You got it dude, on 1/22/2009, my 2nd char Screamineagle got W Legs! BOOM BABY!!! I can't believe that I seriously got another pair of W Legs in this LS, that is REDICULOUS!!!!!! So I think I've decided I want to stay with this shell a little longer because well, its so damn awesome to keep getting all this great gear and gil! Ok, I think I'm done with exclamation points now.
Anyways, Khrone also got his Byakko's Haidate so he's like one of them real monks now with Destroyers, Shura Togi, AND Byakko's Haidate. Now he just needs a few more minor upgrades and one HUGE one, Black Belt, and his monk should be done except for merits. This was a great day though to see him finally get Haidate since he was waiting for so effing long while being in 1st place. But congrats again bro.
I'm still in shock that I got Screamin W Legs last night since I had to wait FOREVER for W Legs in every other LS (which I never got them in). Now I've gotten 2x W Legs, D Body, and B Haidate in this LS ... WOW. Definitely have accomplished more in this LS than I have in any other LS I've been in and I've only been in this LS for like 3 or 4 months. It will be kind of a pain to get the other pieces that I want now because that W Legs really set me back in points. I am not really worried about it though because everything else I get in this LS is just gravy. Honestly, I've gotten everything that I wanted from this LS already but there is just still so much of a potential to get every piece of worth while sky gear that I can't pass it up. It has even crossed my mind to getting some more abjurations for Screamin too to finish off his monk and ninja. We shall just have to wait and see how everything turns out I guess and see if Kirin starts putting out N Bodies and Osodes because those and Haidate are the 3 more wanted items in sky now. Heh, I just realized all 3 are on my list too because I'd like to get a Haidate for Screamin's NIN and MNK. lmao Oh the greatness that is LolFail...
As for me and it being the weekend and I have nothing planned for this weekend except an oil change for my car tomorrow I guess its crack out to SAM weekend. I REALLY want to hit 70 this weekend but I know it will be very hard to get because lately I just haven't had any luck with parties. What I am thinking though is an LS East Ronfaure [S] party with a 6th member that we abuse for level sync. This would be a grand idea because we could easily blow through levels like its nothing. Heck, if we got a DNC in our party I could even see me abusing Screamin on 37RDM to instead of PL, level sync with. Oh, and I think I've decided that I would like to try to get Screamin's RDM to 75 now because he already has W Legs and having 2xRDM/NIN with W Legs is just pwnage. Pipe dreams are great aren't they?!
Weekend realistic goal: SAM to 68
Weekend wanted goal: SAM to 70 (and then the real fun with SAM begins because of all the new gear I geat!!!)
Quote of the Day:
Aren't even going to welcome me to the 2x W Legs club?
- Me to Aguaa since he had also gotten 2x W Legs in this LS
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