Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Zelda: The Twilight Princess

Last night I decided I needed another game for my Wii. I needed a game that I could sit back and play at my liesure and not feel bad because I'm practicing Wii Sports when my girlfriend isn't. So I snagged Zelda: The Twilight Princess at lunch when I was hoping to get Mario Kart or Wii Fit.

I have been getting the hang of Zelda quite quickly and have been able to accomplish everything pretty quickly. There is one part still very close to the beginning that I am having problems with though... FISHING! I spent a solid hour trying to get this stupid cat back to the one shop owner but I haven't been able to catch a fish yet. There are tons of fish but I don't know how to actually catch one. I've followed like 3 different directions and none of them have worked. I just found another suggestion online a few minutes ago that I will have to try tonight when I get home because I want to get on with the game and get a sword and shield and start DOING stuff in the game. Right now I'm still locked in this little town and I have done litterally everything I can so far and now am just stuck trying to get this dang fishing down.

Tonight will be some Zelda, then volleyball, then my girlfriend has already made plans of coming over. I like how I don't really make any decisions as to when she comes over, she more of just says "I'm coming over" and if I say no, she gets mad and I'm in the shit house. Oh well, at least I will have time to play Zelda before volleyball :D

Quote of the Day:
One of the very first tasks in Twilight Priness has me to the point I want to stick this disk in the microwave and get my $50 worth in watching sparks fly. In order to get the cat to the shop I know you have to catch a couple fish, BUT I'VE BEEN SITTING HERE FOR MORE THAN 2 GAMING HOURS BOBBING MY REMOTE UP AND DOWN AND NOTHING!!!! I'M F***ING PISSED!!! Is there a trick to this or what because this is getting to be really tiring.
- this is the post where I found my newest try for fishing

(here is what was posted as the "best answer")
I reccomend wildly moving the two controllers around when the bobber goes underwater, which you really don't have to do much to make happen

Monday, July 28, 2008

I like to sit in my room and play with my Wii

So this is another reason why I need to get back to FFXI... I just dropped over $400 this weekend on the last remaining Wii at Best Buy. This included an extra controller, an extra nun-chuck, Game Party (darts, skii ball, hoop shoot, etc.), and Mario Party 8. I must admit Wii sports is still my favorite game right now though, but that's only because they were out of Mario Kart and Wii Fit.

Mario Party 8 was still pretty fun, wasn't really what I was expecting but it was better than I expected. Its a kind of Monopoly type game where you go around the board constantly and attempt to get the star on the board before everyone else and it costs 20 coins to get it. You can get coins by stealing them from other people or by landing on certain spots on the board or by winning the mini games between rounds. The game can end really however you want it to because its just a setting before you start the game, I simply ended mine by setting it to 15 rounds which took about an hour. I'm kinda excited about trying another board because there are different special squares and routes in each board and I've seen most of them in the Donkey Kong board.

Hopefully these will be enough for me to keep me content until I can get my hands on Mario Kart and Wii Fit OR am able to log back on to FFXI. It was funny because last night Kaisr IM'd me asking if everyone had quit or something since he hadn't seen anyone online in a while. To which I informed him of our accounts getting hacked and how we are awaiting the roll back process. I also informed him that I am long from quitting because I am currently going after Maat's Cap, to which he responded with :P Ahhh, I wanna start gaming again ... but I need to get some more use out of my Wii first hehe

Quote of the Day:
Wanna play with my Wii?
- my new pick up line haha

Friday, July 25, 2008

/taps foot

Been over a week and a half since I got my account locked and still no word about it. Hopefully it won't be too much longer because I am really itching to get back into it. I did however lock Screamin's account on Tuesday I believe so I guess I have to wait for my perma-PL anyways. But I'm sure Hybrid would be more than happy to share a PL with me while we blitz through levels.

Since there's really nothing else to update on I guess I will just leave this with a QotD.

Quote of the Day:
Certainty of death. Small chance of success. What are we waiting for?
- Gimli from The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

Monday, July 21, 2008


Patience is a virtue ... that I am beginning to run low on. I am starting to have some FFXI dreams again because I miss the game. It is kind of a breath of fresh air knowing that even if I wanted to I can't play it so I have no remorse for not being able to continue with my goal because I have so little of time.

This weekend I actually had some free time away from the woman which was very refreshing because I got to watch some movies I wanted to watch and I got to play a lot of Bubble Breaker which is a game on my phone. I have also been working on my Sudoku book again which is definitely a change of pace. These are nice things because I've been trying to rest my knee since I have started physical therapy on it and I have been really stressing my knee out over the past week. I hope to start running daily but there is soooooo much I have to do around my house its not even funny.

