Monday, August 31, 2009

More Maat Mashing

This will be a very short post as I really didn't get that much done this weekend since it was my birthday.

I beat Maat on BST which actually came down a lot closer than I expected. I had to take Maat down below 20% which most people say he gives up at 30% so it was getting scary because my pet just died and Maat and his pet were wrecking me. Luckily I only had to land 2 more hits after my pet died and I won. Simple fight though where I just followed the wiki. Go in with the HQ spider thing, Lifedrinker Lars or whatever, and just sent him in. I took out the pet (dragonfly) pretty easily and then started with a WS on Maat then Snarl. Then just regular melee/Sic-ing my pet. Actually, I don't even remember if I Sic'd my pet. lol

Then I did SAM last night and it was scary close. It should've been over in about 45 seconds but when I looked back at the log I realized why it wasn't. Apparently I missed my 2nd WS which was the most important because that was supposed to be the start of a SC. I was going to rock out Light and then finish him off with an extra Gekko. Well, Maat had other plans by dodging my 2nd WS and screwing up my nice large SC that was going to kill him. Luckily my Third Eye was a champ and absorbed like 6 hits after I put it back up and was able to just melee him down. This was an unlucky fight for me as I even have merits into GK because I whiffed that WS but lucky because I was still able to take him down.

That's about it besides more Testimony hunting so I can clear out inventory space to actually level my RNG. Hopefully tonight I will get round 2 on DRG and MNK and maybe Repose my way to a WHM victory as well. Here's to having a few more Maat fights done by tomorrow.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I Don't Get It

So last night I guess there was a big problem with Dynamis-Tavnazia where the time extensions didn't pop as they were supposed to so the second group ended up not even going in. Which means yet again no Dynamis-Tavnazia for me.

After that I was going to start a burn party and then another group just went in there. Darn. So I asked if they need another puller/leecher/smn and the guy said please. He asked me to come SMN which I didn't mind because I want to get it to 75 anyways so I can get me some merits. When I get down in the tunnel I see that there are 2 guys pulling already so I'm kinda pumped. I figure we can fly through these burns really quickly. Well the first one went well and the second pull was done in about 40 minutes which is like record time. Too bad the one SMN screwed up and only got to astral flow twice instead of three times and left us with our sync 4k til 19 and Thunderspark.

During that pull is when I realized that the leader wasn't actually pulling. The one guy was just pulling on 2 chars and then job changing on one and holding on the other. Which meant that I was helping pull but getting no benefit of being a puller. The guy leading was just there to leech. I don't get it! How does a leecher not have a puller job, that is definitely unfair to the guys that are actually pulling! Needless to say I'm not really thrilled about that. It turns out we had a really good pull but it took us 2 hours to do the pull and kill because 1 SMN screwed up. I mean 40 minute pull, 1hr and 20min to kill. I don't get it!

One the bright side of it, I did get my SMN to 74 and I'm only about 20k til 75. That means I need to switch to exp mode on a 75 job so when I ding 75 on SMN all my exp doesn't go straight into merits and I actually get a buffer on my SMN first. I will need a buffer because I'm sure while I'm attempting to learn to play the job I'll be dying some. lol

That still leaves my RNG at 50 and 0 maat fights done last night. I can't say that I'm too disappointed though because I did get over 2 levels on SMN and am now only 1 burn away from being able to merit on SMN now. To be honest though, I really would like to have Maat's Cap first then merit, but we can't be too picky when we're getting fast quick and easy exp.

Quote of the Day:
Damn you!
- Cheyne when I was trying to get us to start a burn party but ended up sneaking myself into the one that was already there

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

One Job Left

THF exp is complete! I had some extra time last night and some friends weren't doing anything AND the tunnel was empty. Those three things together means uber exp party. lol

Before I got the group together I was sitting in Besieged skilling up my Divine Magic with Lilmama and Eldeus. I got almost 20 levels on my Divine Magic and am almost ready for my Maat fight on WHM, excluding not having the Testimony yet. But some funny stuff did happen in Besieged. For one, I kept taking hate from Eldeus on his full Usu MNK on my level 66 WHM just spamming Banish, Banish II, Flash, and Holy which was rather amusing. Then there was a huge group of Lamia and undead by the AC room in the courtyard and there was a General there spamming an AoE WS. Well, I decided it would be a fantastic idea to go in and spam Banishga and Banishga II and watch myself die from all the mobs coming at me, but it never happened. All the mobs moved a little but then the General spammed her AoE WS and got all the hate back so I was just spamming my AoE spells too which was rather amusing.

