Friday, November 28, 2008

Bye Bye 69...

Yeah, it was apparently a one day affair since I'm now 70 Bonecraft. It was quite painless to hit 70 because I was almost exactly breaking even so there was no harm no foul as I could still try to fish up more Shall Shells on Screamin.

Oh, that reminds me, I found some Rogue Rigs on the AH so I snagged 2 of them. That was really nice because that meant I could get back to fishing and making myself some lovely gil. What else was really sweet was last night I hit 3 out of 4 HQ2s in a row, which meant 15k in the bag in a manner of about 1 minute! I still have yet to get a full stack of Black Pearls but I have over 2 stacks of Pearls which is good for me. The problem is I don't know if I should sell these or hold on to them and craft them on my way to 80 BC. My biggest draw back right now is that Coral Fragments are 15k A PIECE!!! I mean, I understand I'm going to be losing some gil until I can actually craft the RR pins but this is pretty retarded the amount that I would be sinking in gil.

Now that I got completely sidetracked on what I was writing I guess I will just close this entry up. Probably planning on resting a lot this weekend as I don't really feel too well so fishing and meriting could be in the game plan. Hopefully I can get a bunch more shall shells to make myself some decent gil to fall back on.

Quote of the Day:
I'm too lazy to find or think of one, so go find one yourself...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


That is, I got 69 on Bonecraft last night. It was actually really easy to get and I'm pretty sure I was breaking even just NPCing my result. I could actually finish off to 70 on the same synth which I think I may do now since its really simple. Getting the extra level on Bonecraft will also help me HQ Shall Shells which I am going to be trying to do for gil. I have about 5 stacks of them sitting on Screamin right now from when I was leveling his Fishing which I was doing again last night.

Which brings me to more bad news, I broke the line and lost the Robber Rig. That is the best way of catching Shall Shells in Bubu and now I can't find ANY for sale. I actually put up on that I wanted 2x Robber Rigs just as a back up. Hopefully I can find someone that will be willing to sell me one because that is going to be my money maker while I skill up Screamin's Fishing skill. Argh, its just so frustrating that as soon as I skilled up my Bonecraft to the T3 HQ level I lose my rig to GET the shall shells ... pisses me off. DAMN YOU GAME!!!!

Fishing and synthing would be perfect for this weekend too because my gf is in town which leaves me just about no time for meriting or getting anything else done. This is where crafting can really get nice because it takes very little time and I can actually get other RL stuff done in the process. Now I just have to figure out what my next synth will be after hitting 70. Maybe I will get back to crafting the materials for RR Hairpins. This also means I should get back to getting more guild points for my BC skill+ items. Bleh, so much to do and no time to do it in.

As far as sky went, we got a bunch more pop items but didn't do any gods. Tonight they are going to try for Kirin but I doubt they will have the people and as I'm one of the BRDs it will probably be a problem. Hopefully they just do more farming tonight so next week we can do like 3 days in a row of Kirins and lots of lesser gods. I'm really more looking forward to lesser gods because there is a lot of junk gear I'd like from them.

I suppose my only real goal for this extended weekend will be merit a little more, craft, and try to jump in on a couple nyzul isle runs to try and snag some gear.

Quote of the Day:
Sush: Are you 18?
Lux: No.
Sush: Are you 14?
Treu (in say): I saw that question comin
Lux: Yes, I am 14.
- then the conversation got a lot funnier after that but I'll just leave it there lol

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Back On Track

Let me start off by saying my bro is a lucky mofo. He really hasn't worked TOO hard for anything in this game and yet there he stands with his 75 MNK in a Shura Togi, Melee Gloves, and his new shiney Destroyers. In all the years that I have been playing this game and doing sky my W Legs was the first thing I got from Kirin and yet I'm pretty sure he got his Shura Togi before I got my W Legs, what a butt. He really is lucky that I play this game otherwise he'd probably only be hitting 75 about now. But yeah, we grabbed some LS people and went up and got him his Destroyers, which is probably the quickest KS30 I've done since it only takes about 5 min to do the whole fight and walk people out. On the bright side of that I did get an O Ingot which is some good gil so I'm happy.

After that we went up to sky and tore up a ton of gods. Sadly I was about to get W Hands but I zoned out they dropped to someone else by accident ... oh well. I can easily get those the next god run because they are a pretty common drop and no one wants them. I am pretty pissed about missing a butt load of points right now becauase I should be way higher in the standings than I am because they can't find who did points for 2 days last week. Ugh, whatever, I just all of a sudden got in a bad mood even though I shouldn't really be because I'm probably still next in line for Haidate. There are still a bunch of junky items I wouldn't mind bidding for like a bunch of Heca and Shura gear and of course the W Hands that I should've gotten last night.

I'm pretty well shot for the rest of the week because the gf is in town and I'm sure she'll take up all of my time like she always does. Ok, I'll just stop because now I'm just venting my anger right now. Odds are I won't have any updates the rest of this week because I doubt I'll be online at all.

