Monday, July 21, 2008


Patience is a virtue ... that I am beginning to run low on. I am starting to have some FFXI dreams again because I miss the game. It is kind of a breath of fresh air knowing that even if I wanted to I can't play it so I have no remorse for not being able to continue with my goal because I have so little of time.

This weekend I actually had some free time away from the woman which was very refreshing because I got to watch some movies I wanted to watch and I got to play a lot of Bubble Breaker which is a game on my phone. I have also been working on my Sudoku book again which is definitely a change of pace. These are nice things because I've been trying to rest my knee since I have started physical therapy on it and I have been really stressing my knee out over the past week. I hope to start running daily but there is soooooo much I have to do around my house its not even funny.

But alas, the real reason I'm typing in here is because I do miss FFXI. :-( I want my character back so I can start whackin away at mobs again and work my way to Maat's Cap. Now that my LS has basically broken now I guess it gives me no excuse not to do anything except work on my long term goals, like Maat's Cap and getting Bonecraft to at least 80 for a source of steady income. This will be nice to actually do things I want to do in game again :D ... when I get my char back.

Quote of the Day:
Vasseline doesn't work, use oil.
- yes, a guy I work with said that and it is what you think he was talking about, lol

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