Friday, July 11, 2008

Next camp

1 more level down. 34 DRG was all I got last night because I was kinda busy and distracted while leveling considering I had so much packing and preparing to do. I was designated as the coordinator of the weekend I guess. But ^^ is my main concern until I leave work in about 30 min for PA again!!!

Was hangin at my regular camp in Yhutunga at the OP and was doing pretty well. For some reason it felt like my acc was lower than usual even though I was a higher level. I really need to remember to start the parser next time so I can check my ACC and my wyvern's brute power. Best WS from my wyvern, that I saw at least, was now a Hydro Breath for 100 to a T. That almost doubled the damage of my WS which is AWESOME! That little guy makes me so proud lol. After getting my level I headed back to Norg to clean out some inventory from the random drops I was getting and then back to Bastok to pick up some extra gear. I still hadn't picked up my RSE body yet and I had to grab my Jaeger Ring for when I hit 35. Next chance I get I will be trying out Bibiki Bay and seeing how my 1.25 bonus modifier with polearm works on them birds.

My goal for next week, with a lot of luck from avoiding my gf for maybe a few hours a day, I will be able to hit DRG to 40. I am gonna need to find a party to rock through that though, but I'm thinking after I get 36 or 37 I should be able to make it to 40 with only one good party which would be joygasmic! Another job under my belt, and moving on to PLD next should be fun.

PLD should've been my higher priority than DRG to 40 because I can actually use it as a legitamate sub job for my RDM but meh, its not like I'd have time to enjoy it anyways. Progress is progress and that's all I'm looking for right now .... PROGRESS. I have this lofty goal to attempt to keep up with and it ain't gonna be easy. Especially when the woman was happy that I have barely been online to play FFXI and saying "Well, I'm only here until September." Yay, that she wants to take up ALL the time in my life.

Quote of the Day:
I can't leave work right now because my car is at the shop getting updated...
- go me and not being able to talk today!

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