Anyways, when the second Besieged started Swifman was well into bugging me to start a party so I decided to ask the other puller/holder/leecher that I know that wasn't busy. He said he was down and bam we had a party. Originally I was telling myself that I would burn only on my RNG from here on out but I decided that I really didn't WANT to exp on my THF and would much rather exp on my RNG if it came down to it so I burned my THF to about 10k to 67.

This was an AWESOME pull by yours truly though. I mean, the other guy pulled the middle to hold and I pulled the bats, spiders, and then leeches/bogies. First off, the mobs were cooperating a lot more this pull so I lost a lot less mobs. Secondly, I got a bunch more bogies than I normally do. Thirdly, I finally figured out how to pull the leeches without having them deaggro by going over water, w00t! There was only one problem with this pull, the sync was 77 exp until 12 and only made it to 3k til 19 which meant no Thunderspark. It was an awesome pull but unlucky on the astral flows because it seemed that a lot of mobs only got hit by a few of the bursts instead of all of them. At the end of the 9 bursts there were still mobs with 80% HP which isn't cool. The cool part was that we still hit a chain 25 just by doing Thundersparks. Overall with an exp ring I think we got around 45k exp which is REALLY good considering we didn't chain that well during the astral flows.

Tonight could be a potentially great night. We have Dynamis-Tavnazia at 8PM but I have volleyball at 8:30. What I'm hoping is that I can get out of volleyball right at 9:30 and make it home in time for the 2nd run of Tav and HOPEFULLY HOPEFULLY have a chance at RDM hat. The odds are slim but here's to hoping right? Besides that I'm hoping to get some more exp and Maat fights done. I'd like to at least get 1 more Maat fight done tonight so I can knock another one off my list.

Quote of the Day:
Hi Mike!
- inside joke haha

Monday, August 24, 2009

Maat Masher

Let me tell you, Maat is not an easy guy. I lost to him on DRG and BLM and almost lost on RDM. From what I hear is that RDM is really tough but I did it in 1 try which I'm proud of. The RDM fight made me realize something though, when fighting Maat, macro out the fight and run through it at the BCNM before you enter.

For DRG, I was cocky. I went in saying to myself that it would be an easy fight. I went in, slept to 100, Penta, Jump, High Jump, Icarus Wing, Penta, and I was dead. Looking at this you might think it was a good job, but then when you really look at it, you realize I didn't use food and didn't use my 2hr. That right there my friends is why I lost. If I would've used food and my 2hr I would've won because I had him down to 40% when I died. Although I also would've won if he didn't partly guard my 2nd Penta. My first Penta did 660 and my second one only did 330, that bastard! DRG was by far the hardest Testimony to get too, but I at least know I need to go to SSG and it shouldn't be hard and I can make some easy gil in the process.

BLM I choked. I went in cocky again and just choked. If I would've read anything about the fight I would've discovered that I could 2 shot AM2. Instead, I went for 3 T4s and then paniced and got waterga III'd to death. BLM at 75 should be simple, AM2, stun, sleep, AM2. But noooo, I stunned and then nuked again wasting my stun that I should've used for that -ga. Lessoned learned... macro the fight, don't take it for granted, and read up as much as possible, it'll save me time in the long run.

WAR I basically macro'd out and I OWNED Maat. I mean I'm pretty sure he was D-E-D DEAD! Of course being 75 helps a lot with damage. hehe RDM was a lot tougher but not as hard because I macro'd the whole thing out so I could just not panic and smack around my macros in order and bam, done. Although, if his blink didn't take one of my debuffs and one of my nukes it would've been a lot easier.

Now on to the brighter part of my weekend, SMN and SMN burning. SMN burning went very nicely, THF is now 65 and ready to be regeared and exp'd to 66. I only need about 25k to get to 66 and I have to gear the job anyways so I might as well gear it and exp it instead of wasting a SMN burn on it. This means I basically only have RNG to do. Go go power Ranger!!! Yeah, shut up, its funny. Sadly, I do not currently have the inventory space to support my RNG gear. This means I need to do a few more Maat fights then unload some gear. Not to mention I stil need to get my RNG AF which is actually mostly worth while to get.

