Friday, August 1, 2008

That just ain't right...

So last night I am sitting in my room, minding my own business, getting ready for my trip this weekend, playing a little Zelda, and then Swifman has to go and IM me. FANTASTIC! Now I'm just sitting there day dreaming about FFXI and how he's telling me he wants me to join his LS because they are doin well and he just got Ace's Helm. Yeah, Ace's Helm, that lil crack pot son of a turd. Then he proceeds to inform me that it really does make a big difference in damage output for his already well geared SAM ... making me even MORE jealous.

Why can't SE just move faster with these roll backs and let me game again!!! I miss ^^ like woah. There are soooooooooooooooooo many things I want to get done in game its not even funny! I really just want to get back to leveling like a beast because it was actually fun and I could go at my own pace which is always nice. Hopefully I will still enjoy it when I get back to it. Ahhhh, I BETTER have my character back by the time I finish Zelda or I'm gonna flip my shit.

Quote of the Day:
So I got Ace's Helm now.
- Swifman ... you dirty dirty whore

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