Seeing as I didn't really have much time yesterday I just spent it gearing up my SMN and moving around some inventory from my mule and my storage. I started a mini fire sale on my mule because I have a ton of junk on it that I will probably NEVER use again. So instead of being a pack rat like I usually am I decided to start selling some of it and started realizing that I actually have some gear on there worth a little bit of gil. The gear that I'm selling on my mule will definitely help easy the cost of all the leveling I plan on doing still.
Another thing I should start thinking about is using my CP for something and start making some gil off of it. Even if I just constantly turn in Centurion Swords or something that is about 15k a pop which means I could make like 750k just selling Cent Swords with my over 200k of CP. Or maybe start using my like 6 stacks of BC's and 2 stacks of KS ... not to mention my KS99 orb I have /cry.
One day I will get back to my Bonecrafting too because that would still be a good way to make some good gil but I just don't have the time now because I know I have plenty of gil to make it to Maat's Cap. Which is honestly quite relieving because that means I won't have to do any serious farming or anything to get all my jobs up there.
On a complete side note, windows at work is terrible because when I went to lunch it decided to restart and I thought I had posted this blog. This is where blogger being awesome is nice, because it saved this as a draft automatically and I didn't have to start from scratch again! FU Windows!!!
As for gaming, I will attempt to sell some more junk tonight and then get my Pilgrim's Wand. Besides that I doubt I will be able to do anything else because of a party tonight and then more drinking tomorrow night along, since it will be my Birfday, with the OSU game tomorrow early afternoon. Then Sunday I will be going downtown for more food and possibly beverages. Monday should hopefully be more relaxed with an early afternoon lunch for me that Momlady is cooking up and then I will just be LAZY all day long. So there are definitely gaps that I could get some stuff done in game but it all depends on how much my girlfriend requires that she be at my side...
Quote of the Day:
What do you wanna do?
I dunno, what do you wanna do?
Now don't start that again!
- convo that my gf and I had last night but I'm pretty sure its also from the animated version of Jungle Book
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Bang Bang
Choo choo train, c'mon baby do your thang. Stomp, and let it roll. Stomp, and let it roll.
Sorry, it just popped into my head ... stinking (but amazingly awesome) camp songs.
On to the story of the day! PLD = 40! Game, set, and match. Another job done to 40 and only 2 more jobs to go!!! Next up is SMN.
Last night my girlfriend came over before our 9:30 volleyball game and we just played Wii until we had to leave. (To which she also suggested making a Porn Wii game where you have to go around doing dirty things and you could use your Mii... yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah) But then she came over my house after volleyball and we just kinda laid around and didn't do anything until she left around midnight. That is when I should've just decided not to level my PLD and just go to bed. WHOOPS! Immediately after she left I logged on and put my flag up. O:-) Within about 5 minutes a COR started putting together a party that turned out pretty well. It would've been better if I wasn't so far behind in levels from most of the other people. We had 2 people at 42(WHM and DNC), 3 people at 40(MNK/DNC, COR, and RNG), and then me at 39(PLD). The exp rolled pretty well once we got to the camp but when the WHM hit 43 it got kinda rough with exp. I was VERY pleased to be able to finish off PLD to 40 though and about halfway to 41. And again, I only had to use Screamin once because the RNG didn't see a shroom and got aggro so he took that down.
I have also decided that in my next stint with PLD I will be going more for HQ gear because it just will make life that much easier while I'm getting blasted in the face. The Kampf gear seems mostly good until 50 and no single piece is over 40k so its not like I'd be taking a HUGE hit and I'd be able to sell it back anyways. Plus I would just like to be that guy with uber gear for once while I'm leveling and since when I hit AF levels I will just be using AF full time I can do that with PLD for about 20 levels. All other jobs I can just semi gear until I get to the Maat fight at which point I would like to get some pretty good gear so I can take Maat down in 1 shot each time.
Now I will be moving on to SMN though which will definitely have half assed gear. lol I am just looking for as much MP+ gear I can find and throw on. It seems that for the most part I will just be using my RSE since it generally gives me the biggest MP jumps in most pieces. Well I guess only half of my RSE will be worn because there are only 4 pieces and for the body I will just use the Seer's Tunic for hMP+1 and then for the legs the Baron's Slops for the hMP+1. Other than that stuff I don't really know what else to get besides my Mowhaba Sash+1 (or however its spelled). I mean I guess I could spend the time getting a Pilgrim's Wand which I would actually use on my WHM and my SMN until 51 and then possibly never use it again. Guess I know what I will be doing for a while this morning/afternoon, hehehehe.
As for tonight and the rest of the weekend, I doubt I will have much time to do anything. Tonight is a Browns game so I may be going out for that with my girlfriend. Tomorrow is going to be a drunken night at a coworker's house. :D Then Saturday is my birfday and I will be going downtown to party AGAIN. Sunday will probably be going downtown again for some festival with food and then Monday I get off so I will most likely just be laying around recovering from the weekend... with my girlfriend most likely. But yeah, I already hit my short term goal for the week so I'm happy. Maybe in my short time I could go snag a Pilgrim's Wand or do my escort quest for the week. Sounds like a plan to me.
Quote of the Day:
"Haha, yeah that would be funny to just start speaking different languages in Italian class, like speaking Mexican."
- my girlfriend .... oh yeah, she has some gems of quotes and stories some time lol
Sorry, it just popped into my head ... stinking (but amazingly awesome) camp songs.
On to the story of the day! PLD = 40! Game, set, and match. Another job done to 40 and only 2 more jobs to go!!! Next up is SMN.
Last night my girlfriend came over before our 9:30 volleyball game and we just played Wii until we had to leave. (To which she also suggested making a Porn Wii game where you have to go around doing dirty things and you could use your Mii... yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah) But then she came over my house after volleyball and we just kinda laid around and didn't do anything until she left around midnight. That is when I should've just decided not to level my PLD and just go to bed. WHOOPS! Immediately after she left I logged on and put my flag up. O:-) Within about 5 minutes a COR started putting together a party that turned out pretty well. It would've been better if I wasn't so far behind in levels from most of the other people. We had 2 people at 42(WHM and DNC), 3 people at 40(MNK/DNC, COR, and RNG), and then me at 39(PLD). The exp rolled pretty well once we got to the camp but when the WHM hit 43 it got kinda rough with exp. I was VERY pleased to be able to finish off PLD to 40 though and about halfway to 41. And again, I only had to use Screamin once because the RNG didn't see a shroom and got aggro so he took that down.
I have also decided that in my next stint with PLD I will be going more for HQ gear because it just will make life that much easier while I'm getting blasted in the face. The Kampf gear seems mostly good until 50 and no single piece is over 40k so its not like I'd be taking a HUGE hit and I'd be able to sell it back anyways. Plus I would just like to be that guy with uber gear for once while I'm leveling and since when I hit AF levels I will just be using AF full time I can do that with PLD for about 20 levels. All other jobs I can just semi gear until I get to the Maat fight at which point I would like to get some pretty good gear so I can take Maat down in 1 shot each time.
Now I will be moving on to SMN though which will definitely have half assed gear. lol I am just looking for as much MP+ gear I can find and throw on. It seems that for the most part I will just be using my RSE since it generally gives me the biggest MP jumps in most pieces. Well I guess only half of my RSE will be worn because there are only 4 pieces and for the body I will just use the Seer's Tunic for hMP+1 and then for the legs the Baron's Slops for the hMP+1. Other than that stuff I don't really know what else to get besides my Mowhaba Sash+1 (or however its spelled). I mean I guess I could spend the time getting a Pilgrim's Wand which I would actually use on my WHM and my SMN until 51 and then possibly never use it again. Guess I know what I will be doing for a while this morning/afternoon, hehehehe.
As for tonight and the rest of the weekend, I doubt I will have much time to do anything. Tonight is a Browns game so I may be going out for that with my girlfriend. Tomorrow is going to be a drunken night at a coworker's house. :D Then Saturday is my birfday and I will be going downtown to party AGAIN. Sunday will probably be going downtown again for some festival with food and then Monday I get off so I will most likely just be laying around recovering from the weekend... with my girlfriend most likely. But yeah, I already hit my short term goal for the week so I'm happy. Maybe in my short time I could go snag a Pilgrim's Wand or do my escort quest for the week. Sounds like a plan to me.