Quote of the Day:
Khrone > Naz
- Sush, once he found out Khrone got his Destroyers

Monday, November 24, 2008

Treading Water

The numbers lately in our LS have been kind of lacking. Last night we didn't even have 12 people show up but we still got almost every trigger mob in sky. We got MG, SC, Zip, Faust, Water, and Despot which really only leaves out Ulli and BB. When the one group got the water we had the BLM blowing up stats at Ulli and never got a dio even after about 2 hours of strictly farming dio.

On the bright side I did almost get 2 more merits which will be going into my enfeebling magic to get me to 7/8 and then I will be dumping them into Ice Acc on RDM. Tonight, since I have nothing else to do, I will be meriting again to get some more merits into my RDM because I know that still has a lot of work since my Bind was resisted on Zip a couple times which I was not happy about. The one thing I hate in this game is either missing on a melee job or not landing a spell. Guess that means I have more work to do meriting. One thing I have come to the realization of is that I don't really have any intention of FULLY meriting any of the jobs because that is just such a time sink and honestly I don't feel that is the best use of my time because I could be leveling a job that I could be having fun with instead.

As far as meriting goes, I will probably get about 10-20 more merits before calling it quits for meriting for a while because I know I'm going to get bored with it. After that it will be back to either SAM or MNK and as of right now I'm leaning more towards SAM. Right now I honestly don't feel the huge urge to merit or level another job, I'd really like to get some new upgraded gear and do some other instance type events like limbus or salvage, salvage being the higher of priorities. I'd even be just happy finishing off my Assaults and doing loads of KSNM, BCNM, and ISNMs.

As I said earlier, tonight is going to be meriting and then more sky. Hopefully tonight we can do a bunch more farming and maybe take down a few gods. Here's to hoping we have good attendence tonight because we have a lot of pop sets we are sitting on now.

Quote of the Day:
Did you hear that the OSU vs Michigan game was supposed to be cancelled this weekend?

Michigan couldn't get passed Toledo.
- gotta love raggin on the rival!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The End in Sight?

It seems as though the end of the LS may be within sight because Sush and Mac both just joined Dynamis Dominators. They only have runs on Wednesday nights during our sky runs but I definitely see a trend of attendence going down. Last night we only had about 8 or so people in sky and only 2 of us were on mage jobs. All we got to do was get a water and pop Olla. Its nice because I'm pretty sure we needed it but the sad part was that we need MG more and we didn't have enough to do her.

Hopefully afer Thanksgiving is over with people will be back in the swing of things and everyone showing up again. I am still hoping to snag some more pieces of gear before this LS disbands because I know its going to happen eventually, just when is what I don't know. If nothing else I will try to snag a few more seals or pop sets so I can have my own Kirin pop set in the waiting or be able to sell the full set to be able to have the gil for a Haidate. This is all just guessing though because I don't know how long this LS will last, because it could keep going strong for a few months for all I know.

Lets just say I wouldn't be crying myself to sleep every night if the shell did break as long as I could get some pop items out of it. The past month was well worth it because of the new friends that I've made and became closer to some other friends, and the W Legs didn't hurt either. hehe But now that I have W Legs everything else doesn't seem that important for me because in sky there really isn't that much more I NEED. Honestly I should probably look more for a sea or limbus or even ZNM group because those would be better suited for my needs. Or heaven forbid that I actually find a salvage group to roll with again. There is still the posibility of me getting back to working towards Maat's Cap too, or even if its just leveling a few jobs that I really want to level like SAM or MNK.

As for this tonight and this weekend I will be gone until Sunday so no update tomorrow. I will probably end up meriting on Sunday since I have a lot of work to do on my RDM still especially now that I may actually start using it in groups again (if I join any other groups). I supposed my future in what I will be doing in game will change in the next few weeks drastically again so I will just have to roll with it and see where I end up.

Quote of the Day:
3x THF gloves dropped!!!
- Sush while doing dynamis with Dynamis Dominators

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Run Run Run

... as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'M THE W LEGS MAN!!! It was really fun to actually use my W Legs for kiting and pulling mobs and such. Granted it was only sky farming in which it was a really bad night, but it was still nice to be able to run around with my W Legs and actually USE my RDM for once.

Last night did make me realize I need to rethink my laziness of macros and redo them on my RDM and probably upgrade some gear. I really don't want to upgrade too much right now though because I still doubt I'll be doing too much with it. First thing first though is meriting like a mofo. There is a laundry list of merits that I need to get now and to upgrade. My current order that I think I will be doing is:
1) Troubador (3)
2) Enfeebling magic (6)
3) Ice Acc (12)
4) Wind Acc (14)
5) Phalanx 2 (15)
6) Ice Potency (9)
7) Lightning Potency (12)
8) Minuet (14)

Oy, that's a LOT of meriting. That's 85 merits of knocking out birds. Lets see, assuming 1.5merits/hr, that leaves me at about 57 hours of meriting! Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, I don't know how I feel about capping everything then. Maybe I will just get a good start on some of them like the potencies or Phalanx 2 because I don't really NEED them capped but a few more in them would be nice to have. Minuet isn't even really a priority but it would be very nice to have for merit parties since that will be just about all I will be using for meriting I'm assuming.

