Thursday, June 25, 2009

4 Jobs Left

PLD is done! I have about a 3k buffer in case I fail once or twice too. Hopefully I won't have to actually go back an exp any of these jobs anymore because it would definitely be a pain in my rump.

Got a pretty good party last night and just burned through some exp. Nothing amazing or fantastic, but just happy another job is done. It was a good party though because we had 2xRNG, SAM, RDM, WHM, and me on PLD. At first I was afraid I would have some issues holding hate but then I found my groove. Once we were going for a while I was getting really tired and started losing concentration and other people were getting hit. For the last 45 minutes or so I didn't even use the High Breathe Mantle because I was holding hate well enough for it to not matter.

Now I will be gearing up my DRG for probably my last job or 2 that I will actually be leveling to 66. There isn't too much I need for DRG that I don't already have. I only need a weapon, body, hands, and head piece. In a few levels I will need to get a grenade thing that gives ATT+4 but that's not too rough. I'm kinda excited to level DRG because now I get to show off what I can do on it. Not to mention I will get to play with Penta Thrust which is always a hoot!

Anyways, I'll post more tomorrow when I'm not so busy at work because I NEED this stuff at least working tonight so I can finish it up tomorrow.

Quote of the Day:
U CLEVELAND BOUND…shaq found out he was traded thru twitter! lmao….hahahaaaaaa
- From Shaq's Twitter page supposedly

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Under 1,000,000 To Go

I have officially crossed the threshold of 1 million exp to go. I have somewhere around 900k exp to truck through before I get to make myself very good friends with the old man and his ugly mug.

Working on PLD has still been my focus because its not quite 66 yet. I need a little under 30k before I'm done with PLD for good. This is a job I really have no intentions of taking to 75 since Screamin is well geared already. Besides, I would have more fun finishing off some other jobs instead I think. PLD has been pretty fun but I've gotten to the point where its starting to get boring. Last night was a good change of pace though because we weren't just doing birds like every other party, we actually were doing Mount Z and crawlers. It was still good exp of over 8k/hr so I couldn't complain. Just after I dinged 65 and threw on the Shield Torque I swiped off of Screamin we ended up disbanding though. One exciting I do have to admit though is I do enjoy seeing all the skill ups I have been getting. Parrying, shield, and divine have all been going up at a good pace for how much I use each of them. Of course parrying is going way slower than shield and divine because we all know how tough it is to skill up parrying, but shield and divine are almost 200 which is pretty good for where I am. Its a pity I only have 1 more level of having a chance for shield and divine skill because I will probably never skill shield again and divine magic I will need for my WHM Maat fight.

Something I am looking forward to is getting back to some Astral Flow parties because that will be some quick exp to be able to finish off at least BST and maybe make some good progress on THF. I have been discovering I have less and less of a desire to level THF at all because there is a lot of gear that just doesn't cross over much and its not really fun until 60 with Assassin. Maybe if I get THF to 60 using burn parties I will dump the rest of my burn party exp into like RNG to save myself some gil, but I think I will have more fun with RNG than I would with THF because RNG gets better invites and can REALLY drop some good damage at those levels. The biggest problem with RNG will be how much gil I'm going to have to sink into it. Arrows and bolts alone are going to be rough, but the fact that E Bow is 55 and pretty much the best bow for RNGs is a back breaking expense. E Bow is sitting at about 3.5M right now which takes out over half of my current gil. Yeah, ouch...