Quote of the Day:
"Haha, yeah that would be funny to just start speaking different languages in Italian class, like speaking Mexican."
- my girlfriend .... oh yeah, she has some gems of quotes and stories some time lol
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Bigga is Betta!!!
Surprisingly enough I had a night off from my girlfriend. She was busy with some other stuff during the early part of the night but then she was trying to play mind games with me to convince me to ask her to come over but I didn't break down. :P That actually lead to me gaming a bunch and getting stuff done around my house.
Firstly, I got home early from work because I had training yesterday and just decided it wasn't worth my effort to go back to work for AT MOST 3 hours. Instead I just went home, logged on, camped my Sachet, and did stuff around my house. I got my kitchen floor washed between pops and my car washed between pops, to which I was quite pleased with myself. But what was utterly disturbing is that I went 0/9 on my FREAKING SACHET!!!!! So I guess I'll be not camping that hunk of junk again, even though it is quite good for Elvaan with its STR+2. Seeing as I wasted about 4.5 hours camping it and got absolutely nothing from it I am not going to go for it again unless I have some TH3.
After wassting my time in Gusgen Mines I decided it was time for me to get back to my PLD. Time was ticking away and the night was dying along with my hopes of exp on PLD. Luckily a WAR decided to start a party which ended up being a REALLY good party. It would've been AMAZING if we had that level synch though. Our highest level was the WHM and then a few thousand exp behind was a DRK. If we could've put our levels together I can only imagine the exp that would've been flowing in for us! But the party set up was originally PLD, DRK, DRK, WAR, RDM, and WHM. I brought out Screamin to help but only really used him once the whole night because of an unlucky link. This party was rocking hard and was fun to watch the damage that these two DRKs were doing. Even with my enmity +5 back piece and me spamming provoke they would still drop a 350 WS and pull hate from me. These little Taru were BEASTS! I definitely feel that my tanking ability is getting better on PLD too. I'm learning how to hold hate better with dropping a Cure III on myself towards the start of a fight to help lock in hate more and then from there a few Cure IIs and the WHM healing me were quite enough. If push came to shove I could always Shield Bash, Sentinel, or Cover to save someone else. I think there was only one time where I even dropped below 50% HP and that was because I got a Power Attack to my face from a beetle and then double crit'ed. Other than the RDM being a total n00b and not having the spells he was supposed to we did really well. Even though the RDM didn't have the spells he should've had he still did a good job though, but really, a RDM NEEDS to have Dispel, debuffs, and Sleep. Oh, and after a while the WAR decided he didn't want to level anymore so he got us a BRD to replace him which we were all ok with, hehe. So I ended the night at 39 and quite pleased with how we ended. Now I just need 1 more even decent party and I will be donezo with my PLD for a while.
On a side kinda creepy note, Vernon said he recognized me back from Fairy over 3 years ago! I don't really remember anyone from Fairy except HacTao people. His old name was Xxswatxx I think he said which doesn't even ring a bell. I remember a few people with the whole X---x names but not that name. The only X----x name I would remember is the guy that got me started on BRD back in Qufim when I was still a n00b.
Oh, and something else I wanted to mention was about shields. Actually I wanted to more than just mention it in passing because I mean this is why I named this blog "Bigga is Betta!!!" lol Bigger shields are better .... period. So there are the smaller shields which are supposed to do shield blocks more often but they block less damage. What I noticed though is when I hit 38 and put on my Jennet Shield, which is the second biggest sized shield(size 3, kite), I was blocking almost just as much and blocking hella more damage. Now that I just put in that shield link I realized that if I would've just READ the shield page on wiki I would've known all this already .... sigh. Well, now I know that and now I will always use a Kite sized shield because I was blocking about 35% of the time and blocking for about 50% damage reduction. And it also really gives me an appreciation for the Aegis and its true power.
Ahhhh, and now on to another topic for this nice long post. LEVEL SYNC!!! I'm actually quite pumped about this because I am thinking I either could use Screamin and level another one of his jobs at the same time or just continue using him as a PL. (Ha, and I just realized that if you just add a D to "PL" you get "PLD" which is what I use Screamin as to PL ...D hahaha ... oy ><) Aaaaaaaaaanyways, Hybrid is talking about doing that with Annel too to get her RDM up to 75 and actually have an extra 75RDM account. This is all good but we also have to see what the gear looks like when it gets dumbed down. For all we know right now you could lose all the super sweet stats of a piece of gear when it gets weakened. Like a Joyeuse is great because of its double attack, but if it loses that there are a bunch of other swords that are better. We shall have to wait and see how this turns out.
Another thing to look forward to is the reduction in price of Dynamis and Limbus. I will actually enjoy going back to limbus because I can upgrade a bunch of gear that I may actually use like for my BRD or for my RDM or my BLM or whatever other job I get to 75. Plus I'll be able to get Homam and Nashira gear which will be pretty pimp.
Ok, I've written quite enough for today. Hopefully I can still reach my goal of PLD 40 by Friday but I am pretty sure my girlfriend will be coming over tonight after volleyball so I doubt I will be able to get 40 tonight. Which only leaves tomorrow night to get 40 since my weekend is basically booked solid.
Quote of the Day:
"In Rolling Stone magazine they actually show you how to make the Wii characters for the main 3 people in The Big Lebowski."
- oldest brother
Firstly, I got home early from work because I had training yesterday and just decided it wasn't worth my effort to go back to work for AT MOST 3 hours. Instead I just went home, logged on, camped my Sachet, and did stuff around my house. I got my kitchen floor washed between pops and my car washed between pops, to which I was quite pleased with myself. But what was utterly disturbing is that I went 0/9 on my FREAKING SACHET!!!!! So I guess I'll be not camping that hunk of junk again, even though it is quite good for Elvaan with its STR+2. Seeing as I wasted about 4.5 hours camping it and got absolutely nothing from it I am not going to go for it again unless I have some TH3.
After wassting my time in Gusgen Mines I decided it was time for me to get back to my PLD. Time was ticking away and the night was dying along with my hopes of exp on PLD. Luckily a WAR decided to start a party which ended up being a REALLY good party. It would've been AMAZING if we had that level synch though. Our highest level was the WHM and then a few thousand exp behind was a DRK. If we could've put our levels together I can only imagine the exp that would've been flowing in for us! But the party set up was originally PLD, DRK, DRK, WAR, RDM, and WHM. I brought out Screamin to help but only really used him once the whole night because of an unlucky link. This party was rocking hard and was fun to watch the damage that these two DRKs were doing. Even with my enmity +5 back piece and me spamming provoke they would still drop a 350 WS and pull hate from me. These little Taru were BEASTS! I definitely feel that my tanking ability is getting better on PLD too. I'm learning how to hold hate better with dropping a Cure III on myself towards the start of a fight to help lock in hate more and then from there a few Cure IIs and the WHM healing me were quite enough. If push came to shove I could always Shield Bash, Sentinel, or Cover to save someone else. I think there was only one time where I even dropped below 50% HP and that was because I got a Power Attack to my face from a beetle and then double crit'ed. Other than the RDM being a total n00b and not having the spells he was supposed to we did really well. Even though the RDM didn't have the spells he should've had he still did a good job though, but really, a RDM NEEDS to have Dispel, debuffs, and Sleep. Oh, and after a while the WAR decided he didn't want to level anymore so he got us a BRD to replace him which we were all ok with, hehe. So I ended the night at 39 and quite pleased with how we ended. Now I just need 1 more even decent party and I will be donezo with my PLD for a while.
On a side kinda creepy note, Vernon said he recognized me back from Fairy over 3 years ago! I don't really remember anyone from Fairy except HacTao people. His old name was Xxswatxx I think he said which doesn't even ring a bell. I remember a few people with the whole X---x names but not that name. The only X----x name I would remember is the guy that got me started on BRD back in Qufim when I was still a n00b.