As for anything else going on in FFXI I can't really say anything is going on. Tonight will be my last night until Sunday because I'm going to see my gf again for an extended weekend since its M*ch*g@n weekend. I'll be back in the swing of things fresh Sunday night though ... probably meriting. lol I have a feeling the next few weeks are going to be pretty dull for my blog since it'll basically just be meriting and sky. Hopefully I can snag some good gear though!

Quote of the Day:
Also, FFXI won't make your heart explode.

I think.
- [GM]Dave's blog

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

THEY ARE MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!


I would just like to say I have been in a few different sky shells and been doing sky for 3+ years. In 1 month, less than actually, I got W Legs in this shell .... ITS AMAZING!!! Now its time for me to start picking up the other little unnecessary gear like Heca hands and feet or if no one wants them Dryadic head and legs. Or I could snag some W Hands too which wouldn't hurt. I know it won't take too long to get me to Haidate because I'm still ahead of a bunch of other people so I'm not really worried. Now is when I need to cash in on as much cheap gear as I can while I can in case, heaven forbid, something goes wrong with this LS and it breaks.

As soon as W Legs dropped to me I made sure everyone had a way out of sky and then I ran to Jeuno and then to N. Sandy to get them uncursed so I could run around in them. I have plenty of pictures that I will hopefully remember to put up when I get home from work tonight. While I was running to Sandy Ukatsu asked if anyone wanted to join a group that he was in for a floors 96-100 run in Nyzul Isle and I was all about it especially because I would've been the only one that was going to be lotting on Goliard. Too bad we didn't do so well on floor 99 and wasted like 5 extra minutes that were definitely needed on the 100th floor. Since they had problems with the switches in order I was kiting 3 mobs around with my W Legs until they got it figured out. Finally they did, we got to the 100th floor and they just dove right into it w/o really giving me a chance to heal them to full and get some MP back so I had half MP and was the only healer, needless to say things didn't work out so well. It was actually just fun to kite things using my new W Legs, hehehe.

One thing I did realize though is that I will need a Vermy now ... until I get morrigan's of course. Now I won't have auto refresh while running around on RDM because I would need to be wearing full Yigit which can't happen when I have W Legs on. I am also going to have to rethink my macros because I will need a running or kiting macro because manually going into my inventory every time to put them on isn't going to fly. Time to rethink my RDM macros I guess.

Something else that worked out perfectly last night was that I finished PLD to 50. Now I can dump some of the none useful gear to the AH and the rest to my mule and free up some more space. Its nice only having the 2 jobs below 50 for Maat's Cap now, but sadly Maat's has no long become a priority. If I do get back to leveling a job though it will probably be SAM because I think it will be a lot of fun and its a job I actually would like to take all the way to 75. For now though it'll be meriting to make myself a lot better of a RDM and BRD.

Tonight will be sky and meriting so I can get Troubador for BRD to finish off the Troubador/Nightengale combo for Kirin burns. After that I will be finishing off my RDM merits to make myself a better bind/grav kiter for when I need it. Not to mention I should just finish off Enfeebling magic to 8/8 already too since it'll help all of my enfeebs on all of my jobs. This is getting really exciting again. I am getting really pumped to be switching around my priorities again and doing stuff that I haven't done in a while which is exactly what going for Maat's Cap was originally anyways. More fun shall be had tonight for sure!!!

Quote of the Day:
- me, after W Legs dropped on Kirin (I just couldn't hold back, had to say fuck yeah)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Uh Ohhhhh...

Guess who's next in line for W Legs in my LS now?!?!?! ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We got another MG last night which means we are ready for another Seiryu which is all we need for another Kirin set. As long as we nail MG tonight again we may even have 2 Kirin sets for Tuesday. :D I'm soooooo pumped because I have a feeling I will have my W Legs by the end of this week. If that happens ... I'm just gonna have to rename my blog!

As far as drama in the LS, one of the leaders quit because he was whiney that Aguaa did tons of outside farming and passed him on W Legs twice. Its funny because after 1 month of being in the LS I passed Vibion in points too and he's whining that he isn't the next in line for W Legs? He was complaining that he had put months of work into the LS and how he deserved to get them, when apparently I had done just as much work in 1 month that he had in what, 6 months? People complain way too much and can't just accept that people have more time on their hands and will end up passing you in a points system that rewards outside farming. At the same time you have to thank the guy doing that outside farming because do you think you'd be anywhere close to doing as many gods and Kirins as we do without outside farming? Yeah, 1 guy passed you twice for the same item because he has 2 characters, DEAL WITH IT. If he would've stayed with the LS he still would've been next in line, but since he sold some pop items and some gil items he's not allowed back in to the LS and has no chance of getting W Legs with us. I suppose he just doesn't understand the fact of helping people get items they want too.

Last night Nazareth logged on and he was so excited he was saying that he knows he's going to get his haidate next. What's funny is that I blew passed him in points and I gladly stated that in LS chat. He was awestruck by this, but then I told him that he deserved haidate more and that since he passed d body to my brother I would gladly pass haidate to him. He was elated again and thanked me. Honestly haidate isn't nearly a priority for me as W Legs is because I would actually USE them and haidate would be for my WAR and eventually SAM and MNK which are still only 51/50. Haidate will still be the next big item I get because it is a really good item and I WILL use it, and I don't feel like paying 4M to some LS for me to get it.

