Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Is that bad?

I'm totally wiggin out right now. I just had a little spaz attack from lack of FFXI. All these people that have active characters and are not playing is making me go even more stir crazy! Why don't you play the dag gone game?! I would be if my character were active again! I am still trying to hold steady my goal of Maat's Cap by the end of the year, which is looking harder and harder to hit the longer I'm down and out from the game.

This is so depressing just sitting around thinking about the same over and over again. What gear should I use for this job, what weapon for this, I should be ok with this and this... But I've gone over all of this so many times in my head that its driving me crazy because I need to actually DO some of this in order to be able to think about the next thing. Guess that means I have to devote all my new thinking time to Zelda, which isn't really all that thought provoking because it seems like I it isn't that challenging and not much time is needed to do the next tasks. I have yet to actually die in the game and some of the mobs are just rediculously easy. Don't get me wrong, its a fun game but it doesn't hold a candle to the fun that I have with FFXI. I am relegated to one sword, one shield, a couple extra things (bow, boomerang, grappling hook, etc.), and some combo moves. For the most part I only use my sword and shield and they are so easy to use and rock through everything with, bleh. I mean I could try fishing but it doesn't really seem like I get anything from fishing. Its not like I need money in Zelda either, I'm always maxed at 300. Bleh, I just almost said I almost always maxed with 300 gil.... /sigh

Guess I'll just get some more work done here while trying not to think about my addiction for video games. (yeah right) Then home to mow my lawn and try to make my Wii friends with my brother's. After that some Zelda then off to volleyball. At least I get some exercise in today.

Quote of the Day:
But then that wrinkly white-haired guy used me in his campaign ad, which I guess means I'm running for president. So thanks for the endorsement white-haired dude, and I want America to know I'm, like, totally ready to lead.
- Paris Hilton, gotta love when the dumb blonde strikes back haha

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