Another topic I wanted to touch on is crafting. I have been trying out fishing for profit using Screamin's fishing and my crafting but it hasn't been working out as well as I hoped because people are stupid and throwing away profit. I sell something for 18k a stack, and people undercut it for less than it was selling for previously... RETARDS. There is one thing about undercutting it for maybe 1k less, but when you undercut by 3k you're just literally throwing away 3k of profit. Then on something like RR hairpins. They were steadily selling for 50k per pin, now all of a sudden they dropped to 45k. Why would you sell them for 5k less per synth. This just boggles my mind because people are trying to turn a quick profit so fast, they are missing out on profit that they should be making! Stupid people always amaze me. So right now all of my gil flow that I was counting on has pretty much come to a crashing halt because of undercutters. I refuse to sell my items for less than they are actually worth. Since I'm not hurting for inventory space right now I don't mind sitting on a lot of gil worth of items just so I can be sure I turn the good profit I should be later on down the road.

Basically, I need to find a consistent gil flow right now because I am going to need it very soon. There are also some gear pieces I wouldn't mind upgrading to because they would be boosts to some of my more fun 75s. As of right now I don't feel I have enough gil to dump into those fluff items because I still want to sit on enough of a nest egg to be able to dump into salvage gear if I ever get going on that.

Quote of the Day:
Possible new name of the sky shell that I use as my social: PenXVClub
- I can be creative sometimes

Thursday, June 18, 2009

3 Known Readers!!!

I found out yesterday I have a 3rd reader! Granted he was only interested in my last post because he wants to level his SMN now. lol But its heartwarming to know I have more than just 2 people that occasionally read this.

Anyways, since Sunday I haven't had much time for leveling since I've been pretty sick and my girlfriend has officially moved home. I have managed to get up to level 62 and almost to 63 on PLD though. Last night was kind of rough but for being in Aydeewa Sub. it was actually going pretty well. It would've been much better if our SCH didn't have full MP most of the time and the RDM wasn't refreshing him. I swear all the SCH did was do 2 nukes, rest to full, do 2 nukes, rest to full. People really need to learn their jobs and how to use them because there were many times when we could've used an AoE cure, paralyna or erase, but he was too busy just standing there with full MP. He'd only cure me when I went red and I had no MP too. To be perfectly honest I thought the RDM was dual boxing him because whenever the RDM was doing something, which was most of the time, the SCH wasn't. Then when the RDM was resting for MP the SCH would shoot off his 2 nukes and that's it. Ok, enough complaining about people not knowing how to do their job, let alone do their job well.

There is a bonus of having my girlfriend home now, I don't have to go down to visit her and completely give up FFXI for a weekend. I know overall I will be spending more time with her but I'm just trying to look at the bright side of things. haha

I'm hoping that I will have enough time to finish off my PLD to 66 by Sunday so I can move on to another job. Plus, I'm hoping by then my 3rd reader will be set up and ready to roll with some burn parties. I figure I can finish off THF through those parties because there isn't really anything I need to skill up for THF Maat since I should have Dagger capped, Evasion capped, and then Marksmanship I'm hoping to do through RNG. RNG I may do a little bit of burning with but it would leave me to do a lot of outside skilling up because my Archery and Marksmanship would definitely fall behind like they already kind of have. DRG I could just burn through also but I think I will burn my BST first since that would be the hardest job to get to 66. I'm hoping that once I have the levels for Maat's Cap I can just burn my SMN the rest of the way to 75 and learn to whoop on some mobs. Well, on the other hand I would really like to get my SCH up to at least 37 or actually 75... SO MUCH TO DO!!!

I'm done rambling for now...

Quote of the Day:
Thank you for reopening me being able to log in to blogspot.
- message from me to whoever unblocked the log in page for blogspot at my work again

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Astral Flowing Through Levels

Let me start off this post by replying to Brian and his misinterpretation of what I meant by "SMN burn". I did not mean you get 5 SMNs and a COR and just go fight mobs. I actually meant an Astral Flow party using Level Sync. Without Level Sync this idea would be almost impossible because you would need everyone to be 10-14.