Last night I did also get a chance to level PLD a little bit because I got home with plenty of time before sky. Sadly the party I was in was total junk and the only reason we even did decently was because I was PLing us. I got 1 more level on my PLD which was nice but still need 2 more levels before I can shelf it again. That would bring me to only 2 more jobs to get to 50! I just hope that SMN and WHM are very fast to 50 because I want to get back to my DD jobs that I can have fun with.

There may be another priority change this week for me though. If I do get W Legs I may do what Sush is doing and cap RDM merits for farming/soloing purposes. I may also just start meriting again once I finish PLD because I really could use some more merits on my BRD and my BLM outside of wanting to cap merits on my RDM. Funny how priorities can change pretty quickly. Go from all out maat's cap to a month later all out meriting and end game. lol

Tonight I will try to finish my PLD to 50 so I can get back to meriting. That way I can sell off a bunch of gear or just move some to my mule. More space is always welcome on my char because I can always find something to fill it up with. I am also debating going back to fishing on Screamin now that I have just figured out how to get moghancement: fishing again, rusty buckets ftw. That means more shall shells that I can synth and make some gil off of. Ugh, more getting side tracked. It seems no matter how far you are in this game there is still so much to do and so much to keep your busy. I really don't see how people can think they've done everything in this game because I've been playing for 4+ years and I STILL haven't gotten nearly as much done as I hopeed.

Tonight's goal: PLD to 50.

Quote of the Day:
Nazareth: I'm next for Haidate now :D
Me: Actually I'm ahead of you in points >:D

Thursday, November 13, 2008

There Is Always Hope

Last night I was told VERY good news, I am 3rd in line for W Legs. Aguaa is up for the next W Legs and there's no way anyone will catch him because he's quite dedicated to outside farming. Lux is next in line but I have a feeling by the time that 2nd pair of W Legs drop I will be 2nd in line. He was about 50 points ahead of me and just in the amount of farming and gods we did last night I think I got about 26 points which puts me right in the mix. I am also sitting on another Gem of the North for an extra 5 points. Having Aguaa invite me to his short after hours farming is really helping in my points category because I am FLYING up now. THANK YOU AGUAA!!!

This is giving me butterflies because having the prospect of W Legs is such a good feeling. Oh man, if I got W Legs I could really cruise on spamming sky for pop items and selling them with like Sush or Aguaa or Mac. EXCITEMENT BUILDING!!! Not to mention we are getting Byakko pop sets like mad and I think at some point we might as well start selling some of the seals because we do about 1.5 Byakkos to any other god, but probably like 3:1 on Genbus. lol Hopefully I can be back up in the list for B. Haidate quickly. :D Damn I'm excited. ^^

As far as what I got done last night, we just did some farming, Despot, SC, Zip? ... honestly I'm getting confused on what we got Tuesday and what we got last night. lol We did some more farming that's all I know for sure and then we did 2x Byakko. Byakko has been very friendly to us and we are now 7/7 on Haidate for this month, and its fine that I said that because Sush already said it last night if we were going to be jinx by it anyways. So right now we're averaging a Haidate every other day, THAT'S AWESOME. We'll be selling Haidates by December at this rate, and at 4.5M a pop that is hella good for weekly pay outs.

Pretty short updates as of now because all of my extra RL time is being taken up so I basically come home and then head up to sky. After regular sky hours I have been just doing some extra sky farming with Aguaa which has been paying off in the bonus points. Big thanks again to Aguaa. :D

Quote of the Day:
What's the best thing about marrying a panda?
No one can notice the black eyes.
Plus you get to do a panda!
- Khrone ... yes, my brother is disturbed :P

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Lol Khrone

Some things you just can't believe when they happen, but I will save that for the end of the post because it will just help build the suspense.

Yesterday after work I started the evening off the right way, with a nap. Then I had volleyball and did pretty well, but after volleyball I knew I had plenty of time to get cracking on PLD. Sadly I only got 1 level off of PLD but I was still happy to take what I could get. It was also good to finally recharge my ring for this week because now I don't have to stress about getting in enough exp to recharge my ring before the week ends. Outside of that one level on PLD there really isn't anything else to update on it because there really aren't any gear upgrades or anything until 50 for it.

Once I was done with PLD I had to run up to sky for some fun fun gods. They went ok, but we wasted a lot of time just standing around because Sush passed out for most of the night so it was kind of a pain to figure out where all of our pop sets were and who had them. It turns out that we could at least do 1 of each god but we could've done more if Sush had been awake because he had a bunch of pop sets. I did get to watch like 2 movies throughout sky though because of how little of effort it takes to do a god and watch TV. lol We did get another Byakko Haidate to drop which is really awesome. Sadly we could've done another Byakko but the one guy was whining how points haven't been updated so he felt that the LS would be stealing from him if he handed in his gem for Byakko and didn't get his points for it ... WHATEVER. We finally just said screw it and went to Kirin.

