Monday, July 7, 2008

I give up!!!

That's it, I quit!!! Campaign is maddening now that I can't even do enough to just fuggin KEEP MY RANK!!! I've done at least 15 on both Screamin and Treu and still can't keep my dag gone rank ... wtf! I'm done with it, once they have a fix for it I'll come back to it, but until then I'm done.

Now that I've given up on that I will officially get back to my Maat's goal. There have been a lot of stuff IRL still holding me back but I'm hoping that I will be able to get about 4 or 5 levels cranked out on my DRG today. Not gonna lie, I'm kinda excited to get back to DRG because it will also be one less job below 37 or 40 and then I can start getting back to jobs that I can have fun with like SAM or MNK :D I'm having fun with DRG and all but I want to experience some other jobs again, I like the variety. But before I can move on to those other jobs I still need to crank out DRG and PLD and I'm leaving my SMN with Disdain's for now until I get all the other jobs to 50ish. After I hit 37/40 with DRG and PLD and I can actually get back to MNK and probably just take that straight to 50 since it is currently my lowest Maat's Cap job. lol

I like how I'm turning this into a game of which job do I want to play right now. hehe I am really enjoying this Maat's Cap journey more than I expected. Normally I just hate grinding job levels out but this is kinda fun and actually has a smile on my face. Now I just have to find the time to get back to it.

Quote of the Day:
I am the super mother bug!
- from the movie Bug, which left me speachless at the end ... because it was so gosh darn STUPID!!!

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