How this works:
Find a level sync target that is between 10 and 14 (or even 15) and get a few SMNs and a leecher or 2 depending on your set up. The usual set up is a level 12 target with 3 SMNs and 2 exp leeches. Then the big part is having 2 or 3 of the people with access to a level 75 RDM or PLD/RDM to pull the entire zone of Korroloka Tunnel. RDM works best because you are less likely to get interupted but I have yet to die from interuption. Usually you have one pull the mobs down the middle while the other pulls the mobs up top. Once you get as many mobs in the zone as you possibly can together you get them in a very close spot. There is a way to transfer mobs from one person to the other by curing and then resting but there have been times where I have gotten stuck resting and ended up dying because I couldn't move from there being so many mobs on me. Getting locked has only happened to me twice so we still transfer mobs to Screamin so the RDM can do an extra pull of mobs.

Anyways, once all the mobs are together one of the pullers picks a big mob, usually a Sea Monk or a Giant and starts spamming spells on it to gain a lot of hate and calls for help. This will be the target of all Astral Flows, or more specifically Diamond Dusts, because there will be very little hate gained by the SMN but the mob will still be targeting the puller. Once the mob is selected you have someone in the party engage the CFH mob so the SMNs can just assist that person for the target. Then there is a 3 or 4 SMN rotation of about 10 seconds apart of Diamond Dusts. Since you are Level Syncing so low, if you don't level between DDs you can pop 1 Hi-Ether and have enough MP to summon Shiva again and DD again, easily allowing you to get off 3 DDs per person and basically killing all 100+ mobs. This normally gets us about 30-35k per pull and takes about an hour total for the pull and killing all the mobs and using the extra 3 people in the party to use their COR 2hr to reset the 2hrs of the SMNs so you can rinse and repeat. On a really good pull you can get up to about 40k with a good COR exp roll and a low enough level sync.

Using this method I have easily gained over 200k worth of exp and finished my SMN off doing so. When I first discovered SMN burns I was a level 44 SMN and am now a 67 SMN. Not to mention I was also able to leech my BST from 55 to 60 last night as well greatly lowering the time I will need to spend getting to 66 on the rest of my jobs.

PLD I was able to just get into a really good party that I had to leave earlier than I would've liked for a SMN burn party. :D But I did get my PLD to 58, giving me another piece of AF to wear and 1 less piece of extra gear I need to have. I am having some fun with PLD because I'm definitely getting a better idea for hate control as a tank just by knowing how much enmity my abilities get me and doing certain things to keep hate on myself.

I know this feels a little like I'm cheating to get my Maat's Cap but I know these parties won't last because we'll run out of sync targets eventually. I also realize that my time with FFXI will be slowing down once my girlfriend moves home this weekend so I won't be able to dedicate the time like I can now, so I want to get in as much as I can before then. After this weekend it will be a real struggle to get the rest of my jobs to 66 because of my time constraints. It will also stink for events since I won't know when I will be able to make them or not because it will all depend on the woman saying she wants to spend time with me that night or not. Stupid RL getting in the way of my goals for Dynamis, Salvage and Maat's Cap.

Quote of the Day:
Hellbunny: What job are you leeching, PLD?
Me: Guess again.
Hellbunny: PLD?
Me: lol, I'll give you a hint.
(I charm a mob)
Hellbunny: BST, good choice.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Productive Weekend (Happy 69)

As this was my last weekend of "freedom", I got a lot done. Now the target number til Maat's Cap is lucky number 69!

Lets just start out by saying, thank you baby jesus for allowing SMN burns. That being said, my SMN is now 65. It is retarded how awesome it is to be able to fly through levels like this. It was about a week ago that my SMN was 44 and now its already 65 and only 2k til 66. This has been going by so fast, and now I know a bunch of people that want to SMN burn with me since I have a 2nd char that can pull. Actually when I get home tonight, I know a guy that wants to make a party because he doesn't have a puller char and needs me. He said he has people to sync with and SMNs that he could invite, but to have an effective SMN burn you need 2 pullers.

I also got around to doing a choco quest which put my WHM over the edge and now is 66. That is 1 more job completed and 6 to go. Well, 5 to go really because SMN is only 2k til being done.

