Friday, November 28, 2008

Bye Bye 69...

Yeah, it was apparently a one day affair since I'm now 70 Bonecraft. It was quite painless to hit 70 because I was almost exactly breaking even so there was no harm no foul as I could still try to fish up more Shall Shells on Screamin.

Oh, that reminds me, I found some Rogue Rigs on the AH so I snagged 2 of them. That was really nice because that meant I could get back to fishing and making myself some lovely gil. What else was really sweet was last night I hit 3 out of 4 HQ2s in a row, which meant 15k in the bag in a manner of about 1 minute! I still have yet to get a full stack of Black Pearls but I have over 2 stacks of Pearls which is good for me. The problem is I don't know if I should sell these or hold on to them and craft them on my way to 80 BC. My biggest draw back right now is that Coral Fragments are 15k A PIECE!!! I mean, I understand I'm going to be losing some gil until I can actually craft the RR pins but this is pretty retarded the amount that I would be sinking in gil.

Now that I got completely sidetracked on what I was writing I guess I will just close this entry up. Probably planning on resting a lot this weekend as I don't really feel too well so fishing and meriting could be in the game plan. Hopefully I can get a bunch more shall shells to make myself some decent gil to fall back on.

Quote of the Day:
I'm too lazy to find or think of one, so go find one yourself...

1 comment:

Ara said...

I think you can fish up coral fragments in SSG or in Cape Terrigan.