Monday, August 25, 2008

Flash ... OOOOoooooh

Defender of the universe! Oh, whoops, hehe. PLD is now at 37, w00t w00t, which means Flash. Another hate keeping spell/ability which always makes my life better. :) I went from 35 to 37 with Swifman since he wanted to do something and I was just working on my PLD so we went and duo'd. We just picked up at my spot in Yhoator Jungle that I always did with bret until 37. His DRG was doing really well even though he was kind of undergeared. It is not like it even matters though because we were getting PL'd so we were just constantly rolling. Towards the end it was kind of a struggle because there were a lot of DC mobs popping up and killing our chains. But we did get our goal of 37 for both of us. :D

As for other things I did, after my gf went home, Assault. I did a couple Periqia assaults with Swifman because he's trying to get his Yigit body for his BRD. It was nice to do some quick and easy and kinda fun assaults again. Not to mention it just builds up more points for me to use on either gear or to save up for Salvage. After a few runs of that with him he MADE me go do a Nyzul Isle run with this pick up group so I could try for Goliard feet. Lets just say things didn't work out so well with people not knowing what to do and people constantly dying. We still got the last level where we found out we were going to be trying to kill Fafnir but when 2 people died VERY quickly someone either zoned us out or we timed out just before Faffy got his final hit on me to kill me. Something else that was kind of pissing me off last night is POL was just randomly crashing. Once we went into Nyzul I crashed again so I quickly logged on from my laptop and did the rest of the run from there. It kinda pissed me off because that never happens to me.

After that I just went to bed. Although I was thinking about logging onto Khrone and doing a Double Dragonian run for him but I was too tired and it was pretty late. He would've been very happy but I would've been UBER tired today. I don't see us really having a problem getting them for him because Swifman owes me now, and I know Hybrid has a bunch of seals and so does Disdain, so that's 5 right there. Not to mention that takes care of BRD, NIN, MNK, RDM, and I guess a WAR, THF, or RNG depending on who decides to go what job because Hybrid, Disdian, and I all have multiple jobs that we could go as.

That right there for DD is why I would rather have all of my jobs at 75 then have like 3 or 4 fully merited jobs. I like to be able to say, oh yeah, I can switch to that job to help you out instead of, oh, you don't need a WAR ... guess I'm screwed then huh? I mean if a group is doing a quest/mission and they only need a WHM I would have WHM ready, but if I only had like 3 DD jobs I would be worthless. Being able to switch jobs on a whim is great because then I can help in EVERY situation. Well, I guess it wouldn't be every situation because I doubt I will have EVERY job geared. I suppose that could be something that I look at while I am leveling all these jobs, which ones I want to have full geared at 75 and which ones can kind of fall by the wayside.

Jobs to have fully geared:

Jobs to have partially geared:

Jobs to not have geared:
PLD (since Screamin is so much better geared than I could be)
RNG (costs gil to shoot arrows/bolts)
WAR (I'd rather gear SAM or MNK)

So I guess that just about leaves me with having gear for EVERY job... Ugh, I will need to figure this out better as I get closer then huh? lol I doubt I will really have much gear for most of these jobs outside of AF or AFv2 because like for the mage jobs, its basically just MP gear that crosses over. Then for melee jobs, its just ACC and STR+ gear which hopefully most will cross over. Tanking gear I don't really think I will need because hopefully I can work Swifman into our low man stuff because he is now a W. Legs and Ares Cuirass PLD that also has his NIN pretty well geared. I could really see us working him into our Salvage and Limbus runs too because he's a really cool and trustworthy guy who is always looking to get some better gear for his char which is EXACTLY what we are doing too. :D

As for tonight, I NEED NEED NEED to do some house cleaning because my brother is really starting to get pissed at me for basically doing NOTHING around the house which I totally understand him being mad at me for. After that I foresee a phone call from my girlfriend and her coming over and then me being stuck playing Wii and that's it. Hopefully I can work in some FFXI in there to try and get some more exp on my PLD. My goal for this week is to finish PLD by the weekend.

Quote of the Day:
Dean: "Where'd you learn to blow smoke rings like that?"
Minhthe: "From sucking on your mom's penis."
- Yeah, we were laughing for about 15 minutes because of that... lmao

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