PLD on the other hand I don't mind taking the time to finish it off because I have been getting some good shield skills and a few parrying skills while leveling. Both are a huge pain to skill up so I might as well do it while I'm getting good exp for it from birds.

I got my PLD to 57 in a birds party with a not too smart WHM that was definitely under geared and missing spells. This WHM NEVER Regen II'd me, let alone Regen'd me, nor did he cast Auspice once. One thing I noticed was how much more a bird uses TP moves when we didn't have Auspice active. My face was getting eaten off by TP moves as PLD, but when I was doing WHM and using Auspice I would have to say the bird was using about 3 less TP moves per fight. I would have to admit that Auspice is definitely a worth while spell. Also, after reading a little more about how Auspice works, it reduces TP dealt by 10% which definitely adds up in a TP burn party.

And as a side note, in Dynamis-Beaucedine I got the Argute Gown for SCH which is really nice piece for when I get my SCH to 75 using SMN burns heheheheHAHAHAHAH.... cough cough :D

I think that's about all for today. Hopefully I can get some more levels on my SMN or my PLD this evening. Oh, and about what I said earlier about this being my last week of "freedom", my gf moves home from graduating from college on Sunday. This means that all of this extra time I've been spending playing FFXI will be drastically cut down. That's why I need to get in as much game time this week as I possibly can!

Quote of the Day:
Women, can't live with them, can't shoot them.
- Unknown

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Free Drop

This will only be a short post since I don't have much to update. Heck, most of this update is going to be about Screamin. lol

Starting with Screamin, I basically don't do sky anymore. I really only go up when they really need people since I seriously have everything I need from sky. This is why I've been sending Screamineagle up instead of me because they usually need DD for Kirin burns and my SAM has been hacked up from lending gear to other people, such as my Peacock Charm to Disdain who hasn't logged on since I lent it to him and my Hagun to Hybrid because he doesn't have the gil right now to buy one. Anyways, Tuesday night the LS needed more DD for Kirin again so I sent Screamin up on MNK since it is pretty well geared. Turns out that D Body drops and our leaders were trying to sell it to the other LS that was there waiting to do Kirin. It ends up that no one that is allowed to lot on it wants it so it free dropped. Well, it ended up free dropping to Screamin so I could get him a Shura Togi now. This leaves the only abj that he really needs from sky now is D Legs which I could really care less about. Hurray for Screamin being done with sky too though. :D

Only update I have for myself is just that I've been working on PLD AF. I have all the keys and now have the quested pieces done, but the coffers themselves are being bastards. Last night I literally searched every spot in The Eldieme Necropolis and didn't find the coffer, but I did find the chest. Tonight the coffers better be more cooperative because I want to get crackin on PLD this weekend and I don't wanna blow Friday night searching.

Oh, and some sad news I just got last night. One of my friends may be transfering servers to Remora. I guess they said the friends they are with right now have a lot of drama on this server so they are jumping to go hang with some other friends they have there. Lame excuse if you ask me. I uprooted once and jumped servers and when I did half of my friends quit and I had to start all over again. At the point where I am I don't have it in me to leave and make all new friends again because I have friends all over this server, even if I'm not that close with them, that I just don't want to leave.

Quote of the Day:
Ohana means family.
- Stitch from Lilo and Stitch obviously ... yeah, I was watching it last night.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

You Just Got SMN Burned!!!

ZOMG!!!! I am in love with a stripper!!! Oh wait, I mean I'm in love with SMN burn parties!!! I got 14 levels last night on my SMN just doing 3 or 4 burns. This wasn't just 14 levels from like 14 to 28 either, this was from 44 to 58.

