I finally did it, I used my merits that I had been saving up. I was up to 8 merits that I was sitting on and finally decided to use them on my BLM since I will probably be using it a lot more than I'm doing end game again. Since my Elemental Magic skill is already capped at 8/8 I decided to bring the pain with my BLM and dump the merits into ice and lightning potency. I now have 3 upgrades to ice potency and 2 upgrades to lightning potency. The crappy part about all of this is that I STILL can't break 1k on my tier 4 nukes on a golem. This needs to be fixed either through gear or merits. I mean I could break down and finally spend some gil on a job and upgrade some of my BLM gear, but honestly I'm not really interested in upgrading my BLM at all unless it is an inexpensive upgrade like how my Yigit gear was or the free Jet Seraweels.
As for other things I did last night. I got 2 levels on my PLD which was a definite plus. The first party I was in was pretty good and we cruised pretty well. But the second party was really good and I did a majority of my own curing because Auto Refresh and the spell Refresh are amazing. It is great to be able to sit there and tank and not really worry too much about needing to rely on someone else to be curing you and making sure you stay alive. In the second party I think there were actually 2 sets of couples, 2 of whom I know were married and 2 of which I think just lived together. Israphael was a cool dude and the whole group in general was fun and could take jokes and dish them right back out. I like parties where its not just a grind but you get to actually have fun talking to people too. That party would've left me at 44 but sadly I had to run up to sky to get some more points.
As far as sky, it was just another night of farming. Got a diorite, but not from Ulli room, 2 Despots, a bunch of Gem of the Souths, and an SC. I think that was all we got which is still a good run because that leaves us with a bunch of gods and a Kirin tonight and more gods and possibly 2 Kirins on Thursday. This will be nice to have tons of gear getting distributed and possibly being able to snag some of the lesser gear that I would like to have. I am just excited to be doing lots of gods because it always moves me that much closer to getting what I really want.
Quote of the Day:
Me: How many times has Sush died tonight?
Linkshell: None
Me: What are you guys doing wrong then?
***15 minutes later***
Me: Its about time Sush died lol
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