Thursday, September 18, 2008

Avast ye land lubbers!

Guess since my gf decided to wash everything for school yesterday she decided to stay at my house, and we all know by now what that means ... no FFXI. :-( On the plus side I did get my cable installed with my wireless router and my phone all set up. Its quite nice to always have a clear signal on every station now and not have to worry about if HD is working or not and if I have to move my antenna in my room around. The first thing I turned on was an HD station which was GLORIOUS! Too bad I only had time to watch a little bit of it before having to leave.

After that I finished what I was doing I got home with some food and watched some more HD and then my gf showed up. Then she turned on some political stuff while I was setting up my wireless. After that we went to get a little food and when we came back we watched Friends. My first night with cable was spent watching politics and Friends ... kind of a waste if you ask me. But, I have a DVR which means I get to watch what I want when I want as long as I set it to record it. I can also record up to 2 shows at once but I can only watch 1 of the 2 shows at once as well. I am just so pumped about entering this new day in age when I can watch TV and watch recorded shows and just have a smashing good time with it. Probably my biggest problem now will be figuring out what I actually want to record and remembering to set the time for it. I haven't had a chance to look too in depth at it but I'm hoping there is a way to just set it to record all new episodes of this TV show or something, but I doubt it works like that because that would make my life WAY too easy.

I'm like OMGWTFBBQ my gf will be gone after this weekend. And by now we all know what that means ... FFXI!!! My house work and whatever social life I did have is going to completely disappear because I'm gonna be like a crack baby and just fiending for more more more exp. Last night I already set a new short term goal for next week; MNK at 50 by Wednesday. lol Oh yes, I plan on cruising now that I don't have any distractions. I think I could feasibly do about 15-20 levels per week if I stay in town on the weekend, which I won't be doing next weekend because of football tickets I have. ... And I just did some calculations, I have 25 days until my 2nd tier goal needs to be met. Its only 25 days because 2 weekends during that month I have football tickets which means I'll be down visiting my gf. As of right now I have 79 levels I still have to gain to finish this tier goal too. That means I have to average over 3 levels per day, yeouch. Hopefully my weekend stints and my solo camp will be able to make up for my off nights that I'm sure to have because that is pretty steap, but I know hitting the end of the year for Maat's Cap is going to be even tougher. So on Sunday, let the races begin!!!

Quote of the Day(not really today):
To prepare for Talk Like a Pirate Day, you should practice incorporating pirate terminology into your everyday speech. For example, let's consider a typical conversation between two co-workers in a business office:
BOB: Hi. Mary.
MARY: Hi, Bob. Have you had a chance to look at the Fennerman contract?
BOB: Yes, and I have some suggestions.
MARY: OK, I'll review them.
Now let's see how this same conversation would sound on Talk Like a Pirate Day:
BOB: Avast, me beauty.
MARY: Avast, Bob. Is that a yardarm in your doubloons, or are you just glad to see me?
BOB: You are giving me the desire to haul some keel.
MARY: Arrrrr.
- So remember, tomorrow, September 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day, so ye best be talkin like a scurvy dog or ye be walkin de plank. ARRRRR!

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