But alas, the real reason I'm typing in here is because I do miss FFXI. :-( I want my character back so I can start whackin away at mobs again and work my way to Maat's Cap. Now that my LS has basically broken now I guess it gives me no excuse not to do anything except work on my long term goals, like Maat's Cap and getting Bonecraft to at least 80 for a source of steady income. This will be nice to actually do things I want to do in game again :D ... when I get my char back.

Quote of the Day:
Vasseline doesn't work, use oil.
- yes, a guy I work with said that and it is what you think he was talking about, lol

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Really I have nothing to update on since my account is still locked due to being rolled back. The big thing is I just wanted to add a quote of the day that I JUST saw.

Quote of the Day:
Perfect timing! My liver just healed from the last [annual party] I went to!
- someone's response to an annual party invite that was just sent out

As for an actual update, Hybridkiller is still tryin to crank out his levels for his low jobs to just keep workin on Maat's Cap. I'm thinking that by the time I actually get back into the swing of the game he will have for the most part caught up to me. I still have some tricks up my sleeve if he does start catching me though to keep me ahead. hehe Other than that I'm just kinda stuck and can't do anything in game. So I guess that's that.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Hacked update

My account is now locked down while they are doing the roll back. Hopefully I have the account back before the end of the month, but as long as I got the ball rolling I'm happy. I should get basically everything back because I hadn't really done much in game lately so even if they roll back like 2 or 3 weeks I will just be missing a few levels on DRG.

As for Screamineagle, I have to do another GM call tonight or at least very soon to work on getting his stuff back. Hopefully it will be about the same thing and just be a waiting game. Guess that means I'm on another official FFXI break until then...

Quote of the Day:
You have to have a lot of balls
to play golf the way I do.
- bumper sticker I saw yesterday

Monday, July 14, 2008

Hurray for hackers

So yeah, Treubond, Screamineagle, Disdain, and Caldera/Hybridkiller all got hacked. Everything worth any gil is gone. For some retarded reason they left 3k on my mule though. It wasn't like they couldn't have sent it because my mule was standing next to the mail NPC. So I have 3k gil for 2 characters, yay. I'm so friggin pissed off and disheartened. I swear to Bob, if I ever found the people that did that I would give them the whooping of their life!!! I'm talking they would need reconstructive surgery just to look human again.

Do these RMT not realize that all they are doing is killing their own market? People like me who have been playing for years and are always tossing around the idea of quitting, they are just giving me a reason to quit. And by god if you think I'm EVER going to buy gil. I freaking hate these GD people... ARGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111ONEONEONE

I would not be surprised to see a lot of people quitting because of this incident and if SE doesn't do something about it they are just going to keep losing customers. Putting something on the FFXI website is not being proactive about it. How many users can actually say they check the POL website on a regular basis? I only check it when I hear there is a new update coming out so I look for the info on it. And that is me ONLY looking for update information. Excuse me for not regularly checking the POL website because I would rather be PLAYING the game then reading some website that just talks about the game.

This weekend was all ups and downs because it was fun, then I found out I got hacked, then more bs with the gf, and blah blah blah. Can't I get away from drama and BS like this garbage of getting hacked. I played this game as an escape from drama, but noooooo it still had to go and find me. So here's my FUCK YOU RMT because I still ain't buyin!

Now I get to ATTEMPT to call POL because I'm sure their lines are busy with other people that got hacked too and hoping to get all of their stuff back ... fun fun fun.

Quote of the Day:
Fuck RMT!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Next camp

1 more level down. 34 DRG was all I got last night because I was kinda busy and distracted while leveling considering I had so much packing and preparing to do. I was designated as the coordinator of the weekend I guess. But ^^ is my main concern until I leave work in about 30 min for PA again!!!

Was hangin at my regular camp in Yhutunga at the OP and was doing pretty well. For some reason it felt like my acc was lower than usual even though I was a higher level. I really need to remember to start the parser next time so I can check my ACC and my wyvern's brute power. Best WS from my wyvern, that I saw at least, was now a Hydro Breath for 100 to a T. That almost doubled the damage of my WS which is AWESOME! That little guy makes me so proud lol. After getting my level I headed back to Norg to clean out some inventory from the random drops I was getting and then back to Bastok to pick up some extra gear. I still hadn't picked up my RSE body yet and I had to grab my Jaeger Ring for when I hit 35. Next chance I get I will be trying out Bibiki Bay and seeing how my 1.25 bonus modifier with polearm works on them birds.

