Surprisingly enough I had a night off from my girlfriend. She was busy with some other stuff during the early part of the night but then she was trying to play mind games with me to convince me to ask her to come over but I didn't break down. :P That actually lead to me gaming a bunch and getting stuff done around my house.
Firstly, I got home early from work because I had training yesterday and just decided it wasn't worth my effort to go back to work for AT MOST 3 hours. Instead I just went home, logged on, camped my Sachet, and did stuff around my house. I got my kitchen floor washed between pops and my car washed between pops, to which I was quite pleased with myself. But what was utterly disturbing is that I went 0/9 on my FREAKING SACHET!!!!! So I guess I'll be not camping that hunk of junk again, even though it is quite good for Elvaan with its STR+2. Seeing as I wasted about 4.5 hours camping it and got absolutely nothing from it I am not going to go for it again unless I have some TH3.
After wassting my time in Gusgen Mines I decided it was time for me to get back to my PLD. Time was ticking away and the night was dying along with my hopes of exp on PLD. Luckily a WAR decided to start a party which ended up being a REALLY good party. It would've been AMAZING if we had that level synch though. Our highest level was the WHM and then a few thousand exp behind was a DRK. If we could've put our levels together I can only imagine the exp that would've been flowing in for us! But the party set up was originally PLD, DRK, DRK, WAR, RDM, and WHM. I brought out Screamin to help but only really used him once the whole night because of an unlucky link. This party was rocking hard and was fun to watch the damage that these two DRKs were doing. Even with my enmity +5 back piece and me spamming provoke they would still drop a 350 WS and pull hate from me. These little Taru were BEASTS! I definitely feel that my tanking ability is getting better on PLD too. I'm learning how to hold hate better with dropping a Cure III on myself towards the start of a fight to help lock in hate more and then from there a few Cure IIs and the WHM healing me were quite enough. If push came to shove I could always Shield Bash, Sentinel, or Cover to save someone else. I think there was only one time where I even dropped below 50% HP and that was because I got a Power Attack to my face from a beetle and then double crit'ed. Other than the RDM being a total n00b and not having the spells he was supposed to we did really well. Even though the RDM didn't have the spells he should've had he still did a good job though, but really, a RDM NEEDS to have Dispel, debuffs, and Sleep. Oh, and after a while the WAR decided he didn't want to level anymore so he got us a BRD to replace him which we were all ok with, hehe. So I ended the night at 39 and quite pleased with how we ended. Now I just need 1 more even decent party and I will be donezo with my PLD for a while.
On a side kinda creepy note, Vernon said he recognized me back from Fairy over 3 years ago! I don't really remember anyone from Fairy except HacTao people. His old name was Xxswatxx I think he said which doesn't even ring a bell. I remember a few people with the whole X---x names but not that name. The only X----x name I would remember is the guy that got me started on BRD back in Qufim when I was still a n00b.
Oh, and something else I wanted to mention was about shields. Actually I wanted to more than just mention it in passing because I mean this is why I named this blog "Bigga is Betta!!!" lol Bigger shields are better .... period. So there are the smaller shields which are supposed to do shield blocks more often but they block less damage. What I noticed though is when I hit 38 and put on my Jennet Shield, which is the second biggest sized shield(size 3, kite), I was blocking almost just as much and blocking hella more damage. Now that I just put in that shield link I realized that if I would've just READ the shield page on wiki I would've known all this already .... sigh. Well, now I know that and now I will always use a Kite sized shield because I was blocking about 35% of the time and blocking for about 50% damage reduction. And it also really gives me an appreciation for the Aegis and its true power.
Ahhhh, and now on to another topic for this nice long post. LEVEL SYNC!!! I'm actually quite pumped about this because I am thinking I either could use Screamin and level another one of his jobs at the same time or just continue using him as a PL. (Ha, and I just realized that if you just add a D to "PL" you get "PLD" which is what I use Screamin as to PL ...D hahaha ... oy ><) Aaaaaaaaaanyways, Hybrid is talking about doing that with Annel too to get her RDM up to 75 and actually have an extra 75RDM account. This is all good but we also have to see what the gear looks like when it gets dumbed down. For all we know right now you could lose all the super sweet stats of a piece of gear when it gets weakened. Like a Joyeuse is great because of its double attack, but if it loses that there are a bunch of other swords that are better. We shall have to wait and see how this turns out.
Another thing to look forward to is the reduction in price of Dynamis and Limbus. I will actually enjoy going back to limbus because I can upgrade a bunch of gear that I may actually use like for my BRD or for my RDM or my BLM or whatever other job I get to 75. Plus I'll be able to get Homam and Nashira gear which will be pretty pimp.
Ok, I've written quite enough for today. Hopefully I can still reach my goal of PLD 40 by Friday but I am pretty sure my girlfriend will be coming over tonight after volleyball so I doubt I will be able to get 40 tonight. Which only leaves tomorrow night to get 40 since my weekend is basically booked solid.
Quote of the Day:
"In Rolling Stone magazine they actually show you how to make the Wii characters for the main 3 people in The Big Lebowski."
- oldest brother
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