Oddly enough on our way to Kirin Sush woke up. We definitely had enough DD for Kirin so it wasn't really an issue and we definitely had the seals because we had just done 1 of each god. Now here is where the funniest stuff happens. Kirin goes down with some problem but ... D Body ended up dropping. Everyone starts saying congrats to Naz, but he then states that he never said he wanted it. Sush starts asking if anyone had said they wanted it and Khone had. Well long story short, no one wanted to spend 50 points for it so it went to Khrone. Here is the question I pose to you oh wise readers: how does someone get Shura Togi before they get Destroyers?!?!?! Seriously, that is messed up that he got D Body before he even has Destroyers! None the less, congrats Khrone on your Shura Togi. Oh wait, I guess because he's broke that means I have to foot the bill for the cursed item ... yeaaaaaaaaaah. So I guess that brings his tab up to about 1.35M between what he owes me and what he owes Screamin. Good thing he's getting a payout from this LS or I'd probably never see my gil again.

As for me, I need to start doing some outside farming so I can quickly jump to the top of the list for either W Legs or B Haidate. Last night I should've gotten an extra at least 5 points but a game glitch cost us a Gem of the North from Zip because Zip didn't drop the stupid Gem because I zoned out just as he died which probably caused the glitch since Aguaa and Jaugax had those gems already. Hopefully a GM will be able to give it to us since it should've gone into the treasure pool for when I zoned back in to lot. But all I need to do is stick with Aguaa and have him help me get all these extra points and I should be golden with items I want.

Tonight is a farming night that I again do not want to miss because I could use all the points I can get, but I REALLY need some sleep. I think I will have to cut myself off at about 1 tonight because I just can't keep going on like this.

Quote of the Day:
Happy burfday
- Sush when he told Khrone to lot the D Body since Khrone didn't even have enough points to lot it

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Silky Smooth

That's about how our evening went. Between me popping 2 coffers for my DRG AF and sky farming everything seemed to go very well minus one or two hiccups.

When I got home I had time to do what I thought was maybe my 2 coffers for DRG. I got the Boyahda Tree coffer with almost no problem because it was in a spot that I ended up not even needing sneak to get to. After that I still had about 30 min before sky so I decided I'd OP out to Yhoator to do the Ifrit's Cauldron coffer. On my way to the OP to warp back to Bastok I ran into Ramoth, an old friend, that just came back to the game I guess after having some REALLY bad medical issues. He said he had some sort of blood problem in his right brain and ended up having to lose almost his whole right brain which left his left side mostly paralyzed. After spending a year in the hospital he has a 22 year old cute live-in girl to help take care of him. She is actually the one that convinced him to start gaming again which is actually good for him because it'll keep his mind going. It was funny to see him wearing the xxKFBxx or whatever shell because I'm pretty sure Drivvt is in that shell too. But it was good to hear that he's doing alright and getting back into the game.

After talking with him I ran up and found the coffer in Ifrit's Cauldron almost right away, the only problem was waiting for the stupid flame spout to go down. Once it went down I quickly popped it and ran up to sky.

In sky we did an AWESOME job of farming. We popped Despot in about 15 minutes of being up there. Right there was a great start to the night. After that we did Steam Cleaner which popped on the last pop of our first detector, which again was awesome. We also found that Faust was up and decided to go knock him out while racing another LS to him. It was not a pretty fight because both LSs wiped and then they gave up and let us take out Faust which when we finally told the PLD how to tank was pretty easy. Then we split up again and went to water and dio but ended up only getting 1 water in the time we were up there but I guess they had also gotten 4 more dios before sky which is REALLY good news. After they popped their water we went over and took out MG which wasn't hard at all. To keep on going with all the good news, we walked out of MG and did Despot again who popped AGAIN in about 15 minutes. Once we finished Despot we were thinking about calling it a night but then someone saw that Zip was up so we went and took him out after a slight mishap with the PLD Flashing the wrong mob and getting a ton of aggro from a bunch of mobs. All in all I think we knocked out EVERY pop mob except BB which we have literally about 10 of anyways. Tonight should be a good night of gods and hopefully another Kirin or 2.

With my free time before sky tonight I'm hoping to get back to PLD because I need to burn through my exp ring for the week. Not to mention I just want to finish my PLD to 50 already so I can get crackin on my last 2 jobs to 50, WHM and SMN. Its a great feeling to be this close to getting to 50 on all of these jobs. So I'm hoping 50PLD by the weekend and then back to my SMN.

On another note, it was good to hear that Hybrid is not going to sell his account and he will be coming back probably in December. It was also nice to see Disdain on again because its been a long time since I've seen him around. Good to see some of the older people back around the game, gets me all nostalgic and stuff.

Quote of the Day:
I just woke up.
- Khrone said that at about 11AM this morning meaning he was late for work

Monday, November 10, 2008

Nap Time?

I have been sooooooooo tired the past week and looking forward to the weekend to catch up on all of that sleep that I missed out on. Well, I didn't really get to catch up that much because Friday I got stuck doing dry wall and then came home to do my escort and choco race and then some AF stuff, like finishing my BST AF.