Oh, and something else I wanted to mention was about shields. Actually I wanted to more than just mention it in passing because I mean this is why I named this blog "Bigga is Betta!!!" lol Bigger shields are better .... period. So there are the smaller shields which are supposed to do shield blocks more often but they block less damage. What I noticed though is when I hit 38 and put on my Jennet Shield, which is the second biggest sized shield(size 3, kite), I was blocking almost just as much and blocking hella more damage. Now that I just put in that shield link I realized that if I would've just READ the shield page on wiki I would've known all this already .... sigh. Well, now I know that and now I will always use a Kite sized shield because I was blocking about 35% of the time and blocking for about 50% damage reduction. And it also really gives me an appreciation for the Aegis and its true power.
Ahhhh, and now on to another topic for this nice long post. LEVEL SYNC!!! I'm actually quite pumped about this because I am thinking I either could use Screamin and level another one of his jobs at the same time or just continue using him as a PL. (Ha, and I just realized that if you just add a D to "PL" you get "PLD" which is what I use Screamin as to PL ...D hahaha ... oy ><) Aaaaaaaaaanyways, Hybrid is talking about doing that with Annel too to get her RDM up to 75 and actually have an extra 75RDM account. This is all good but we also have to see what the gear looks like when it gets dumbed down. For all we know right now you could lose all the super sweet stats of a piece of gear when it gets weakened. Like a Joyeuse is great because of its double attack, but if it loses that there are a bunch of other swords that are better. We shall have to wait and see how this turns out.
Another thing to look forward to is the reduction in price of Dynamis and Limbus. I will actually enjoy going back to limbus because I can upgrade a bunch of gear that I may actually use like for my BRD or for my RDM or my BLM or whatever other job I get to 75. Plus I'll be able to get Homam and Nashira gear which will be pretty pimp.
Ok, I've written quite enough for today. Hopefully I can still reach my goal of PLD 40 by Friday but I am pretty sure my girlfriend will be coming over tonight after volleyball so I doubt I will be able to get 40 tonight. Which only leaves tomorrow night to get 40 since my weekend is basically booked solid.
Quote of the Day:
"In Rolling Stone magazine they actually show you how to make the Wii characters for the main 3 people in The Big Lebowski."
- oldest brother
Monday, August 25, 2008
Flash ... OOOOoooooh
Defender of the universe! Oh, whoops, hehe. PLD is now at 37, w00t w00t, which means Flash. Another hate keeping spell/ability which always makes my life better. :) I went from 35 to 37 with Swifman since he wanted to do something and I was just working on my PLD so we went and duo'd. We just picked up at my spot in Yhoator Jungle that I always did with bret until 37. His DRG was doing really well even though he was kind of undergeared. It is not like it even matters though because we were getting PL'd so we were just constantly rolling. Towards the end it was kind of a struggle because there were a lot of DC mobs popping up and killing our chains. But we did get our goal of 37 for both of us. :D
As for other things I did, after my gf went home, Assault. I did a couple Periqia assaults with Swifman because he's trying to get his Yigit body for his BRD. It was nice to do some quick and easy and kinda fun assaults again. Not to mention it just builds up more points for me to use on either gear or to save up for Salvage. After a few runs of that with him he MADE me go do a Nyzul Isle run with this pick up group so I could try for Goliard feet. Lets just say things didn't work out so well with people not knowing what to do and people constantly dying. We still got the last level where we found out we were going to be trying to kill Fafnir but when 2 people died VERY quickly someone either zoned us out or we timed out just before Faffy got his final hit on me to kill me. Something else that was kind of pissing me off last night is POL was just randomly crashing. Once we went into Nyzul I crashed again so I quickly logged on from my laptop and did the rest of the run from there. It kinda pissed me off because that never happens to me.
After that I just went to bed. Although I was thinking about logging onto Khrone and doing a Double Dragonian run for him but I was too tired and it was pretty late. He would've been very happy but I would've been UBER tired today. I don't see us really having a problem getting them for him because Swifman owes me now, and I know Hybrid has a bunch of seals and so does Disdain, so that's 5 right there. Not to mention that takes care of BRD, NIN, MNK, RDM, and I guess a WAR, THF, or RNG depending on who decides to go what job because Hybrid, Disdian, and I all have multiple jobs that we could go as.
That right there for DD is why I would rather have all of my jobs at 75 then have like 3 or 4 fully merited jobs. I like to be able to say, oh yeah, I can switch to that job to help you out instead of, oh, you don't need a WAR ... guess I'm screwed then huh? I mean if a group is doing a quest/mission and they only need a WHM I would have WHM ready, but if I only had like 3 DD jobs I would be worthless. Being able to switch jobs on a whim is great because then I can help in EVERY situation. Well, I guess it wouldn't be every situation because I doubt I will have EVERY job geared. I suppose that could be something that I look at while I am leveling all these jobs, which ones I want to have full geared at 75 and which ones can kind of fall by the wayside.
Jobs to have fully geared:
Jobs to have partially geared:
Jobs to not have geared:
PLD (since Screamin is so much better geared than I could be)
RNG (costs gil to shoot arrows/bolts)
WAR (I'd rather gear SAM or MNK)
So I guess that just about leaves me with having gear for EVERY job... Ugh, I will need to figure this out better as I get closer then huh? lol I doubt I will really have much gear for most of these jobs outside of AF or AFv2 because like for the mage jobs, its basically just MP gear that crosses over. Then for melee jobs, its just ACC and STR+ gear which hopefully most will cross over. Tanking gear I don't really think I will need because hopefully I can work Swifman into our low man stuff because he is now a W. Legs and Ares Cuirass PLD that also has his NIN pretty well geared. I could really see us working him into our Salvage and Limbus runs too because he's a really cool and trustworthy guy who is always looking to get some better gear for his char which is EXACTLY what we are doing too. :D
As for tonight, I NEED NEED NEED to do some house cleaning because my brother is really starting to get pissed at me for basically doing NOTHING around the house which I totally understand him being mad at me for. After that I foresee a phone call from my girlfriend and her coming over and then me being stuck playing Wii and that's it. Hopefully I can work in some FFXI in there to try and get some more exp on my PLD. My goal for this week is to finish PLD by the weekend.
Quote of the Day:
Dean: "Where'd you learn to blow smoke rings like that?"
Minhthe: "From sucking on your mom's penis."
- Yeah, we were laughing for about 15 minutes because of that... lmao
As for other things I did, after my gf went home, Assault. I did a couple Periqia assaults with Swifman because he's trying to get his Yigit body for his BRD. It was nice to do some quick and easy and kinda fun assaults again. Not to mention it just builds up more points for me to use on either gear or to save up for Salvage. After a few runs of that with him he MADE me go do a Nyzul Isle run with this pick up group so I could try for Goliard feet. Lets just say things didn't work out so well with people not knowing what to do and people constantly dying. We still got the last level where we found out we were going to be trying to kill Fafnir but when 2 people died VERY quickly someone either zoned us out or we timed out just before Faffy got his final hit on me to kill me. Something else that was kind of pissing me off last night is POL was just randomly crashing. Once we went into Nyzul I crashed again so I quickly logged on from my laptop and did the rest of the run from there. It kinda pissed me off because that never happens to me.
After that I just went to bed. Although I was thinking about logging onto Khrone and doing a Double Dragonian run for him but I was too tired and it was pretty late. He would've been very happy but I would've been UBER tired today. I don't see us really having a problem getting them for him because Swifman owes me now, and I know Hybrid has a bunch of seals and so does Disdain, so that's 5 right there. Not to mention that takes care of BRD, NIN, MNK, RDM, and I guess a WAR, THF, or RNG depending on who decides to go what job because Hybrid, Disdian, and I all have multiple jobs that we could go as.
That right there for DD is why I would rather have all of my jobs at 75 then have like 3 or 4 fully merited jobs. I like to be able to say, oh yeah, I can switch to that job to help you out instead of, oh, you don't need a WAR ... guess I'm screwed then huh? I mean if a group is doing a quest/mission and they only need a WHM I would have WHM ready, but if I only had like 3 DD jobs I would be worthless. Being able to switch jobs on a whim is great because then I can help in EVERY situation. Well, I guess it wouldn't be every situation because I doubt I will have EVERY job geared. I suppose that could be something that I look at while I am leveling all these jobs, which ones I want to have full geared at 75 and which ones can kind of fall by the wayside.