My goal for next week, with a lot of luck from avoiding my gf for maybe a few hours a day, I will be able to hit DRG to 40. I am gonna need to find a party to rock through that though, but I'm thinking after I get 36 or 37 I should be able to make it to 40 with only one good party which would be joygasmic! Another job under my belt, and moving on to PLD next should be fun.

PLD should've been my higher priority than DRG to 40 because I can actually use it as a legitamate sub job for my RDM but meh, its not like I'd have time to enjoy it anyways. Progress is progress and that's all I'm looking for right now .... PROGRESS. I have this lofty goal to attempt to keep up with and it ain't gonna be easy. Especially when the woman was happy that I have barely been online to play FFXI and saying "Well, I'm only here until September." Yay, that she wants to take up ALL the time in my life.

Quote of the Day:
I can't leave work right now because my car is at the shop getting updated...
- go me and not being able to talk today!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Uh ohhhhhh

This is not a good news about last night post, this is a hopefully good news about tonight post. But as always I will start with yesterday.

...well I heard AN did pretty crappy in Dynamis-Sandy last night. Um, yeah, that's about it.

Ok, so on to today! I told my gf I had a lot of stuff to do tonight and she said fiiiine, and told me she probably wouldn't see me until Tuesday ... TUESDAY! So that means after I mow my lawn, go play volleyball, do laundry, pack, and do a little cleaning around my room I should be able to GAME!!! I'm like uber super pumped!

Goal for this evening will be rock out DRG to AT LEAST 35. The only problem with this will be that I need to hit 34 then go gear swap and find a new camp. I wish there were birds somewhere I could destroy ... hmmmmm... Well, I could try out Bibiki Bay and go rape birds down by the docks! Which I think I'm going to try to do once I hit 34. So I was thinking that Jaeger Ring was 34 ... nope, its 35. Well, I will need to switch camps anyways because I was already seeing EMs at 32 where I am now, which means through 33 I may even hit some DCs.

The plan will be hit 34, go get some more gear to throw on, like my RSE body and my Jaeger Ring, and I guess I get a Lance, yes that's the name of it, at 34 also so that does work out quite nicely. One of the highest DPS polearms at that level so I don't mind at all. Another thing that I will need to pick up is some food because I constantly forget to grab some and I am too low to use the sushi that I have on me so just jerky or mithkabobs will work out just swimmingly.

I really hope I have time to get some more levels tonight because I dropped 12 spots yesterday on the ffxiah rankings :-( I am now out of the top 100. If I have the time to just keep cranking out these levels I know I could swiftly move back up to the top 100. I just need the time to do it. ARGH! I seriously want to just call in sick tomorrow and just game all day until we leave for PA... So much to do ... so little time to do it in ; ;

Quote of the Day:
As for Pete, there's a line in the Velveteen Rabbit that reads... Real isn't how you were made. It's the thing that happens to you. I'm Gabriel Noone. Goodnight.
- The Night Listener (it was an alright movie with Robin Williams)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Is that bad?

Is it, if I'm just sitting around all the time just thinking about leveling my jobs and all that jazz. I have discovered another kindred spirit for Maat's Cap. Caldera told me he is going for Maat's Cap as well, but he'll be doing it on Hybridkiller instead because Hybrid has more job levels and is Hume so it better all around. I am excited to say that once I have more time there will be a lot of time spent leveling with him and Maat's Cap will be ours!

I'm way ahead of him in levels considering he JUST unlocked DRK last night and his WAS was only 17. lol I am really excited about getting back to leveling though because it is kinda fun. The only thing I need to start doing though is not soloing unless I only have short periods of time by myself ... like tonight. Soloing is nice because I can just log on and boom, start going at it without waiting around. If I have the actual time to throw together a party though I really need to because it will cruise sooooooooooooo much faster, like when I was leveling with Sush. That was back when I got 20 levels on PLD in 2 days ... 2 DAYS! Granted that was 11 -> 31 but still that's rediculous, over 90k exp in 2 days! That's easily going from 73-75, plus a buffer.

Now to do some calculations on what I need to average, not levels, but experience per day instead. To make this easy I will assume 150 days because it is after July 1st and I will assume a bunch of days where I won't be able to level. According to I have 3,374,900 more exp until I reach my goal. So if I use the equation 3,374,900/150 = 22,500... oh my gosh.... I was thinking this was going to be pretty easy, but that was when I was doing the calculations by levels per day. I only needed to average 2 levels a day and I was golden, but I wasn't smart and wasn't thinking about the higher levels are much more exp intensive to get through. 26k exp is the most for a single level I will need to get to be able to fight Maat on all jobs (which is going from 65 -> 66). So up to level 63 I should be nailing AT LEAST a level a day. This goal is a lot loftier than I expected. lol But hey, I will have fun going for it and then all I would ever have to worry about is end game gear. My mark is still holding strong with Jan 1, 2009. Sounds like I will have to forego on possibly a linkshell, but I know Saturdays and Sundays I will be able to hit the ground running once I have them completely free to myself.