Getting back on track, my SMN is doing pretty well too. I have to admit, SMN is definitely growing on me. Its pretty fun to have your summon go knock some junk up and not be worried about being injured yourself. What I really want to mention is that last night I went to Whitegate to pick something up from Swifman (which will be explained in todays QotD) and saw a shout for a Fenrir fight. Well gues what, I only needed the Fenrir item to get my Evoker's Ring. 5xSMN and a RDM absolutely owns Fenrir by the way. So when I go home tonight, I will have my shiney new Evoker's Ring waiting for me and my refresh active while Carby is out now!!! I so cited!!! This is the first stepping stone to me gearing my SMN. The next ... Yinyang Robe!

On a side note, I actually did some more crafting yesterday. It was great because with the stuff I sold I made about 400k. Such a great feeling seeing my hard work for Bonecraft to finally start paying me back. Of course 10 minutes after it all sold I went and bought a 630k Jupiter's Staff. So much for a profitable weekend right?

Quote of the Day:
Swifman kept telling me he had a gift for me but it wasn't that important. He finally found me last night while I was playing Rock Band 2 with 2 of my brothers so I was obviously afk. After we finished playing I had to run up to Whitegate to get my key item for ISNMs anyways. I find him and am all excited to get my gift. I get my gift in the form of a white arrowhead looking piece which as most would recognize as a Phantom Tathlum. Immediately after trading me he says: "Now quit being a nuub already!" That is right when I lol'd.

Friday, August 21, 2009

One Of Those Nights

Last night wasn't a great night but a progressive night none-the-less. I went in search of some Testimonies to get those out of the way. Of course the one I most desired was DRG so I could do the fight and be able to sell off all of my DRG gear. As luck would have it, I got every other Testimony in Monastic Cavern that can drop except DRG. Luck was so on my side that I even got the DRK Testimony from the Orcish Warlord NM on the 2nd kill but couldn't get a DRG one in about 20 kills... go figure.

It was still semi productive because I got half of the Testimonies that I still needed and I got to toy around with SMN some more. SMN is actually pretty fun, but definitely takes some getting used to. I was mainly playing Screamineagle as PLD/RDM and just using my SMN for Predator Claws and the occasional back up curing. MP management and Avatar Perpetuation cost- is HUGE as a SMN. I wouldn't be able to do most of what other people do because my gear is so lacking and my overall skill as a SMN isn't that great. Pretty much I know what BPs do and when to use them, but I'm definitely lacking in how to use them and the most efficient way of using them.

There is a lot of skill and work that goes into being a good solo SMN and I'm lacking in both currently. When you hear about the difference in knowing how to do something in practice and being able to actually do it, they are two totally different things. Even just last night I learned a lot while for the most part just using Predator Claws. I know my avatar perpetuation cost needs to drastically go down or I would never be able to solo anything. While I was having Garuda attack some mobs I would lose massive amounts of MP just leaving it out. Its bad enough that the level 70 BPs cost 168MP but then the perpetuation cost is the real killer in the long run. It boggles my mind to see some SMNs easily solo mobs and then I sit there and blow 50% of my MP on 50% of a mob. This is definitely something I will need to work on, and with that goes to upgrading some gear.

I don't think this weekend will be all that great for me because I'm starting to not feel well and my gf is already sick. Hopefully I can just do some relaxing exp and knock out some Maat fights. No real goals for this weekend except rank Screamineagle back up in Campaign so I can get him the Iron Ram Body piece.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

DRG Exp Is Done

As is obvious by the title, I finished off my last little bit of exp on DRG in campaign. It was kind of a pain because of course when I really wanted a battle it took 15 min before I gave up and went to a random one which ended after me getting 500 exp. Then the next new battle took about 20 min but was enough for me to go about 1k into 66.

After that I told Swifman I'd go hang out with him for a bit and realized he's a really good tank. We did Ramuh and he went PLD/RDM and he was doing awesome. At one point he dropped down to about 20HP after Ramuh's 2hr but brought himself back up with a little of my help. I don't think he could've solo'd it but he definitely did a great job. Oh, and I went on my 72SMN just to play around with my summons. It was fun actually doing something on SMN and realizing that my summoning skill is only about 150 below where it should be. lol Still, I got my MP over 1,000 and I made some new macros for SMN. The big thing is that I need to get some real gear for my SMN and then make some real macros instead of just simple ones where I summon them and swap staves.