I am pleased to announce that my DRG is finally 50! That is why I was able to start on some more AF Friday night because I was actually starting my DRG AF quests to get rid of my keys. Friday I started my AF2 quest which I then completed on Saturday because I had to wait til JP midnight to be able to continue the quest. On Saturday I only did my DRG AF up until the fight because I didn't even have time to finish the friggin fight since I spent most of the day doing dry wall for my brother's garage .... AGAIN! That's why I got very little sleep on Friday night. Saturday night I went to another Halloween party that was pretty fun, especially the good music and all you can drink beer. It was also the first time I have ever played Dodge Ball indoors because a bunch of my friends and I went as Verizon and another group went as the Average Joes from Dodge Ball. Much fun was had by all.

After that I was quite sloshed and ended up getting about 11 hours of sleep on Saturday night which felt FANTASTIC. Too bad getting that much sleep basically ruined my Sunday because I woke up in time to get to the concert I had to go to. The concert was fun and I'll just leave it at that.

Once I got back from the concert Khrone came over and we played some RB2 and ended up unlocking like the gig that lets you beat RB2 I guess. There are still a lot of places that I can't even play at yet but I guess the final gig is open to me now.

Khrone finally went home and I ended up just camping a coffer in Quicksand Caves for my DRG AF. Some butt munch was there popping coffers on THF and then logging until they repopped. It took me 2.5 hours to finally get my DRG AF from there which I won't even use for a looooooong time, but I'm just glad I'm making progress. Hopefully I can finish up the other coffers pretty quickly and then whoop on Dark Spark and get all my AF done for DRG by the end of the week. It will be nice to open up even more space in my MH because I was struggling for space but now I have about 20 open spots and am loving it!

As for sky, we had quite the off night. Sush decided to take a group of our BLMs to try to beat PM6-4 but was unsuccessful quite a few times I guess. So we did Suzaku slightly short handed but didn't really have any problem. That one seal finished off another Kirin set for us so we decided to go kill Kirin. Got there and ended up waiting for about an hour for people to get there because Mact stole one of our WHM to do his Alexander fight to finish ToAU missions. He even had a miss tell that went to the LS saying that he wasn't going to Kirin and he might come up afterwards but ended up not. This is also after the fact that Sush bailed because he was in a bad mood from failing PM6-4. We finally gather together for Kirin, do our practice run, BRDs pop their 2hrs (one of which was me), we sing our songs, and we get ready to fight Kirin... and we're ready ... and we're waiting ... and the 1st party loses their songs .... and the 2nd party loses their songs ... and BOOM there's Kirin! Supposedly fuman had problems with his trade getting interupted so after the 2nd group lost their songs I think just about everyone was thinking that he wasn't going to be popped. Well we were so wrong, because there he was without any BRD 2hrs anymore. By some miracle we beat him with a bunch of people dying but we beat him none-the-less. To top it all off, we got W Legs to drop which Aguaa got for his 2nd char. Guess that means 1 more person out of my way for them.

I wasn't so pleased with how the LS got ran last night because everyone looks towards Sush for leadership and he bailed on us, then Mact bailed on us. Luckily Vib was ready to step up and get people going for everything. None of it ran smoothly, and we had 2 D Hands drop off the one god which someone actually bought from us for 250k ... WASTE OF GIL. Then at the end of the night to top off the bad day as it was, someone dropped the aliance after our last god and we lost a Siren's Hair and the god's seal since people didn't pass and they broke the alliance. Not so pleased about that because that would've finished off another Kirin pop set for us. Let's hope tonight runs a lot smoother than last night because if it doesn't run well I have a feelign some people may leave the LS and there was already a lot of complaining and people whining about points not being updated in over a week.

Tonight will probably be more coffer hunting because I have a dinner and something else to go to so I won't be on until later. It would only give me about 2 full hours to level my PLD which really isn't enough because that 2 hours is from the time I get home to the time sky starts which really means if I got a party RIGHT away when I got home I could get an hour and a half in if I'm lucky, which I haven't been. So this is perfect for being able to just run around and do something productive with short amounts of time. Thankfully I'll have a lot of other jobs to do this with too.

Quote of the Day:
Oh, it's good Scottish weather, madam. The rain is falling straight down. Well, slightly to the side like.
- William Wallace from Braveheart

Friday, November 7, 2008

I Do It For The Lols

Oh these crazy kids that are in our LS. There used to be no drama and then 1 person appears out of nowhere and all of a sudden DRAMA. Supposedly this one person, Valkyria, believes they are the best PLD on the server and would be able to solo tank all of the lesser gods in sky. What was funny is that (s)he got owned by Byakko. Oh how they talk how great they are then fail, it puts a smile on my face. We never had any problems with lesser gods today at all, and even Kirin ran smoothly. I must admit, last night was AMAZINGLY productive because we killed a bunch of gods, got 3x Byakko Haidate, AND got a W. Legs!!! I'm thrilled to see people getting what they actually want and getting out of my way to get the gear I want. :P And on a quick side not, I guess Valkyria is a leacher and this was the first time I saw him/her in the LS and they got M. Head which is pretty funny because I doubt we'll probably ever see them again .... darn.

