Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Run Run Run

... as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'M THE W LEGS MAN!!! It was really fun to actually use my W Legs for kiting and pulling mobs and such. Granted it was only sky farming in which it was a really bad night, but it was still nice to be able to run around with my W Legs and actually USE my RDM for once.

Last night did make me realize I need to rethink my laziness of macros and redo them on my RDM and probably upgrade some gear. I really don't want to upgrade too much right now though because I still doubt I'll be doing too much with it. First thing first though is meriting like a mofo. There is a laundry list of merits that I need to get now and to upgrade. My current order that I think I will be doing is:
1) Troubador (3)
2) Enfeebling magic (6)
3) Ice Acc (12)
4) Wind Acc (14)
5) Phalanx 2 (15)
6) Ice Potency (9)
7) Lightning Potency (12)
8) Minuet (14)

Oy, that's a LOT of meriting. That's 85 merits of knocking out birds. Lets see, assuming 1.5merits/hr, that leaves me at about 57 hours of meriting! Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, I don't know how I feel about capping everything then. Maybe I will just get a good start on some of them like the potencies or Phalanx 2 because I don't really NEED them capped but a few more in them would be nice to have. Minuet isn't even really a priority but it would be very nice to have for merit parties since that will be just about all I will be using for meriting I'm assuming.

As for anything else going on in FFXI I can't really say anything is going on. Tonight will be my last night until Sunday because I'm going to see my gf again for an extended weekend since its M*ch*g@n weekend. I'll be back in the swing of things fresh Sunday night though ... probably meriting. lol I have a feeling the next few weeks are going to be pretty dull for my blog since it'll basically just be meriting and sky. Hopefully I can snag some good gear though!

Quote of the Day:
Also, FFXI won't make your heart explode.

I think.
- [GM]Dave's blog

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