Jobs to have fully geared:
Jobs to have partially geared:
Jobs to not have geared:
PLD (since Screamin is so much better geared than I could be)
RNG (costs gil to shoot arrows/bolts)
WAR (I'd rather gear SAM or MNK)
So I guess that just about leaves me with having gear for EVERY job... Ugh, I will need to figure this out better as I get closer then huh? lol I doubt I will really have much gear for most of these jobs outside of AF or AFv2 because like for the mage jobs, its basically just MP gear that crosses over. Then for melee jobs, its just ACC and STR+ gear which hopefully most will cross over. Tanking gear I don't really think I will need because hopefully I can work Swifman into our low man stuff because he is now a W. Legs and Ares Cuirass PLD that also has his NIN pretty well geared. I could really see us working him into our Salvage and Limbus runs too because he's a really cool and trustworthy guy who is always looking to get some better gear for his char which is EXACTLY what we are doing too. :D
As for tonight, I NEED NEED NEED to do some house cleaning because my brother is really starting to get pissed at me for basically doing NOTHING around the house which I totally understand him being mad at me for. After that I foresee a phone call from my girlfriend and her coming over and then me being stuck playing Wii and that's it. Hopefully I can work in some FFXI in there to try and get some more exp on my PLD. My goal for this week is to finish PLD by the weekend.
Quote of the Day:
Dean: "Where'd you learn to blow smoke rings like that?"
Minhthe: "From sucking on your mom's penis."
- Yeah, we were laughing for about 15 minutes because of that... lmao
Friday, August 22, 2008
No real progress for me last night even though I had a totally free night because my brother wanted me to help him with avatar fights ... yay. We beat Garuda and Titan and lost to Shiva because the bitch kept casting sleepga which was hitting me from over 20' away. I guess it was something to pass the time even though I would MUCH rather spend my time leveling! He owes me so much in this game as it is, now his tab just keeps going up. Since I know he reads this ... I'm not going to help you do EVERYTHING in the game, you gotta get some stuff yourself. :P
Seems like most things in the game he's been basically handed on a silver platter, like getting to 55, buying most of his major gear, buying is spells (Utsusemi: Ni), getting some of the quests done for him... He has it sooooooooooooooooo easy compared to what I did when I started. It took me like a year and a half to get my first job to 75 and it took him just over a year and he basically has all his basics for a 75 MNK too. I just had BRD so I only needed RSE and AF to get me to 75. Argh, I think I am just bitter because I can't really think of anything he can help me with so me helping him is like giving away hours of my life. lol Yeah it helps him get further along and such, but I've been screwed over so many times by people that I "helped" and they never helped me... like LSs. The whole thing of me doing Maat's Cap is that its something that I am finally doing for myself and no one else. I realize that I should still be doing stuff with others and yadda yadda yadda but I'm actually having FUN leveling! Its crazy scary because I remember hating exp, but not anymore. There's this excitement I have about getting another level and coming one step closer to Maat's Cap or one step closer to having fun on another job and gaining those new abilities or spells and being that much more flexible myself. Man, I'm getting a smile on my face just thinking about this stuff! Like getting Auto Refresh on my PLD now is awesome because it'll make me more flexible with casting cures and holding hate more. Then at 37 I get Flash which will really help me lock in hate even more, and not to mention 37 makes it a viable sub job for my RDM. Then I will be switching back to SMN and then I will be constantly getting new Blood Pacts to play around with and have fun rockin out with my avatars. Then I get back to Monk which is one of the jobs I am actually looking forward to leveling all the way to 75. Once I start on Monk at 30 I'm taking it straight to 50. It'll be about the only job I take straight from one goal to the next (30->40->50) without switching jobs in between. Oh the fun that will be had...
So this weekend will probably be a bust for me because I might be going camping ... I still haven't decided yet. Honestly I was kind of excited to go but now I am pretty indifferent about it. I will see how I feel after work today and decide then I think. Other than that I think my weekend is pretty free and hopefully I can get my PLD to 37 by the end of it. Guess I will just set that as my weekend goal: 37PLD. Well, and maybe finishing avatars with Khrone.
Quote of the Day:
I know exactly what I'm going to do with my Spotted Dick.
- Angela ... yeah, I completely lost it after she said that lol
Seems like most things in the game he's been basically handed on a silver platter, like getting to 55, buying most of his major gear, buying is spells (Utsusemi: Ni), getting some of the quests done for him... He has it sooooooooooooooooo easy compared to what I did when I started. It took me like a year and a half to get my first job to 75 and it took him just over a year and he basically has all his basics for a 75 MNK too. I just had BRD so I only needed RSE and AF to get me to 75. Argh, I think I am just bitter because I can't really think of anything he can help me with so me helping him is like giving away hours of my life. lol Yeah it helps him get further along and such, but I've been screwed over so many times by people that I "helped" and they never helped me... like LSs. The whole thing of me doing Maat's Cap is that its something that I am finally doing for myself and no one else. I realize that I should still be doing stuff with others and yadda yadda yadda but I'm actually having FUN leveling! Its crazy scary because I remember hating exp, but not anymore. There's this excitement I have about getting another level and coming one step closer to Maat's Cap or one step closer to having fun on another job and gaining those new abilities or spells and being that much more flexible myself. Man, I'm getting a smile on my face just thinking about this stuff! Like getting Auto Refresh on my PLD now is awesome because it'll make me more flexible with casting cures and holding hate more. Then at 37 I get Flash which will really help me lock in hate even more, and not to mention 37 makes it a viable sub job for my RDM. Then I will be switching back to SMN and then I will be constantly getting new Blood Pacts to play around with and have fun rockin out with my avatars. Then I get back to Monk which is one of the jobs I am actually looking forward to leveling all the way to 75. Once I start on Monk at 30 I'm taking it straight to 50. It'll be about the only job I take straight from one goal to the next (30->40->50) without switching jobs in between. Oh the fun that will be had...
So this weekend will probably be a bust for me because I might be going camping ... I still haven't decided yet. Honestly I was kind of excited to go but now I am pretty indifferent about it. I will see how I feel after work today and decide then I think. Other than that I think my weekend is pretty free and hopefully I can get my PLD to 37 by the end of it. Guess I will just set that as my weekend goal: 37PLD. Well, and maybe finishing avatars with Khrone.
Quote of the Day:
I know exactly what I'm going to do with my Spotted Dick.
- Angela ... yeah, I completely lost it after she said that lol
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Like a Rock
BOOM! So I get online last night at about 11PM after my girlfriend went home and within about 10 seconds of me being online, and not have even MOVED from the spot I was standing in I already had a party. At first one person sent me a tell asking if I wanted to join and I just kinda ignored it because I wanted to clean up some inventory first but then the leader sent me a tell too. Then I accepted graciously and went out there and WORKED IT. Not only did I realize that my hate keeping skills is hard when I'm at least 2 levels below the main DDs but I need to get a High Breath Mantle for when I hit 36 to keep hate better. I did a good job and the one SAM we had in our party even said that, but I felt that I could've done a much better job. I was doing shield bash and sentinel to lock in hate occasionally but those are 5 minute skills and we were rocking down mobs towards the end in under 30 seconds! Basically I turned into a back up healer which I could deal with because I was so much behind everyone else. When I was about 300 short of 35 the BRD hit 37 if that gives you a hint on how I was the lowest in the job ranges.
All in all it was a rock solid party because I brought out Screamineagle ... and didn't even use him ... for our party at least. There was another party around the corner that died and needed a raise so I ran him out there, while still tanking, and raised them. haha Having a BRD and COR in your party REALLY helps out. Not to mention when you hard 2 more solid DDs in a RNG and a SAM, with the support of a good WHM that actually knows how to use Regen. It was just a really good party last night and I was able to get 3 levels in it!
Now I'm really pumped about having Auto Refresh because that is going to help soooooooooooo much. I was barely having enough time to rest a tick or 2 between fights so I was pretty much blowing my load on Cure 3s to keep hate and then having no extra MP to keep me going. It was nice though because I was doing a good job of keeping my MP good enough to never really run out of it. Overall I must say I was impressed with my tanking and besides the lack of enmity I did well. Woo woooooooooooooo, pumped to level more now! :D
Tonight I dunno what I'm gonna do because I don't know what I'm doing IRL. Khrone wants me to go do all the avatar prime fights with him so he can get all the summons. I'd have to spend a little time running around grabbing all the forks because I think I only have like 2 of them right now. It shouldn't take me too long to get them all because I can either OP everywhere or teleport everywhere, so no biggie.