In other news, I got myself a pretty good party last night on PLD and got 3 levels. I'm now a 46PLD! 4 more levels and I get to mark off another job and then it will be on to SMN and WHM. It is kind of exciting to know I am creaping on the goal of all Maat's Cap jobs to 50. Once I get all of those jobs to 50 I will be able to get back to jobs that I really want to level, like SAM or MNK. I know before I said I was going to take WHM straight from 42 to 66 but that has changed because I am no longer blitzing to Maat's Cap. So I figure if there is no super rush I might as well enjoy the jobs I plan on doing which I would really like to work on SAM.

SAM shouldn't be too hard to get to at least 66 but the thought of taking it straight to 75 has crossed my mind as well. This is one of those jobs that I think would be really good to have because of how powerful SAMs are now. Me being Elvaan really is nice because then I have my base STR to fall back on for my WSs. As far as gear for SAM I don't think I would need too much I don't already have, except for getting some gear back from Disdain that he still has. I think he has my Chiv Chain and my Assault Earring which the earring I'm not as worried about but when I hit 60 the Chiv Chain I will want back. If you're reading Disdain, gimme back mah stuff, and while you're at it just come back to the game. :P

This evening I have to go put up more dry wall in my brother's garage, /hurray! Hopefully we won't be there long though so I can come home, finish my BST AF with Khrone's help, do escort and choco race to finish my DRG to 50, then probably go work on my DRG AF so I can eventually go store that too. After I get some of that done I am hoping to get back to leveling my PLD because I really want to finish it to 50 this weekend or even by tomorrow night. I have a ring charge left on this ring, but then I can still recharge it. So theoretically I could double ring tonight and then get another ring charge in tomorrow to finish my PLD off.

Goals for this weekend: PLD to 50, DRG to 50, finish BST AF, start DRG AF, and get SMN ready to roll which shouldn't take long.

Quote of the Day:
It's not who I am underneath, but what I *do* that defines me.
- Batman in Batman Begins

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Iron Man

I thought it was a really good movie. They had some good comedy in it but they still kept to a plot. I would have to say I give it a 2 thumbs up and highly recommend it to anyone.

As for in game updates... Just sky farming again and it just seemed like nobody was really ontop of their game. We only got SC, Faust, and MG last night. I guess SC and Faust went well but MG was pretty ugly. Basically you just have to keep the tank alive and you're fine. Needless to say the first time we didn't, and then the 2nd time the puller pulled the slaves waaaaaaaay past the BLMs so we couldn't -ga them down and killed half the alliance again. It was sad to see us do that poorly on a mob that isn't that hard. The first time we were doing really well except a few times when the other BLM didn't know how to stun because my stun wasn't back up yet. But then we still had 3 RDMs there and none of them were curing the PLD when he was getting down into red HP. How do you not cure when he's in the red? Whatever, it was just one bad MG run that on the 3rd try we did without almost any hitch and went down very fast actually. It just seemed like people all of a sudden started trying.

Sadly because last night I got out of work late I didn't even have time for some RB2. Then when I went to my RL stuff I came back and decided to just watch Iron Man which I thought was well worth the time. After that I had about 30 minutes before sky so I just went up and we were trying to get Despot to pop with no luck.

Tonight will be a night of gods and hopefully 2xKirin. The only 2 gods I really want to do are Kirin and Byakko because they are really the only 2 that I want stuff from. Other gods do drop some nice pieces of gear like the Heca gear or another piece of Dryadic gear, but basically I just want B Haidate, W Legs (as if you couldn't tell by the name of my blog), and then eventually the Heca and Dryadic gear. Here's to hoping for a VERY fruitful night.

Quote of the Day:
Let's face it, this is not the worst thing you've caught me doing.
- Tony Stark in Iron Man

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Le Sigh

Well we did almost a full double circuit of gods twice. I think we did 2 Byakko, 2 Sieryu, 2? Suza, 1 Genbu, and then 1 Kirin. From all of those gods almost nothing of interest dropped. No Byakko Haidates and only a Kirin's Pole from Kirin. We did a little bit of NM popping before we did gods but that was only to finish off pops sets so we could do a bunch. Hopefully we can get some more diorite because we have tons of half Byakko pop sets. This week has been kind of a bust so far on getting people gear in sky. I don't think we got 1 really good piece of gear to drop from a god.

Tonight will be more sky farming since we always need more pop sets. Then tomorrow will be more gods and hopefully 2x Kirin. I just really hope we can get some more B. Haidates to drop because I want one and I know Khrone does too but there are still about 6 others that want them too. We will hopefully have some good luck diorite farming tonight so we can pop 2 more Byakko on Thursday. Then Kirin better start putting out some W Legs or I'm gonna get pissed. Kirin needs to be putting out more than just Osodes too because I'm sure there are a bunch of people hopeing to get N body and D body outside of the long line for W Legs.

As for tonight for myself I have some RL stuff to do when I get home from work which means I'll have time to play some RB2 before I have to leave. Then when I come back I'm going to try to get a level or two on my PLD. Hopefully I can get PLD to 45 tonight since I'm already about halfway through 43 and I have a ring charge to use. I am just looking forward to the hopeful progress I will make this weekend because I will have so much free time. Maybe I'll even try to throw together a small group to go to floor 20 on Nyzul Isle.

