I would just like to say I have been in a few different sky shells and been doing sky for 3+ years. In 1 month, less than actually, I got W Legs in this shell .... ITS AMAZING!!! Now its time for me to start picking up the other little unnecessary gear like Heca hands and feet or if no one wants them Dryadic head and legs. Or I could snag some W Hands too which wouldn't hurt. I know it won't take too long to get me to Haidate because I'm still ahead of a bunch of other people so I'm not really worried. Now is when I need to cash in on as much cheap gear as I can while I can in case, heaven forbid, something goes wrong with this LS and it breaks.
As soon as W Legs dropped to me I made sure everyone had a way out of sky and then I ran to Jeuno and then to N. Sandy to get them uncursed so I could run around in them. I have plenty of pictures that I will hopefully remember to put up when I get home from work tonight. While I was running to Sandy Ukatsu asked if anyone wanted to join a group that he was in for a floors 96-100 run in Nyzul Isle and I was all about it especially because I would've been the only one that was going to be lotting on Goliard. Too bad we didn't do so well on floor 99 and wasted like 5 extra minutes that were definitely needed on the 100th floor. Since they had problems with the switches in order I was kiting 3 mobs around with my W Legs until they got it figured out. Finally they did, we got to the 100th floor and they just dove right into it w/o really giving me a chance to heal them to full and get some MP back so I had half MP and was the only healer, needless to say things didn't work out so well. It was actually just fun to kite things using my new W Legs, hehehe.
One thing I did realize though is that I will need a Vermy now ... until I get morrigan's of course. Now I won't have auto refresh while running around on RDM because I would need to be wearing full Yigit which can't happen when I have W Legs on. I am also going to have to rethink my macros because I will need a running or kiting macro because manually going into my inventory every time to put them on isn't going to fly. Time to rethink my RDM macros I guess.
Something else that worked out perfectly last night was that I finished PLD to 50. Now I can dump some of the none useful gear to the AH and the rest to my mule and free up some more space. Its nice only having the 2 jobs below 50 for Maat's Cap now, but sadly Maat's has no long become a priority. If I do get back to leveling a job though it will probably be SAM because I think it will be a lot of fun and its a job I actually would like to take all the way to 75. For now though it'll be meriting to make myself a lot better of a RDM and BRD.
Tonight will be sky and meriting so I can get Troubador for BRD to finish off the Troubador/Nightengale combo for Kirin burns. After that I will be finishing off my RDM merits to make myself a better bind/grav kiter for when I need it. Not to mention I should just finish off Enfeebling magic to 8/8 already too since it'll help all of my enfeebs on all of my jobs. This is getting really exciting again. I am getting really pumped to be switching around my priorities again and doing stuff that I haven't done in a while which is exactly what going for Maat's Cap was originally anyways. More fun shall be had tonight for sure!!!
Quote of the Day:
- me, after W Legs dropped on Kirin (I just couldn't hold back, had to say fuck yeah)
once again, grats!
hellz yeah, this LS rocks!
lmao grats man. Too bad I didn't join this LS before I left. :P
Hahaha congrats buddy, hope you enjoy them
Also yes... drama seems to find me in MMO's. Or I'm just good at finding it.
Either way, this guy Roktata is just like Babybear. If you remember that.
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