I've decided if I can't do SMN burns, I'll be leveling PLD for now. Well, I didn't even get a chance to get the gear that I wanted for PLD last night because I got sucked into a SMN burn so quickly. But that's about when I started thinking "darn" too. lol SMN is nice now because I have all these extra BPs that are fun to use and I don't have to go through the hassle of the 40s or even low 50s. If I can get a few more of these SMN burn parties I could probably get myself to 66 in a few nights! Before I logged last night Sush was trying to get me to do SMN burn parties with him and told me that one of his friends has 4 lvl 11/12 jobs that could go through burns. Which I am totally ok with since that would probably take me to somewhere around 65. Then Drivvt also has his COR at 11 which means that could be a 5th burn which would definitely take me from 58 all the way to 66+. I SO CITED!!!

If I can burn through SMN like this, maybe I can get my BST into one of these parties and fly that through since I would be one of the extra ppl pulling which gives me some (you ready for this) pull in the party. BST will be the only other slow job to get to 66 because I would be basically just soloing the whole time which isn't so much fun when you're only doing about 5-6k/hr on average. At least I will have my Anni Ring to get me through it all.

Ohhh, last night was quite a glorious night. Then I was told I was needed for a Kirin burn and when I got geared up on Screamin, got him up there, and then he never even got an invite even after people were dropping dead. Oh well, at least I will get the points for the Kirin.

Last night they were also helping me through some of the SMN AF which was nice because when we all go as SMNs we can just use the mini forks to get to the fights and then blow up the mobs. Now that my weapon and first SMN AF is done, I just have to get ready and do the 2nd one and I'll be done with another set of AF, well, after I do the coffers and Dark Spark again. I am just happy to be having some uber progress right now.

Tonight I have volleyball but then I will be hoping to get myself into another SMN burn and finish off SMN and maybe see if I can get a lil extra on BST. But if I finish off SMN tonight I will be super duper happy.

Quote of the Day:
- Spring Break '06 .... ahhh, crazy people in LA

Monday, June 1, 2009

WHM Done...

...basically. As far as I'm concerned, my WHM is done getting exp. It is sitting at 65 and about 1.1k tnl. That means I just have to do my choco quest and escort quest for the week and its done. Another option is taking it into campaign for a bit, but I'm just not really into that option.

Now that I can toss a bunch of that gear into storage I don't have to worry much about my extra needed space until I do my next AF. I can put some more gear into my satchel that I always carry with me but I don't necessarily always use like my MP rings or earrings or my dmg reduction gear.

Hmm, now I don't know which job to do next. As of right now I'm leaning towards THF. I basically laid out what gear I need for it last week. It shouldn't be too hard of a job to level because I can help keep hate on NINs which have a hard time tanking through birds. Not to mention I get piercing damage on birds which can be really hot. So this should be a good job to level.

Now that I just talked to my bro (Khrone) and he kinda convinced me that I should do PLD next. He just suggested it because it would give me more experience tanking on PLD so I could jump on Screamin and have more experience and be a better end game PLD. This is decent reasoning, but seeing as I already have experience tanking sky gods it would only add on and not much more. The real reason why I think I'm convinced I'm doing PLD next is that I'm sitting on 3 PLD AF coffer keys and I have some gear saved from when I did PLD before.

I also just went through and laid out what my gear for PLD will need to look like and it looks like I should need minimal effort to get to where I want to be. The hardest part will be simply getting my AF. The quested pieces of AF aren't too hard but require a lot of walking around and patience. Other than those few pieces of gear that I need I think I am all set and ready to rock out on PLD. Time to teach these crappy tanks out there how to tank!

Quote of the Day:
Welcome to Duloc / Such a perfect town / Here we have some rules / Let us lay them down / Don't make waves / Stay in line / And we'll get along fine / Duloc is a perfect place / Please keep off of the grass / Shine your shoes / Wipe your... FACE. / Duloc is, Duloc is / Duloc is a perfect... place.
- those puppets from Shrek when they first get to Duloc, have fun having that song stuck in your head like I have had the past 2 days...