Quote of the Day:
You're a good tank!
- Alexandre, the SAM who thought I was some sort of pimp tank, lol
All in all it was a rock solid party because I brought out Screamineagle ... and didn't even use him ... for our party at least. There was another party around the corner that died and needed a raise so I ran him out there, while still tanking, and raised them. haha Having a BRD and COR in your party REALLY helps out. Not to mention when you hard 2 more solid DDs in a RNG and a SAM, with the support of a good WHM that actually knows how to use Regen. It was just a really good party last night and I was able to get 3 levels in it!
Now I'm really pumped about having Auto Refresh because that is going to help soooooooooooo much. I was barely having enough time to rest a tick or 2 between fights so I was pretty much blowing my load on Cure 3s to keep hate and then having no extra MP to keep me going. It was nice though because I was doing a good job of keeping my MP good enough to never really run out of it. Overall I must say I was impressed with my tanking and besides the lack of enmity I did well. Woo woooooooooooooo, pumped to level more now! :D
Tonight I dunno what I'm gonna do because I don't know what I'm doing IRL. Khrone wants me to go do all the avatar prime fights with him so he can get all the summons. I'd have to spend a little time running around grabbing all the forks because I think I only have like 2 of them right now. It shouldn't take me too long to get them all because I can either OP everywhere or teleport everywhere, so no biggie.
Quote of the Day:
You're a good tank!
- Alexandre, the SAM who thought I was some sort of pimp tank, lol
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Screamineagle is back
That's about it for my update. >.> I haven't had a chance to log on in a 2 days because of the woman. Heck, I haven't even had a chance to check if I got everything of Screamin's back. I'm pretty sure I would have though considering I have only traded some stuff between myself and him. As long as his big ticket items like the Lu Shang's, O. Kote, and P Charm are still on him I'll be happy.
Having that P Charm will help GREATLY with leveling all of my melee jobs. ACC is key for any job that swings a weapon. Not to mention this is one of the best neck pieces even at end game I am basically set with ALL melee necks until 50 and I need a parade gorget, but beyond that I'm set.
Can't wait to get back to PLD! I am really loving just leveling again. Its a great feeling knowing that I will always have something to do in game until the end of the year and I can do it ALL at my leisure. I know I repeat saying this stuff OVER AND OVER again but it really is that great of a feeling. Having been constantly tied down to LSs for so long its such a relief to be relaxed and doing stuff that I want to. Every day I'm looking forward to getting back into the game and leveling some more. Like tonight I won't really have time to level before volleyball but I will have time to maybe do a chocobo race and if I REALLY push it, maybe an escort.
My stomach is really freakin out right now though because of the greasy food I had for lunch. Hopefully it subsides or I may not be up for volleyball tonight. And hopefully I can get 2 or more levels tonight on PLD :D
Quote of the Day:
Me: "I feel like I should drink some Dawn to cut the grease in my stomach."
Khrone: "Oh, for a second I thought you meant the cute little blonde I met a few months back, because I could go for that too."
Having that P Charm will help GREATLY with leveling all of my melee jobs. ACC is key for any job that swings a weapon. Not to mention this is one of the best neck pieces even at end game I am basically set with ALL melee necks until 50 and I need a parade gorget, but beyond that I'm set.
Can't wait to get back to PLD! I am really loving just leveling again. Its a great feeling knowing that I will always have something to do in game until the end of the year and I can do it ALL at my leisure. I know I repeat saying this stuff OVER AND OVER again but it really is that great of a feeling. Having been constantly tied down to LSs for so long its such a relief to be relaxed and doing stuff that I want to. Every day I'm looking forward to getting back into the game and leveling some more. Like tonight I won't really have time to level before volleyball but I will have time to maybe do a chocobo race and if I REALLY push it, maybe an escort.
My stomach is really freakin out right now though because of the greasy food I had for lunch. Hopefully it subsides or I may not be up for volleyball tonight. And hopefully I can get 2 or more levels tonight on PLD :D
Quote of the Day:
Me: "I feel like I should drink some Dawn to cut the grease in my stomach."
Khrone: "Oh, for a second I thought you meant the cute little blonde I met a few months back, because I could go for that too."
Monday, August 18, 2008
Go on ... HIT ME
You guessed it, PLD! Almost got 2 levels last night on PLD (about 1-2k short). It was crazy, I actually decided to spend some gil on some gear. Whatever was I thinking?! lol No, it was decent body and head pieces which are alright but I'm just happy with taking them because I'll use them for I believe all of the 30s, so a well worth it investment. Not to mention it only makes things easier when you actually have good gear so parties can do better.
So I was sitting around for a while last night while watching the Olympics and finally decided after not getting a party to just go solo for a while. I got a few thousand exp soloing but it is hard on PLD considering I don't have the DD output that DRG did. I did leave my flag up which was a good idea because then I got into a party in Yhoator Jungle not too far from where I was soloing in Yhutunga (sp?). When I got to the party I realized that I was the only 31 in the party which wasn't terrible because we still were killing fast, but it was more that I was going to be hitting 32 soon and probably killing the exp ... which I ended up doing. The only time we had a problem was when some reject SAM in our party decided to attack a lizard instead of the goblin we were fighting. What was really funny was that everyone in our party died except me because I was the only one smart enough to just let the retard die. So after everyone in my party was dead I was sitting there soloing the goblin with Arckk healing me. Then I had Arckk steal hate and raise 2 of the people while the others were getting up also. Besides that one screw up we didn't really use Arckk at all which is really nice because that means everyone was doing their job! Well, everyone except the SAM was doing their job because I was watching his TP go to 300% and sit at 300% for multiple mobs and whenever the mob moved he wasn't facing it because he was OBVIOUSLY not at his keyboard paying attention. The one mob he was actually resting until we got the mob to 50% then he got up and started swinging, mob moved, and he didn't. Laolob, the SAM, or something like that (I know Laol-something) then asked me if I wanted to stay up later to go to Garbage Citadel with him and keep exping ... WHY WOULD I EXP WITH SOMEONE WHO IS AFK 80% OF THE TIME?! So I respectfully declined.
Overall I was happy with what I got done last night in game. I know I should've gotten my PLD to 33 but oh well. Also, the more August rolls past the more I'm realizing there is no chance that I will be getting all my jobs to 37/40 by the end of August. With all the time that my girlfriend is taking from me I don't even have time to clean my house let alone hit that goal. Last night I finally had a chance to do my laundry, which is great because I was running out of clothes. lol
As for tonight, I doubt I will get any gaming in because I am going to try to get my hair cut, then I have Zarja, then my girlfriend wants to come over and stay the night becuase we will probably be going to Cedar Point tomorrow. I guess it will be nice to take a day off for Cedar Point considering I still haven't had a chance to go there since Maverik (sp?) was finished. What does all of this add up to? No gaming for the next 2 days probably and missing basketball tomorrow ... {fun}. Oh well, at least I will have some fun and get to see Melissa, girlfriend's friend from her freshman year, again. :D
Quote of the Day:
Who is this?
Its the Dude.
- The Big Lebowski, I only watched a little bit of it (didn't seem like as great of a movie as everyone says it is)
So I was sitting around for a while last night while watching the Olympics and finally decided after not getting a party to just go solo for a while. I got a few thousand exp soloing but it is hard on PLD considering I don't have the DD output that DRG did. I did leave my flag up which was a good idea because then I got into a party in Yhoator Jungle not too far from where I was soloing in Yhutunga (sp?). When I got to the party I realized that I was the only 31 in the party which wasn't terrible because we still were killing fast, but it was more that I was going to be hitting 32 soon and probably killing the exp ... which I ended up doing. The only time we had a problem was when some reject SAM in our party decided to attack a lizard instead of the goblin we were fighting. What was really funny was that everyone in our party died except me because I was the only one smart enough to just let the retard die. So after everyone in my party was dead I was sitting there soloing the goblin with Arckk healing me. Then I had Arckk steal hate and raise 2 of the people while the others were getting up also. Besides that one screw up we didn't really use Arckk at all which is really nice because that means everyone was doing their job! Well, everyone except the SAM was doing their job because I was watching his TP go to 300% and sit at 300% for multiple mobs and whenever the mob moved he wasn't facing it because he was OBVIOUSLY not at his keyboard paying attention. The one mob he was actually resting until we got the mob to 50% then he got up and started swinging, mob moved, and he didn't. Laolob, the SAM, or something like that (I know Laol-something) then asked me if I wanted to stay up later to go to Garbage Citadel with him and keep exping ... WHY WOULD I EXP WITH SOMEONE WHO IS AFK 80% OF THE TIME?! So I respectfully declined.