I'm not gonna lie, I have a big ole smile on my face right now because I know what kinda goal I set but you know what, if you're gonna shoot for something, it might as well be shooting for the stars right?! And I wanna be a SUPER STAR!!! Super star with Maat's Cap that is, hehe.

So I took a short break from writing this post and went to lunch with Khrone, since we work together. As I was at lunch with him I had to have told him I wanted to level about 10 times. I REALLY miss this game right now but I have been so busy with crap I don't have time. What little time I do spend in game I feel that I am not getting much done, but getting SOMETHING done is better than nothing right? Since my major long term goal right now is Maat's Cap I've been trying to concentrate on just doing short bursts of leveling. This has been working to a certain extent but I want a full day or weekend or evening or something to be able to just play this game! RL needs to gtfo of my way and let me game already! :P

This evening I probably won't get anything accomplished but I will attempt to get a level on DRG before my 6:30 volleyball game. I will be cutting it close but I still wanna try to at least burn my ring. Plus once I get 1 more level I will probably be too high to exp where I am right now anyways. I would probably need to move down to Sahagins which aren't really fun, especially solo because of the TP moves they have. Well, hopefully there will be some sort of update tomorrow with good news of leveling.

Quote of the Day:
Hmm... Murdered by pirates, a heart torn out and eaten, meet Victoria... Can't quite decide which sounds more fun...
- from the movie Stardust

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Prepare to be shocked... I got 2 levels on my DRG last night! I know, I'm pumped too! I got 1 level early on in the night, then the woman came over, and then after she left I braved out another level on DRG even though I was pretty tired. Elshimo Lowlands OP is a great place for solo PL at 31-33. It provides a lot of Ts to ITs and at even 33 only a few EMs and mostly Ts still. I have had to move on from just Goblin Furriers to some Opo-opo too, but they aren't too too bad as long as they don't use their AoE move that basically whoops on my wyvern.

Speaking of my Wyvern ... WOW. I don't know how people can just ignore the damage of a wyvern from the calculations of how much dmg a DRG deals. For the most part when I weapon skill my wyvern does breath damage as high as 86 to my 110-130. That's like a steroid shot in the arm when you calculate my WS damage. Not to mention my wyvern can occasionally pull hate from me early on in a fight if I whiff enough. Normal attacks my wyvern is doing about 15-30 while I'm doing about 30-60 but he's also attacking about 1.5 times faster than me. I'm so glad I decided to start going DRG/SAM because going DRG/BST is a TOTAL waste because your pet doesn't WS and your wyvern does! Ok, I need to stop getting excited about this because its not healthy for me. lol

On other news, I am now 1 level away from having my permanent rings on my DRG (Rajas/Jaeger). I should look into upgrading some other gear on my DRG but honestly I don't care much as long as I can keep my weapon and stat bonus gear up to date. How much damage I take doesn't matter as much considering I have a PL. So depending on what other gear I could throw on that gives me more STR or DEX I doubt I will do much else to my gear as it is right now until 40+ when I start getting more serious about leveling.

As for tonight, its shot with doing stuff with the girl and for tomorrow night I have no clue because I have volleyball at some point and we'll see if the girl will invite herself over again afterwards. Hopefully more updates before this weekend and I disappear for the weekend.

Quote of the Day:
A: I'm from Beaver.
B: We all come from beaver don't we?

Monday, July 7, 2008

I give up!!!

That's it, I quit!!! Campaign is maddening now that I can't even do enough to just fuggin KEEP MY RANK!!! I've done at least 15 on both Screamin and Treu and still can't keep my dag gone rank ... wtf! I'm done with it, once they have a fix for it I'll come back to it, but until then I'm done.

Now that I've given up on that I will officially get back to my Maat's goal. There have been a lot of stuff IRL still holding me back but I'm hoping that I will be able to get about 4 or 5 levels cranked out on my DRG today. Not gonna lie, I'm kinda excited to get back to DRG because it will also be one less job below 37 or 40 and then I can start getting back to jobs that I can have fun with like SAM or MNK :D I'm having fun with DRG and all but I want to experience some other jobs again, I like the variety. But before I can move on to those other jobs I still need to crank out DRG and PLD and I'm leaving my SMN with Disdain's for now until I get all the other jobs to 50ish. After I hit 37/40 with DRG and PLD and I can actually get back to MNK and probably just take that straight to 50 since it is currently my lowest Maat's Cap job. lol

I like how I'm turning this into a game of which job do I want to play right now. hehe I am really enjoying this Maat's Cap journey more than I expected. Normally I just hate grinding job levels out but this is kinda fun and actually has a smile on my face. Now I just have to find the time to get back to it.