Anyways, that was all I got done last night which isn't really that big of a deal for me considering my gf stayed over way longer than I expected and the Campaign Battles took longer. It was cool to be able to do a random event with Swifman though since I don't really get to do much with friends anymore if it doesn't include exp of some form.

Tonight I'm hoping to have DRG done, and I mean done. I plan on getting the Testimony, killing Maat, and selling all my DRG gear that doesn't cross over to another job. If I have extra time tonight maybe I'll try to sneak myself into a SMN burn party or get another Maat fight done. Beating Maat on one of my 75 jobs should be pretty easy and require almost no skill what-so-ever. WAR, BLM, RDM, and SAM should be cake because it isn't that hard to beat him at level 66 so at 75 with merits and good gear it should be a laugh. I heard BLM is basically 4 nukes and its over.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Learning To Play DRG

People don't understand how to play jobs anymore. They think that joining a TP burn party is just that, you join, you swing, you use your TP, and repeat. If that is your philosophy, just quit the game now because you're ruining it for me.

Now I know as a DRG you do massive amounts of damage on Colibri and its really hard for a NIN to tank against you without hate help from someone like a THF. This is where my latest party with DRG was set up well, but executed poorly. The THF was SATAing a BLU/THF... /headdesk. The BLU was dropping huge damage SA'd spells at the beginning of fights.... /slap. And I was the only one sitting there holding back on my damage so the NIN could be the one tanking.

Dear THF, you're a moron. You are level 60+ and I understand you just love SATA, but with Assassin you can now seperate SA and TA and still drop good amounts of hate on the tank, GO YOU. I had to sadly explain this to the guy so he would actually do it correctly. It turns out that I didn't have e nough time to explain how DEX and AGI work with SA and TA though.

Dear BLU, you were better than the THF because you at least knew he was wrong but its partly your fault too because you can just as easily TA the NIN for more hate which you NEVER DID. Yes, I know the NIN has Yonin now for extra enmity, but on Colibri he has Provoke and ... Provoke unless he wants to get his face blown up by spells. My rule of thumb is wait for at least a second Provoke before you do big damage or you start wasting the healer's MP. That is, wait for the second Provoke if you don't have a means of mittigating the hate you just got.

Dear other DRG, don't use High Jump to build TP to WS and then not have Super Jump ready to shed more hate, your face will get eaten especially because you were /WAR and couldn't even take 1 hit.

Dear me, GOOD JOB! You used Jump at will to help do damage and build TP. You came /SAM so you could get to 100% TP with 1 less swing. You gear swap on WS's to boost your damage and make exp flow faster. You learned that using the combination of Third Eye > Penta Thrust > High Jump or Super Jump usually meant you took 0 damage. As it turns out it was good timing between battles too because you could either use High Jump or Super Jump each fight. You also didn't use High Jump > Penta Thrust > getting your face rapped because you were intelligent. You also learned that when you have someon who relies on being behind the mob for big amounts of damage you should stand next to the tank because you will take hate. Here's to you Mr. Smart DRG Man. Ahh, the joys of an 8k/hr party in a 12k/hr camp....

As awesome as that party was they were understanding when I had "something come up" and I had to leave real quick. Funny part was that that "something came up" was a SMN burn party that I could get hella faster exp than I was with them. That was the start of a pretty good SMN burn weekend.

By the end of the weekend I had gotten my THF to 62, my DRG to 65 (in the exp party), and my SMN to 70. My first Predator Claws was also for 1258 on a poor bat in Zeruhn Mines. I know I shouldn't be worrying about my SMN but getting it to 75 is an eventuality anyways. Also, the sooner I get my SMN to 75, the sooner I get to turn these parties into merit parties and put myself into a substantially better position for getting into DF. But I did get 2 more levels on THF which is sorely needed because I really don't WANT to level THF at all. There is a lot of gear that goes into making THF good and I just don't want the hassle of all the swap gear for a few levels. Once I get through THF and get my last level on DRG I will only have RNG. Yeah, I'm PUMPED!!!!!! Just having all the exp done will make me feel great. When I finish all my exp for Maat's Cap I think I will put in my app to DF and while they are talking about not letting me in I can work on fighting Maat. lol 21 LEVELS OR 377K EXP TO GO!!!!!

