Friday, September 26, 2008

Baby Steps

Back to the basics, DON'T WATCH TV WHILE GAMING!!! I died like 3 times last night because I kept getting side tracked by watching TV. DAMN YOU CABLE!!! But I did get to see USC lose to Oregon State which definitely made my night even if I didn't make the level that I really hoped for. It was a grand adventure none the less.

I was out there soloing for a looooong time and there were these 2 guys running around by me so they knew I was there. Then about 30 min before I was gonna leave they started a little party and were trying to take my pets. Boy did I get made, so I kept taking the pets and killing them faster than them ... serves them right. Granted I had already gotten 3 levels out there on my SAM which ended about halfway to 47 which I can live with. Leveling out there was cake because I was just owning those pets which was amazing. Whoever says SAM can't tank is full of it because when I can counter, parry, have multiple third eyes activate, and cut the recast of third eye to 30 seconds I think I tank pretty gosh darn well. Granted the counter from seigan doesn't give me TP, but when I hit for 60-70 per hit (sometimes up to 110) it is still a huge boost to my damage output. Plus I get more TP from when I do get hit and if I actually put on some tanking type gear I would be doin pretty darn well I think. Maybe even create an AGI build so I parry more often. But this is just a tangent, back to the matter at hand. Now I NEED to get SAM to 50 on Sunday or I'm gonna have a big hole to dig myself out of all of next week to hit my goal.

I am also hoping that next weekend I will be able to get a big boost from having all of saturday and all of sunday free. By the end of next weekend I NEED to have SAM, DRK, and DRG done and be at least started on THF. Its no small task but if I buckle down and not get distracted like I was this past week I should be able to do it. SAM done by end of the day on Sunday (depending on when I get home), DRK done by Thursday, DRG done by Saturday or Sunday, and then have THF started on Sunday. That sounds like a good 1 week goal.

Well, I'm out for the weekend. Be back posting again on Monday.

Quote of the Day:
Baby step to four o'clock. Baby step to four o'clock.
- Bob Wiley (Bill Murray) in What About Bob?

It reminds me of my favorite poem, which is, "Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm a schizophrenic... and so am I!"
- Bob Wiley (Bill Murray) in What About Bob?

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