Shady's back! That's right fools, I'm back in the saddle again! Actually I got my character back 2 days ago but because I got the e-mail at about 5:30 and I left work at 5 I didn't realize that I had my character back until 1AM Thursday morning. I got to log on and see that seemingly everything was back on my main, but I have still yet to check my mule. Another thing I need to check is that my mule has the marbles still and HOPEFULLY I can have a GM give me an item because I got a tier 4 which could be upto about 400k in my pocket.
Its funny because now that I got my character back, my gf won't let me breathe without her being by my side again. Wednesday night, she was over ... Thursday night, she said she would leave me alone but I said I was just trying to set up my HD antenna so I could get NBC HD for when the Olympics start and so I could watch the Brown's game in HD, so she came over. I even skipped dinner last night because I never got a chance to go get or make something. Then tonight is dinner at her sister's house, drinking wine, and playing Texas Hold 'em. I may take my Wii over there too for when people get bumped out. THEN, tomorrow we are going out for her birthday which was actually this past Tuesday but I need to take her out to get her a new camera because I told her I would get her one for her birthday which just about blows Saturday away too. I'm sure she'll find SOMETHING for us to do Sunday too.
So much for getting my character back eh? I have decided though that while I'm out my personal PL (Screamin), that I will log on and try to find a party for my DRG while I sit back and play my Wii. I actually did have a chance to do that last night but there wasn't anyone looking around my level, but a try none-the-less.
Also, on a little side note ... Hybridkiller seems that he will be coming back around more again. He's been having some RL problems so he wasn't sure his availability for the next month or month and a half, but when I told him that I got my character back I think that was enough for him to at least reactivate his account so if we did get the chance to log on at the same time we could go rock out a few levels or something for our joint goal of Maat's Cap.
Tonight I'm only going to have an hour or so of gf free time which means I will only really have time to play my Wii and not do anything on my character .... AGAIN. Tomorrow morning/early afternoon I will definitely be doing some sort of gaming though ... BECAUSE I CAN!!! ... hopefully
Quote of the Day:
If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut.
- Einstein, what a smart guy!
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