People don't understand how to play jobs anymore. They think that joining a TP burn party is just that, you join, you swing, you use your TP, and repeat. If that is your philosophy, just quit the game now because you're ruining it for me.
Now I know as a DRG you do massive amounts of damage on Colibri and its really hard for a NIN to tank against you without hate help from someone like a THF. This is where my latest party with DRG was set up well, but executed poorly. The THF was SATAing a BLU/THF... /headdesk. The BLU was dropping huge damage SA'd spells at the beginning of fights.... /slap. And I was the only one sitting there holding back on my damage so the NIN could be the one tanking.
Dear THF, you're a moron. You are level 60+ and I understand you just love SATA, but with Assassin you can now seperate SA and TA and still drop good amounts of hate on the tank, GO YOU. I had to sadly explain this to the guy so he would actually do it correctly. It turns out that I didn't have e nough time to explain how DEX and AGI work with SA and TA though.
Dear BLU, you were better than the THF because you at least knew he was wrong but its partly your fault too because you can just as easily TA the NIN for more hate which you NEVER DID. Yes, I know the NIN has Yonin now for extra enmity, but on Colibri he has Provoke and ... Provoke unless he wants to get his face blown up by spells. My rule of thumb is wait for at least a second Provoke before you do big damage or you start wasting the healer's MP. That is, wait for the second Provoke if you don't have a means of mittigating the hate you just got.
Dear other DRG, don't use High Jump to build TP to WS and then not have Super Jump ready to shed more hate, your face will get eaten especially because you were /WAR and couldn't even take 1 hit.
Dear me, GOOD JOB! You used Jump at will to help do damage and build TP. You came /SAM so you could get to 100% TP with 1 less swing. You gear swap on WS's to boost your damage and make exp flow faster. You learned that using the combination of Third Eye > Penta Thrust > High Jump or Super Jump usually meant you took 0 damage. As it turns out it was good timing between battles too because you could either use High Jump or Super Jump each fight. You also didn't use High Jump > Penta Thrust > getting your face rapped because you were intelligent. You also learned that when you have someon who relies on being behind the mob for big amounts of damage you should stand next to the tank because you will take hate. Here's to you Mr. Smart DRG Man. Ahh, the joys of an 8k/hr party in a 12k/hr camp....
As awesome as that party was they were understanding when I had "something come up" and I had to leave real quick. Funny part was that that "something came up" was a SMN burn party that I could get hella faster exp than I was with them. That was the start of a pretty good SMN burn weekend.
By the end of the weekend I had gotten my THF to 62, my DRG to 65 (in the exp party), and my SMN to 70. My first Predator Claws was also for 1258 on a poor bat in Zeruhn Mines. I know I shouldn't be worrying about my SMN but getting it to 75 is an eventuality anyways. Also, the sooner I get my SMN to 75, the sooner I get to turn these parties into merit parties and put myself into a substantially better position for getting into DF. But I did get 2 more levels on THF which is sorely needed because I really don't WANT to level THF at all. There is a lot of gear that goes into making THF good and I just don't want the hassle of all the swap gear for a few levels. Once I get through THF and get my last level on DRG I will only have RNG. Yeah, I'm PUMPED!!!!!! Just having all the exp done will make me feel great. When I finish all my exp for Maat's Cap I think I will put in my app to DF and while they are talking about not letting me in I can work on fighting Maat. lol 21 LEVELS OR 377K EXP TO GO!!!!!
There's so much I can do after I get done with Maat's Cap its not even funny. For one is stress less about NEEDING exp and HAVING to finish this. I can relax and maybe concentrate on gil making, missions, Campaign, and maybe even finishing off some stuff on Screamineagle. This is such a comforting feeling to be able to see the end and not have any HUGE plans afterwards. Maybe some exp, definitely some merits when I feel like it, possibly crafting, such options!
Oh, and on a quick side note, I did my first Einherjar run in a loooooooooong time with DF this weekend. Someone messed up a pull and linked the last wave of mobs and the boss so we ended up wiping but I'm just happy I got about 1300 points that is going towards my Omega Ring. If they let me in I would love to dual box Screamineagle in there to get him some extra gear as well.
Quote of the Day:
Hmm, lets put it this way, I heard a lot of quotes this weekend and 90% of them are not allowed to be put into print because there doesn't need to be a trail led back to me. Lets just leave it as this was a great weekend. But in the interests of my 1 or 2 readers....
Q: What does a gay horse eat?
That is all...
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