Monday, August 24, 2009

Maat Masher

Let me tell you, Maat is not an easy guy. I lost to him on DRG and BLM and almost lost on RDM. From what I hear is that RDM is really tough but I did it in 1 try which I'm proud of. The RDM fight made me realize something though, when fighting Maat, macro out the fight and run through it at the BCNM before you enter.

For DRG, I was cocky. I went in saying to myself that it would be an easy fight. I went in, slept to 100, Penta, Jump, High Jump, Icarus Wing, Penta, and I was dead. Looking at this you might think it was a good job, but then when you really look at it, you realize I didn't use food and didn't use my 2hr. That right there my friends is why I lost. If I would've used food and my 2hr I would've won because I had him down to 40% when I died. Although I also would've won if he didn't partly guard my 2nd Penta. My first Penta did 660 and my second one only did 330, that bastard! DRG was by far the hardest Testimony to get too, but I at least know I need to go to SSG and it shouldn't be hard and I can make some easy gil in the process.

BLM I choked. I went in cocky again and just choked. If I would've read anything about the fight I would've discovered that I could 2 shot AM2. Instead, I went for 3 T4s and then paniced and got waterga III'd to death. BLM at 75 should be simple, AM2, stun, sleep, AM2. But noooo, I stunned and then nuked again wasting my stun that I should've used for that -ga. Lessoned learned... macro the fight, don't take it for granted, and read up as much as possible, it'll save me time in the long run.

WAR I basically macro'd out and I OWNED Maat. I mean I'm pretty sure he was D-E-D DEAD! Of course being 75 helps a lot with damage. hehe RDM was a lot tougher but not as hard because I macro'd the whole thing out so I could just not panic and smack around my macros in order and bam, done. Although, if his blink didn't take one of my debuffs and one of my nukes it would've been a lot easier.

Now on to the brighter part of my weekend, SMN and SMN burning. SMN burning went very nicely, THF is now 65 and ready to be regeared and exp'd to 66. I only need about 25k to get to 66 and I have to gear the job anyways so I might as well gear it and exp it instead of wasting a SMN burn on it. This means I basically only have RNG to do. Go go power Ranger!!! Yeah, shut up, its funny. Sadly, I do not currently have the inventory space to support my RNG gear. This means I need to do a few more Maat fights then unload some gear. Not to mention I stil need to get my RNG AF which is actually mostly worth while to get.

Getting back on track, my SMN is doing pretty well too. I have to admit, SMN is definitely growing on me. Its pretty fun to have your summon go knock some junk up and not be worried about being injured yourself. What I really want to mention is that last night I went to Whitegate to pick something up from Swifman (which will be explained in todays QotD) and saw a shout for a Fenrir fight. Well gues what, I only needed the Fenrir item to get my Evoker's Ring. 5xSMN and a RDM absolutely owns Fenrir by the way. So when I go home tonight, I will have my shiney new Evoker's Ring waiting for me and my refresh active while Carby is out now!!! I so cited!!! This is the first stepping stone to me gearing my SMN. The next ... Yinyang Robe!

On a side note, I actually did some more crafting yesterday. It was great because with the stuff I sold I made about 400k. Such a great feeling seeing my hard work for Bonecraft to finally start paying me back. Of course 10 minutes after it all sold I went and bought a 630k Jupiter's Staff. So much for a profitable weekend right?

Quote of the Day:
Swifman kept telling me he had a gift for me but it wasn't that important. He finally found me last night while I was playing Rock Band 2 with 2 of my brothers so I was obviously afk. After we finished playing I had to run up to Whitegate to get my key item for ISNMs anyways. I find him and am all excited to get my gift. I get my gift in the form of a white arrowhead looking piece which as most would recognize as a Phantom Tathlum. Immediately after trading me he says: "Now quit being a nuub already!" That is right when I lol'd.

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