Overall I was happy with what I got done last night in game. I know I should've gotten my PLD to 33 but oh well. Also, the more August rolls past the more I'm realizing there is no chance that I will be getting all my jobs to 37/40 by the end of August. With all the time that my girlfriend is taking from me I don't even have time to clean my house let alone hit that goal. Last night I finally had a chance to do my laundry, which is great because I was running out of clothes. lol
As for tonight, I doubt I will get any gaming in because I am going to try to get my hair cut, then I have Zarja, then my girlfriend wants to come over and stay the night becuase we will probably be going to Cedar Point tomorrow. I guess it will be nice to take a day off for Cedar Point considering I still haven't had a chance to go there since Maverik (sp?) was finished. What does all of this add up to? No gaming for the next 2 days probably and missing basketball tomorrow ... {fun}. Oh well, at least I will have some fun and get to see Melissa, girlfriend's friend from her freshman year, again. :D
Quote of the Day:
Who is this?
Its the Dude.
- The Big Lebowski, I only watched a little bit of it (didn't seem like as great of a movie as everyone says it is)
Friday, August 15, 2008
Oops, I went too far
So my goals have SLIGHTLY altered since I got a party on DRG last night. I just logged on and was running to the OP so I could go gear up PLD. On my way to the OP I got a tell asking if I wanted to party so I said sure ... I mean why turn down a party? So I actually got to 41 on my DRG last night which was cool because that means 1 less level for later.
It was nice to actually be in a party again, even though it did get to be a 4 level gap at one very short point. The party had some fun people in it but the exp wasn't exactly what I like to see since the PLD leveled pretty early in the party and started to kill the exp a bit. I still had fun with it which is good.
The funny part about the party was that they were talking about what levels they have at 75 and stuff like that. Most of them only had 1 job at 75 and this was the next job they were working on. I kinda just chuckled to myself and didn't say anything about myself. After a while the DRK was pulling and he wouldn't pull the ranged mobs back far enough so the PLD would voke it and then run back to pull the mob closer. I made a comment about him being smart enough to actually pull the mob back and how that is hard to find even in a Dynamis LS. He then went on to tell me in /tells that that's how it should be done by the puller and not by the tank and blah blah blah. I dunno if he was thinking I was some sort of noob or what but I really just wanted to laugh at him but I just kept my mouth shut and didn't tell him that I had probably been doing Dynamis longer than he had been playing this game. It was fun being around people again and just having fun leveling. It was a great change of pace and much welcomed.
I doubt I will be doing much of anything in game this weekend because it seems as though my weekend is pretty well planned out for me. Hopefully I will be able to get a level or 2 on PLD by the end of the weekend. That would be nice to do because then I can start on my finishing of my jobs to 40 again. I really can't believe how much fun I'm having with leveling so much and just crankin out constant exp and not having to worry about, "Oh, I have to plan around this event" or "I'm sorry, I have to go to Dynamis now and die and not get anything." Meh, just a bitter long time player who doesn't feel they've gotten what they should have in gear for what they have put in. This is exactly why I only plan on doing AT MOST Limbus and small friends only events.
Ok, so hopefully 2 levels on PLD by the end of the weekend.
Quote of the Day:
"My WAR is 75 and I merit like a beast on it."
- Some guy in my party last night ... if they only knew what it was like to be a BRD :P
It was nice to actually be in a party again, even though it did get to be a 4 level gap at one very short point. The party had some fun people in it but the exp wasn't exactly what I like to see since the PLD leveled pretty early in the party and started to kill the exp a bit. I still had fun with it which is good.
The funny part about the party was that they were talking about what levels they have at 75 and stuff like that. Most of them only had 1 job at 75 and this was the next job they were working on. I kinda just chuckled to myself and didn't say anything about myself. After a while the DRK was pulling and he wouldn't pull the ranged mobs back far enough so the PLD would voke it and then run back to pull the mob closer. I made a comment about him being smart enough to actually pull the mob back and how that is hard to find even in a Dynamis LS. He then went on to tell me in /tells that that's how it should be done by the puller and not by the tank and blah blah blah. I dunno if he was thinking I was some sort of noob or what but I really just wanted to laugh at him but I just kept my mouth shut and didn't tell him that I had probably been doing Dynamis longer than he had been playing this game. It was fun being around people again and just having fun leveling. It was a great change of pace and much welcomed.
I doubt I will be doing much of anything in game this weekend because it seems as though my weekend is pretty well planned out for me. Hopefully I will be able to get a level or 2 on PLD by the end of the weekend. That would be nice to do because then I can start on my finishing of my jobs to 40 again. I really can't believe how much fun I'm having with leveling so much and just crankin out constant exp and not having to worry about, "Oh, I have to plan around this event" or "I'm sorry, I have to go to Dynamis now and die and not get anything." Meh, just a bitter long time player who doesn't feel they've gotten what they should have in gear for what they have put in. This is exactly why I only plan on doing AT MOST Limbus and small friends only events.
Ok, so hopefully 2 levels on PLD by the end of the weekend.
Quote of the Day:
"My WAR is 75 and I merit like a beast on it."
- Some guy in my party last night ... if they only knew what it was like to be a BRD :P
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Damn Olympics
Seriously, what are the Olympics problem?! Why they gotta take what little free time I have and slow my Maat's Cap progress? I only got 1 level last night because I was going really slow while watching the Olympics, and then I ended up not being able to fall asleep again and watched the US Women's Indoor Volleyball team whoop on Venezuella.
All in all I COULD have probably gotten almost to 40 but I got held up with watching so I consider it a good trade since I can only watch the Olympics once and I will be playing this game AT LEAST for another 6 months.
I just stuck with my DRG last night and was doing Goblin's pets in Eastern Altepa Desert. They were still pretty decent exp until 39 when some of the pets became DCs. After that I tried to do bats in Behemoth's Dominion which was a bad idea becuase I do a lot of damage but they take forever to kill. I ended up spending some extra time looking for some new pets I could take down and I ended up just looking at the BLM solo guide, which now takes me out to Xarcabard to kill Giant's pets. I am not sure how well I will do but hey, I still have Arckk to back me up so no big deal.
Hopefully I can finish DRG off either tonight or tomorrow night so I can move on to PLD by this weekend. That way I can spend a little time finding the gear I need for PLD til 40. The problem with PLD is that I am going to have to actually party because there is no way I'll be rolling through mobs like I have been with my DRG. It shouldn't be too much of a problem though because most of the time I'm looking for a party for my DRG its the problem of not being able to find a tank. I guess that also means I need to start looking at sword/shield now instead of just trying to straight DD with a GS .... hahaha what am I talking about? I will still have a PL so me doing more damage with my GS will be good for me :P
Sadly that is about it for my in game update which should have been more eventful ... like me finishing DRG but oh well. Tonight I have early volleyball, then I'm supposed to stop at the beach for a little b-day party, then I REALLY need to do some cleaning around my house but I have a feeling I'm going to neglect it again. I really need to work out my priorities better ... oh wait, I have ... FFXI is 1st haha
Quote of the Day:
(Referring to the Badminton arena in Beijing being in the form of a shuttlecock) Notice how throughout this column, I refrained from suggesting that U.S. architects one day design a baseball stadium to look like a syringe.
All in all I COULD have probably gotten almost to 40 but I got held up with watching so I consider it a good trade since I can only watch the Olympics once and I will be playing this game AT LEAST for another 6 months.