There's so much I can do after I get done with Maat's Cap its not even funny. For one is stress less about NEEDING exp and HAVING to finish this. I can relax and maybe concentrate on gil making, missions, Campaign, and maybe even finishing off some stuff on Screamineagle. This is such a comforting feeling to be able to see the end and not have any HUGE plans afterwards. Maybe some exp, definitely some merits when I feel like it, possibly crafting, such options!

Oh, and on a quick side note, I did my first Einherjar run in a loooooooooong time with DF this weekend. Someone messed up a pull and linked the last wave of mobs and the boss so we ended up wiping but I'm just happy I got about 1300 points that is going towards my Omega Ring. If they let me in I would love to dual box Screamineagle in there to get him some extra gear as well.

Quote of the Day:
Hmm, lets put it this way, I heard a lot of quotes this weekend and 90% of them are not allowed to be put into print because there doesn't need to be a trail led back to me. Lets just leave it as this was a great weekend. But in the interests of my 1 or 2 readers....
Q: What does a gay horse eat?
That is all...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Brick Wall

I was doing so well for so long, but then of course when I start coming really close to my goal I hit a brick wall. In the past week or so I've gotten like 2 levels. 2 levels in a week will just not fly if I'm going to have my cap by the end of the month.

Lately I've been out of town, busy with sports, or with my gf all the time. Disdain is finally coming back and I've had very little time to do stuff with him. Last night I was able to get his DNC into my exp party because it took our BRD way too long to log back on. It was a fun party considering our MNK/WAR was tanking. Not to mention my polearm starting to skill up more and I was able to more consistently drop massive Penta Thrusts on the Colibri. Having Disdain on DNC was a nice addition, considering no BRD or COR, since he could do haste samba, back up cure, and pull.

Other than that though I have had basically no progress in game. No bonecrafting skill ups, no real Maat's Cap progress, no new gear to speak of, no special events I've done, and just being envious of some of my friends because they started doing Salvage. It sucks not having a regular schedule because that means I get excluded from all the events I would like to do. Not being able to be relied on for certain times week in and week out is crushing because that leaves me with just leveling jobs and meriting and making the occasional Dynamis when I can. This blows...

After chatting with Swifman a little bit he's pretty convinced that I could make it into DaFunk without much of a problem as long as I get a some more merits into BLM. Right now I know my jobs are kind of lack luster but that's only because I never had the need to really deck them out. If I am accepted into DaFunk though I know I'm gonna have to drop some gil and upgrade a lot of my gear so I can really contribute to the LS. But this all depends on me FINISHING MAAT'S CAP!!! ARGH!!! Hopefully I can crack down and get this done by the end of the month AT THE LATEST because I would like to move on with this game instead of just exping all the time.

I don't have a Quote of the Day because I'm not in a great mood.

Monday, August 3, 2009

I Just Stole 60

Basically, I thieved myself through the 50s again without swinging a weapon. Thief is now 60 and ready for the 1 night stand to finish it to 66.... hopefully! The great part is that I don't have anything to skill up for THF so it doesn't really matter if I blow it off. I just need to get it to 66 and that's all.

Another thing I got done this weekend was get DRG to 62 and my Polearm to 192. I still have a lot of work to do on my Polearm skill but I'm happy that I'm making decent progress on my DRG. This is one job I haven't minded taking the slow way because I know in the end it will shine with higher weapon skill and my new found knowledge of how to mitigate hate. Dropping a 600+ weaponskill on a mob and not taking any damage by the time the tank has hate back is great. Third Eye, High Jump, and Super Jump are great abilities to have in your arsenal since you can drop lots of damage, take 0 damage, and then magically have the tank tanking again.

The goal for this week is finishing THF or getting THF mostly finished and more progress on DRG. I'm thinking a minimum of 5 levels by the end of Thursday because on Friday I go out of town for the weekend.

Quotes of the Day:
I realize the internet is a frightening place what with our fascination with girls and cups in a 2 to 1 ratio...
- [GM]Dave

Playing these games is like masturbating. You're doing it by yourself, but you're imagining someone else was playing with you.
- [GM]Dave referring to offline poker games