Not really much to say except that more pop items were gotten last night and more Byakko's were killed. We didn't get around to the Kirin Sush was hoping to do because not enough people were online. However, we did sell a Haidate making us an extra 5M in gil for the new payout system of needing to spend 20 points a week to still receive payout.
As for the title of this entry, I am creeping ever so much closer to getting the gear I want for cheap. It seems as though I may only have about 1 person ahead of me in all the items I want including: W Hands, N Hands, N Feet, D Head, D Legs, D Body, and possibly even N Body. I figured it out and all the items I want if I paid full points for them all I would be spending about 260 points for it all... eff that since I only have about 180 now. I will gladly wait for the people that want to spend full points so I can get 35 point items for 5 points. We go through so many gods each week I don't mind waiting an extra week or so to save myself all those points. I know I will still have to pay the 100 points between D Body and N Body, but if I get everything else for 5 points each I can save up to get myself a nice shiney Kirin's Osode to whoop some butt in on my WAR. Maybe tonight will be my lucky night and I can get D Legs when Khrone hopefully gets his Haidate!
As for RL, I played basketball last night in the league I'm technically in but haven't played in at all. I realized that I'm definitely out of running shape because I was really hurting as far as breathing. It is understandable though since I am technically still sick and I know my legs were pretty much stripped of most muscle between resting my knee and then getting uber sick. Guess that means I need to start working out again NOW while I've lost some weight from being sick and I have so much room to build up the muscles from that just right amount of fat left on me. Anyways, tonight will be more volleyball so that's fun. My only problem is I don't know how a harsh week like this will go on my knee. Right now my knee is doing fine but hopefully it stays fine forever now instead of just possibly going right back to where it was 3 months ago.
Quote of the Day:
Hey, do you wanna feel so MP-er-ific? Try Powerthirst. MP drinks for Taru who need gratuitous amounts of MP. With all new flavors like SHOCKLATE! Chocolate MP, it's like adding chocolate to an electrical storm. Sound the alarm, you're gonna have uncomfortable amounts of MP.
Science, MP, science, MP, electrolyes, turbolytes, powerlytes, more lights than your body has room for. You’ll be so fast, mother nature will be like, "Sloooooowwww dooowwwwnn." And you’ll be like, "Fuck you!" and kick her in the face with your W legs.
- Khrone as he was passing out I said he should have some POWER THIRST and he came up with this.
P.S. If you don't know what POWER THIRST is look it up on youtube, its worth the few minutes.
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