I just stuck with my DRG last night and was doing Goblin's pets in Eastern Altepa Desert. They were still pretty decent exp until 39 when some of the pets became DCs. After that I tried to do bats in Behemoth's Dominion which was a bad idea becuase I do a lot of damage but they take forever to kill. I ended up spending some extra time looking for some new pets I could take down and I ended up just looking at the BLM solo guide, which now takes me out to Xarcabard to kill Giant's pets. I am not sure how well I will do but hey, I still have Arckk to back me up so no big deal.
Hopefully I can finish DRG off either tonight or tomorrow night so I can move on to PLD by this weekend. That way I can spend a little time finding the gear I need for PLD til 40. The problem with PLD is that I am going to have to actually party because there is no way I'll be rolling through mobs like I have been with my DRG. It shouldn't be too much of a problem though because most of the time I'm looking for a party for my DRG its the problem of not being able to find a tank. I guess that also means I need to start looking at sword/shield now instead of just trying to straight DD with a GS .... hahaha what am I talking about? I will still have a PL so me doing more damage with my GS will be good for me :P
Sadly that is about it for my in game update which should have been more eventful ... like me finishing DRG but oh well. Tonight I have early volleyball, then I'm supposed to stop at the beach for a little b-day party, then I REALLY need to do some cleaning around my house but I have a feeling I'm going to neglect it again. I really need to work out my priorities better ... oh wait, I have ... FFXI is 1st haha
Quote of the Day:
(Referring to the Badminton arena in Beijing being in the form of a shuttlecock) Notice how throughout this column, I refrained from suggesting that U.S. architects one day design a baseball stadium to look like a syringe.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Progress for the sake of progress...
Oh baby oh baby! I got 4 WHOLE levels this weekend! I was soooooooo happy to actually get something accomplished. It was really distracting though because the Olympics have been on and I've been watching as much as I possibly can because they only come once every 4 years.
I ended up partying with my DRG from 34 -> 36 and then soloing my DRG from 36 -> 38. Partying was pretty fun because it was a party that I could have PL'd but I ended up not since we didn't really need it. The SMN and DNC were doing really good jobs of keeping the party alive. There was only one point at which a guy died towards the end just because no one could take hate off of him for some reason. Which was really surprising because I could normally take all the hate I wanted most of the time, but in that one circumstance I couldn't pull hate because I whiffed like 3 times. Another funny part of me leveling with them was that I I got High Jump at 35. When I started using High Jump I wasn't shedding any hate like I was supposed to be ... because High Jump was still landing for about 80. lol
Soloing went pretty smoothly except for 2 deaths, 1 was because I linked the gob with the pet in Eastern Altepa Desert, and the other was because I was watching quite possibly the greatest swimming relay of all time. That was the race that Jason Lezak swam the fastest 100M freestyle split ever to out touch the French swimmer by .08 seconds. Yeah, didn't so much care that I died there because I MUCH would've rather watched that race!
Then right towards the end of the night I was about 4 or 5 mobs from leveling then some JP jerk offs came and were taking my mobs. Then I accidentally took the one Trader but slept it and ran. After that I stay away until one of his other friends came over and killed my Trader ... COMPLETELY on purpose. I mean there were 5 goblins around and he chose the Trader. Lucky for me I was still smarter than them because their Trader had already popped out another spider over in a corner where they didn't see it so I went over and claimed it. It was nice of them to try to be slick but they stole my camp anyways so I figured I would be the bigger man (and smarter) and just out claim them and not allow them to know where that other Trader was ... their loss was my gain.
Tonight I hope to get to 40 on MY DRG so I can move back to PLD. Once I get DRG out of the way it'll be a nice change of pace to swap back to GS and see what kind of alright damage a tank job can actually do. Although I am really enjoying DRG but I need to keep to my plan of all jobs to 40 then all jobs to 50. I may actually be a little ahead of where I was expecting to be with my goals. Maybe I will be able to hit all jobs at 40 by end of August and then all jobs at 50 by beginning of October. That would give me over 2.5 months to roll through 16 levels on about 10 jobs, which is more reasonable. Before this weekend I really doubted that I could get Maat's Cap by the end of the year, but now I'm thinking its still possible. This is getting exciting again :D
On a final note, friends seem to be coming back. Drivvt (an old RL friend of Screamin) just got back from another looooong break and sounds like he is trying to get his THF to 75 now. Ara just moved back to this server and sounds like he is trying to start a kinda low man Limbus shell which would be nice because I would love some Homam and Nashira gear for my jobs. Hopefully Disdain will be back when he moves out to Seattle because he won't know too many people and will have the time to game again. Khrone is back to being excited about the game which means he'll start gaming more and actually start making progress in the game again. Hybrid decided he's back now too (again) and actively workin on Maat's Cap again. He's got more free time than me with his new job, or so he just texted me this morning, so maybe he can catch up to me some more.
Good times ... good times
Quote of the Day:
Progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged!
- Delores Umbridge, Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix
(although this is the opposite of what I got done this weekend)
I ended up partying with my DRG from 34 -> 36 and then soloing my DRG from 36 -> 38. Partying was pretty fun because it was a party that I could have PL'd but I ended up not since we didn't really need it. The SMN and DNC were doing really good jobs of keeping the party alive. There was only one point at which a guy died towards the end just because no one could take hate off of him for some reason. Which was really surprising because I could normally take all the hate I wanted most of the time, but in that one circumstance I couldn't pull hate because I whiffed like 3 times. Another funny part of me leveling with them was that I I got High Jump at 35. When I started using High Jump I wasn't shedding any hate like I was supposed to be ... because High Jump was still landing for about 80. lol
Soloing went pretty smoothly except for 2 deaths, 1 was because I linked the gob with the pet in Eastern Altepa Desert, and the other was because I was watching quite possibly the greatest swimming relay of all time. That was the race that Jason Lezak swam the fastest 100M freestyle split ever to out touch the French swimmer by .08 seconds. Yeah, didn't so much care that I died there because I MUCH would've rather watched that race!
Then right towards the end of the night I was about 4 or 5 mobs from leveling then some JP jerk offs came and were taking my mobs. Then I accidentally took the one Trader but slept it and ran. After that I stay away until one of his other friends came over and killed my Trader ... COMPLETELY on purpose. I mean there were 5 goblins around and he chose the Trader. Lucky for me I was still smarter than them because their Trader had already popped out another spider over in a corner where they didn't see it so I went over and claimed it. It was nice of them to try to be slick but they stole my camp anyways so I figured I would be the bigger man (and smarter) and just out claim them and not allow them to know where that other Trader was ... their loss was my gain.
Tonight I hope to get to 40 on MY DRG so I can move back to PLD. Once I get DRG out of the way it'll be a nice change of pace to swap back to GS and see what kind of alright damage a tank job can actually do. Although I am really enjoying DRG but I need to keep to my plan of all jobs to 40 then all jobs to 50. I may actually be a little ahead of where I was expecting to be with my goals. Maybe I will be able to hit all jobs at 40 by end of August and then all jobs at 50 by beginning of October. That would give me over 2.5 months to roll through 16 levels on about 10 jobs, which is more reasonable. Before this weekend I really doubted that I could get Maat's Cap by the end of the year, but now I'm thinking its still possible. This is getting exciting again :D
On a final note, friends seem to be coming back. Drivvt (an old RL friend of Screamin) just got back from another looooong break and sounds like he is trying to get his THF to 75 now. Ara just moved back to this server and sounds like he is trying to start a kinda low man Limbus shell which would be nice because I would love some Homam and Nashira gear for my jobs. Hopefully Disdain will be back when he moves out to Seattle because he won't know too many people and will have the time to game again. Khrone is back to being excited about the game which means he'll start gaming more and actually start making progress in the game again. Hybrid decided he's back now too (again) and actively workin on Maat's Cap again. He's got more free time than me with his new job, or so he just texted me this morning, so maybe he can catch up to me some more.
Good times ... good times
Quote of the Day:
Progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged!
- Delores Umbridge, Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix
(although this is the opposite of what I got done this weekend)
Friday, August 8, 2008
Guess who's back...
