my PLD to 22 last night and plan on going as far as humanly possible with it tonight with Sush. Our over achiever goal for today is 35.

Quote of the Day/Story of the Day:
Story: Khrone leveling his MNK again and is 1 exp til 71, he's so excited, kills the next mob, he's STILL 1exp to 71. Someone asks if he talked to Maat after beating the fight, he says no...

Quote: RETARD! -me (of course lol)

1 comment:

Khrone said...

Shaddup. Lots of people have done the same thing. (not knowing to go talk to Maat after the fight.) :-p