Quote of the Day:
The Oracle: I have your word?
The Architect: What do you think I am? Human?
- Matrix Revolutions

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Here Comes the Boom

I finally did it, I used my merits that I had been saving up. I was up to 8 merits that I was sitting on and finally decided to use them on my BLM since I will probably be using it a lot more than I'm doing end game again. Since my Elemental Magic skill is already capped at 8/8 I decided to bring the pain with my BLM and dump the merits into ice and lightning potency. I now have 3 upgrades to ice potency and 2 upgrades to lightning potency. The crappy part about all of this is that I STILL can't break 1k on my tier 4 nukes on a golem. This needs to be fixed either through gear or merits. I mean I could break down and finally spend some gil on a job and upgrade some of my BLM gear, but honestly I'm not really interested in upgrading my BLM at all unless it is an inexpensive upgrade like how my Yigit gear was or the free Jet Seraweels.

As for other things I did last night. I got 2 levels on my PLD which was a definite plus. The first party I was in was pretty good and we cruised pretty well. But the second party was really good and I did a majority of my own curing because Auto Refresh and the spell Refresh are amazing. It is great to be able to sit there and tank and not really worry too much about needing to rely on someone else to be curing you and making sure you stay alive. In the second party I think there were actually 2 sets of couples, 2 of whom I know were married and 2 of which I think just lived together. Israphael was a cool dude and the whole group in general was fun and could take jokes and dish them right back out. I like parties where its not just a grind but you get to actually have fun talking to people too. That party would've left me at 44 but sadly I had to run up to sky to get some more points.

As far as sky, it was just another night of farming. Got a diorite, but not from Ulli room, 2 Despots, a bunch of Gem of the Souths, and an SC. I think that was all we got which is still a good run because that leaves us with a bunch of gods and a Kirin tonight and more gods and possibly 2 Kirins on Thursday. This will be nice to have tons of gear getting distributed and possibly being able to snag some of the lesser gear that I would like to have. I am just excited to be doing lots of gods because it always moves me that much closer to getting what I really want.

Quote of the Day:
Me: How many times has Sush died tonight?
Linkshell: None
Me: What are you guys doing wrong then?
***15 minutes later***
Me: Its about time Sush died lol

Monday, November 3, 2008

Gotta Love Halloween

This weekend was a fun weekend besides feeling really sick last night. Lots of going around to bars to see all the sexy costumes that girls were wearing, and let me tell you my jaw definitely dropped on some. I just wish I could've taken in the sites a little more but having my gf at my hip all the time kinda brings ya down. Oh, and some girl was flashing her thong around at the one bar. My gf wasn't so happy that I saw that... oh well. :D

Outside of RL stuff I didn't really do anything in game. I did do some more sky farming and we FINALLY got a diorite. It had literally been a week drought of diorite. The water farming I guess went well too because they got 2 last night. From what I heard if we get another diorite we can do 2 of each god this week and possibly 3 Kirins. This is what I joined this LS for, spamming gods and Kirins. I should already be in the hunt for gear that I want in about a week or 2 because I'm flying up there in points because I haven't missed any sky since I joined. Last week I got 28 points which is already halfway to B. Haidate and I'm not ranked 42 already. I would guess by the end of this week I will have about 60 points and be in the top 25 or so. My only worry is I don't know how many people ahead of me want/need W Legs and B Haidate. Haidate I'm not as worried about because it seems to drop at a decent rate, but W Legs has a seemingly low drop rate. I guess I should be less worried about W Legs since I am still sitting on almost a full Kirin pop set to maybe take to another LS and see if I can just take 1 item and then they get the rest. From my pop set I would at least get an Osode, N Body, D Body, or HOPEFULLY W Legs. Osode would definitely be at the bottom of my list because I can always just buy that and since the price seems to be slowly going down and is not really THAT great for what I would use it for. But I'm getting ahead of myself. I think I will settle in on getting B Haidate first and then snag whatever other gear I can like other Dryadic gear or Neptunal gear.

As for this evening, I am probably going to crank out a few levels on my PLD. I don't have anything outside of laundry to do tonight which is GLORIOUS. I mean I could go do my escort tonight or choco race to try to finish my DRG so I can get going on finishing my AF for DRG since I have all the necessary keys. Honestly I need to finish off my BST AF too because I am just waiting to do my last quest which I REALLY need to finish off. Ugh, so much to do I don't know what to do first!
Priority list for tonight:
1) PLD
2) BST AF (if I can get some help because I'm pretty sure I can't solo it)
3) choco race/escort to finish off DRG to 50
4) (only if DRG is 50) DRG AF quests

There, now I have a list. Let's see if I can stick to it.

Quote of the Day:
Robert Langdon: The ancient male symbol was the blade, it's a basic phallus. It's still used today on military uniforms.
Sir Leigh Teabing: Yes, and the more penises you have, the higher your rank. Boys will be boys!
- The Da Vinci Code (the movie)