Shady's back! That's right fools, I'm back in the saddle again! Actually I got my character back 2 days ago but because I got the e-mail at about 5:30 and I left work at 5 I didn't realize that I had my character back until 1AM Thursday morning. I got to log on and see that seemingly everything was back on my main, but I have still yet to check my mule. Another thing I need to check is that my mule has the marbles still and HOPEFULLY I can have a GM give me an item because I got a tier 4 which could be upto about 400k in my pocket.
Its funny because now that I got my character back, my gf won't let me breathe without her being by my side again. Wednesday night, she was over ... Thursday night, she said she would leave me alone but I said I was just trying to set up my HD antenna so I could get NBC HD for when the Olympics start and so I could watch the Brown's game in HD, so she came over. I even skipped dinner last night because I never got a chance to go get or make something. Then tonight is dinner at her sister's house, drinking wine, and playing Texas Hold 'em. I may take my Wii over there too for when people get bumped out. THEN, tomorrow we are going out for her birthday which was actually this past Tuesday but I need to take her out to get her a new camera because I told her I would get her one for her birthday which just about blows Saturday away too. I'm sure she'll find SOMETHING for us to do Sunday too.
So much for getting my character back eh? I have decided though that while I'm out my personal PL (Screamin), that I will log on and try to find a party for my DRG while I sit back and play my Wii. I actually did have a chance to do that last night but there wasn't anyone looking around my level, but a try none-the-less.
Also, on a little side note ... Hybridkiller seems that he will be coming back around more again. He's been having some RL problems so he wasn't sure his availability for the next month or month and a half, but when I told him that I got my character back I think that was enough for him to at least reactivate his account so if we did get the chance to log on at the same time we could go rock out a few levels or something for our joint goal of Maat's Cap.
Tonight I'm only going to have an hour or so of gf free time which means I will only really have time to play my Wii and not do anything on my character .... AGAIN. Tomorrow morning/early afternoon I will definitely be doing some sort of gaming though ... BECAUSE I CAN!!! ... hopefully
Quote of the Day:
If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut.
- Einstein, what a smart guy!
Its funny because now that I got my character back, my gf won't let me breathe without her being by my side again. Wednesday night, she was over ... Thursday night, she said she would leave me alone but I said I was just trying to set up my HD antenna so I could get NBC HD for when the Olympics start and so I could watch the Brown's game in HD, so she came over. I even skipped dinner last night because I never got a chance to go get or make something. Then tonight is dinner at her sister's house, drinking wine, and playing Texas Hold 'em. I may take my Wii over there too for when people get bumped out. THEN, tomorrow we are going out for her birthday which was actually this past Tuesday but I need to take her out to get her a new camera because I told her I would get her one for her birthday which just about blows Saturday away too. I'm sure she'll find SOMETHING for us to do Sunday too.
So much for getting my character back eh? I have decided though that while I'm out my personal PL (Screamin), that I will log on and try to find a party for my DRG while I sit back and play my Wii. I actually did have a chance to do that last night but there wasn't anyone looking around my level, but a try none-the-less.
Also, on a little side note ... Hybridkiller seems that he will be coming back around more again. He's been having some RL problems so he wasn't sure his availability for the next month or month and a half, but when I told him that I got my character back I think that was enough for him to at least reactivate his account so if we did get the chance to log on at the same time we could go rock out a few levels or something for our joint goal of Maat's Cap.
Tonight I'm only going to have an hour or so of gf free time which means I will only really have time to play my Wii and not do anything on my character .... AGAIN. Tomorrow morning/early afternoon I will definitely be doing some sort of gaming though ... BECAUSE I CAN!!! ... hopefully
Quote of the Day:
If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut.
- Einstein, what a smart guy!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Is that bad?
I'm totally wiggin out right now. I just had a little spaz attack from lack of FFXI. All these people that have active characters and are not playing is making me go even more stir crazy! Why don't you play the dag gone game?! I would be if my character were active again! I am still trying to hold steady my goal of Maat's Cap by the end of the year, which is looking harder and harder to hit the longer I'm down and out from the game.
This is so depressing just sitting around thinking about the same over and over again. What gear should I use for this job, what weapon for this, I should be ok with this and this... But I've gone over all of this so many times in my head that its driving me crazy because I need to actually DO some of this in order to be able to think about the next thing. Guess that means I have to devote all my new thinking time to Zelda, which isn't really all that thought provoking because it seems like I it isn't that challenging and not much time is needed to do the next tasks. I have yet to actually die in the game and some of the mobs are just rediculously easy. Don't get me wrong, its a fun game but it doesn't hold a candle to the fun that I have with FFXI. I am relegated to one sword, one shield, a couple extra things (bow, boomerang, grappling hook, etc.), and some combo moves. For the most part I only use my sword and shield and they are so easy to use and rock through everything with, bleh. I mean I could try fishing but it doesn't really seem like I get anything from fishing. Its not like I need money in Zelda either, I'm always maxed at 300. Bleh, I just almost said I almost always maxed with 300 gil.... /sigh
Guess I'll just get some more work done here while trying not to think about my addiction for video games. (yeah right) Then home to mow my lawn and try to make my Wii friends with my brother's. After that some Zelda then off to volleyball. At least I get some exercise in today.
Quote of the Day:
But then that wrinkly white-haired guy used me in his campaign ad, which I guess means I'm running for president. So thanks for the endorsement white-haired dude, and I want America to know I'm, like, totally ready to lead.
- Paris Hilton, gotta love when the dumb blonde strikes back haha
This is so depressing just sitting around thinking about the same over and over again. What gear should I use for this job, what weapon for this, I should be ok with this and this... But I've gone over all of this so many times in my head that its driving me crazy because I need to actually DO some of this in order to be able to think about the next thing. Guess that means I have to devote all my new thinking time to Zelda, which isn't really all that thought provoking because it seems like I it isn't that challenging and not much time is needed to do the next tasks. I have yet to actually die in the game and some of the mobs are just rediculously easy. Don't get me wrong, its a fun game but it doesn't hold a candle to the fun that I have with FFXI. I am relegated to one sword, one shield, a couple extra things (bow, boomerang, grappling hook, etc.), and some combo moves. For the most part I only use my sword and shield and they are so easy to use and rock through everything with, bleh. I mean I could try fishing but it doesn't really seem like I get anything from fishing. Its not like I need money in Zelda either, I'm always maxed at 300. Bleh, I just almost said I almost always maxed with 300 gil.... /sigh
Guess I'll just get some more work done here while trying not to think about my addiction for video games. (yeah right) Then home to mow my lawn and try to make my Wii friends with my brother's. After that some Zelda then off to volleyball. At least I get some exercise in today.
Quote of the Day:
But then that wrinkly white-haired guy used me in his campaign ad, which I guess means I'm running for president. So thanks for the endorsement white-haired dude, and I want America to know I'm, like, totally ready to lead.
- Paris Hilton, gotta love when the dumb blonde strikes back haha
Friday, August 1, 2008
That just ain't right...
So last night I am sitting in my room, minding my own business, getting ready for my trip this weekend, playing a little Zelda, and then Swifman has to go and IM me. FANTASTIC! Now I'm just sitting there day dreaming about FFXI and how he's telling me he wants me to join his LS because they are doin well and he just got Ace's Helm. Yeah, Ace's Helm, that lil crack pot son of a turd. Then he proceeds to inform me that it really does make a big difference in damage output for his already well geared SAM ... making me even MORE jealous.
Why can't SE just move faster with these roll backs and let me game again!!! I miss ^^ like woah. There are soooooooooooooooooo many things I want to get done in game its not even funny! I really just want to get back to leveling like a beast because it was actually fun and I could go at my own pace which is always nice. Hopefully I will still enjoy it when I get back to it. Ahhhh, I BETTER have my character back by the time I finish Zelda or I'm gonna flip my shit.
Quote of the Day:
So I got Ace's Helm now.
- Swifman ... you dirty dirty whore
Why can't SE just move faster with these roll backs and let me game again!!! I miss ^^ like woah. There are soooooooooooooooooo many things I want to get done in game its not even funny! I really just want to get back to leveling like a beast because it was actually fun and I could go at my own pace which is always nice. Hopefully I will still enjoy it when I get back to it. Ahhhh, I BETTER have my character back by the time I finish Zelda or I'm gonna flip my shit.
Quote of the Day:
So I got Ace's Helm now.
- Swifman ... you dirty dirty whore
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