Quote of the Day:
I am the super mother bug!
- from the movie Bug, which left me speachless at the end ... because it was so gosh darn STUPID!!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

1 hour of play time

That's right folks, I got to play FFXI for 1 WHOLE HOUR last night! I was pumped!!! I got to do 1 campaign with Screamin and myself and then had to log out. I was exstatic... Seriously, my gf just decided to come over my house last night after volleyball when I didn't invite her, so that kinda ruined my night.

On another in game note. I logged on to my character and noticed my pearl had been broken for AN and I was about to flip my shit when I sent Ced a /tell. He informed me he didn't want people "snooping" around on the linkshell that were no longer in the shell. Apparently Ced had figured out that it was Caldera that was using my characater and not me so he broke my pearl. After talking to him he said I could have a pearl back whenever but he just didn't want Caldera hearing all the super secret stuff that goes on in our LS...dotdotdot

I'm super excited for my fun filled weekend of all this free time I'm going to have ... oh wait. Let's see I have to trim my hedges, clean my house, finish my laundry, go to a party tonight with my gf, find something to do for fireworks tomorrow night with my gf, go to another party on Saturday with my gf, and then go to ANOTHER party on Sunday with my gf. Sounds like I don't have time to game then huh? Well I'm glad I'm paying for two accounts right now, neither of which I can use.

On a brighter note, I should be getting out of work early today AND I should be getting a new phone on AT&T. Bye bye Sprint!

Quote of the Day:
Another summer day
Has come and gone away
In Paris and Rome
But I wanna go home

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Gf casts Drain II on Treubond

Yeah, it was another night of NOTHING in FFXI because my gf was pissed off and decided to come over when I was hoping to get some stuff done around my house and be able to game. But of course I barely got anything done ... AGAIN!!! This is getting maddening because I have so much other stuff I NEED to do around my house and then I WANT to have some time to game. I am getting flustered with my gf because I need some space to myself. ARGH!!! Ok, FFXI blog ... not RL blog.

Guess that means I don't have an update since I logged on and stood in my MH for about 15 min before I just decided to go to bed. Also, my RETARDED self, I just realized that I never bought marbles for my main which means I lost out on that. The only good part is that my mule did end up winning a 4th prize which guarentees me at least 100k which is nice. So I guess I can't complain too much about that. Screamin's char didn't even get an exp scroll and most of my friends didn't get anything either.

Tonight I won't really have time to game unless my gf decides to leave me alone after volleyball tonight. I don't have volleyball until 8:30 but I HAVE to mow my lawn and I need to cut the bushes in my front yard. Seriously, I feel like I haven't gotten to play in months... /sigh

Quote of the Day:
Space, the final frontier.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I miss ^^

It feels like I haven't played FFXI in months! I really do miss the game because it is a lot of fun and I felt that I was actually making good progress in the game in those weeks before I went on vacation all last week. Steady progress was being made on my Maat's Cap goal which is still somewhere around needing 2 levels per day by a rough estimate.

There is still a ton I want to accomplish in game and so much of the new stuff I want to keep up with like the new ZNMs. I will barely have enough time to keep up with my Campaigns I think. :-( As long as I can keep my current ranks with Campaign I will be happy I guess. Then I want to do more assaults and get back to salvage but I'm sure Spruck's group has moved on and gotten a new BRD for their group. Now I need to get Khrone crackin on Assaults, start thinking about Nyzule isle also, ARGH, too much to do!!!

I suppose I should make a list of stuff I want to do this week.
  1. DRG to 35ish
  2. Do enough Campaign to keep mine and Screamin's ranks
  3. Maybe some assaults
  4. Get Khrone Destroyers and Asuran Fists

I dunno, I guess I don't have lofty goals for this week. Maybe attend an event or two for AN this week and burn some more points.

With all the changes going on in AN right now I don't know if I want to be in it much longer, not like I'm really an active member right now though. I have a bunch of friends trying to get me over into their LSs and such. Heck, I even had 1 friend give me a pearl to his new Sky LS when I told him I wasn't really interested. He told me to just get on the shell and look at the website with what all they have accomplished in Sky so far. They sound like a good shell but I have too much vested into AN still. I dunno, I guess I really shouldn't put too much thought into any LS stuff right now since I have barely any time to do anything.

Quote of the Day:

Honk honk rattle rattle rattle crash beep beep