Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

It was a lazy night last night. We started off with a Kirin, that ended up taking way longer to set up for that it should have. The plus side of this Kirin was we did try it another way. Instead of just having the 3 BRDs swap around and then stay in party we actually had a 4th bard outside that 2hr'd and gave 3 extra DDs 2 songs also. So when the 3 bard rotation was done the bards would drop out and the 3 extra DD swapped in and we'd get even more fast damage on Kirin and take him down quicker. This was actually a really nice idea that worked out well. Kirin went down faster than usual but one of the extra DDs d/c'd just as he was supposed to swap back in so I jumped back in my original party to give the WHM Soul Voiced Ballads. Congrats to Hybridkiller on a half point cost D Body and to Fadee on his W Legs.

Seeing the W Legs drop again made me really start to think that I may actually take the time to build up points to try to get W Legs for Screamineagle just for fun. It would be really cool to have 2 characters with W Legs so he could actually keep up with my RDM now. lol What else is nice is that his PLD is really well geared and that is one of the few nice items he is missing. Also, whenever I use him he's almost always on PLD and whenever I dual box it's usually PLD and RDM. Even another thing that would be really nice is that if I do end up getting back into a real Dynamis shell I could always use him as an NM kiter for the 3 NM platforms. Versatility... :D

Back to sky though... After Kirin we ended up just farming the rest of the night but since we had so many people we were smart enough to split up and take groups to basically every NM out there. I guess we got MG, Despot, SC, and a water. We would've gotten Zip but a solo RDM got to him before our main alliance of people could. This doesn't even include the group of BLM we had at Ulli trying to snag some Diorites too. It was refreshing to be able to just own sky like that.

As for my plans in this LS and future plans, I want to stay with this LS because weekly payouts are really nice and I still have a bunch of items I still want. Gear I still want for myself in sky:
1) W Hands
2) N Body
3) N Hands
4) Kirin's Osode

Items I want for Screamineagle is a much shorter list: W Legs, Haidate, and D Body. Other possibilites would be D Head and D Legs but they are not a priority AT ALL. I dunno if I would actually uncurse his D Body because that's definitely not cheap but it would be nice to have a decently geared MNK to have extra for Salvage. The other problem with Screamin's MNK though is that he doesn't have Haidate. Haidate would be a really nice upgrade for his MNK and NIN even though I would probably never use him on NIN because his PLD is so well geared.

But back to actually talking about my plans for Treubond. Future plans include SAM to 75 and meriting like mad man. Then I would switch back to MNK and get cracking on that to at least 66 or possibly 75 depending on the needs of a Salvage group that I hope to join.

Which brings me to my next point of Salvage. Hulc is coming back some time in the next week and he wants to get a regular Salvage group together which I am all about because that of course is my next real goal now that I have W Legs and all my NEEDED gear for SAM from sky. Salvage I have always had fun with and would love to start getting some Morrigan gear flowing my way and even possibly some Marduk gear because they would be some decent upgrades for my bard. Not to mention some Usukane gear for my SAM or MNK when they are 75 as well. I guess that means now that I am paying attention more to what gear I could actually use for good upgrades to what I have I should remake my Salvage list of wanted items. Guess that means I would also need a bunch of house cleaning then too huh?

So tonight will be another attempt at leveling SAM some more, but hopefully not failing like last night. I will also have to start looking through my inventory on my character and seeing what else I can dump to my mule or just straight up sell because I don't use a lot of the stuff anymore and probably won't use some of it for a while.

Quote of the Day:
Hurray for today! No more 'W' in office!
- not really a quote, but just a reflection on my feelings for today

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