So last night I guess there was a big problem with Dynamis-Tavnazia where the time extensions didn't pop as they were supposed to so the second group ended up not even going in. Which means yet again no Dynamis-Tavnazia for me.
After that I was going to start a burn party and then another group just went in there. Darn. So I asked if they need another puller/leecher/smn and the guy said please. He asked me to come SMN which I didn't mind because I want to get it to 75 anyways so I can get me some merits. When I get down in the tunnel I see that there are 2 guys pulling already so I'm kinda pumped. I figure we can fly through these burns really quickly. Well the first one went well and the second pull was done in about 40 minutes which is like record time. Too bad the one SMN screwed up and only got to astral flow twice instead of three times and left us with our sync 4k til 19 and Thunderspark.
During that pull is when I realized that the leader wasn't actually pulling. The one guy was just pulling on 2 chars and then job changing on one and holding on the other. Which meant that I was helping pull but getting no benefit of being a puller. The guy leading was just there to leech. I don't get it! How does a leecher not have a puller job, that is definitely unfair to the guys that are actually pulling! Needless to say I'm not really thrilled about that. It turns out we had a really good pull but it took us 2 hours to do the pull and kill because 1 SMN screwed up. I mean 40 minute pull, 1hr and 20min to kill. I don't get it!
One the bright side of it, I did get my SMN to 74 and I'm only about 20k til 75. That means I need to switch to exp mode on a 75 job so when I ding 75 on SMN all my exp doesn't go straight into merits and I actually get a buffer on my SMN first. I will need a buffer because I'm sure while I'm attempting to learn to play the job I'll be dying some. lol
That still leaves my RNG at 50 and 0 maat fights done last night. I can't say that I'm too disappointed though because I did get over 2 levels on SMN and am now only 1 burn away from being able to merit on SMN now. To be honest though, I really would like to have Maat's Cap first then merit, but we can't be too picky when we're getting fast quick and easy exp.
Quote of the Day:
Damn you!
- Cheyne when I was trying to get us to start a burn party but ended up sneaking myself into the one that was already there
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