Thursday, September 25, 2008

Lacking progress

First off, Brian made me 2 pretty slick loooking sigs. I dunno how I feel about wearing the AFv2 Hat and Dalmatica in them because it kinda just makes me think about end game which I don't do at all right now. Knowing that, it doesn't take away at all from how cool they look.

I did get some things done in game last night, but again not nearly what I hoped. I started and finished my AF weapon quest for SAM which is good because then I could sell my other GKT and just use my AF weapon until 50. After that I went for a choco ride and got my exp scroll to push my MNK closer to 50 which it is now just a little over 3k to 50. The choco race actually ended in Bastok so I figured I should at least go flag my AF weapon quest for MNK since I was there already. After that I had to run off somewhere.

When I came back there was some drama going on at my house and I was just trying to stay quiet in my room while it all went down. Then while it was going down Swifman asked me if I wanted to go try out some Nyzul Isle with him and some of his LS and I finally broke down and went. We were trying to go from 51-55 and ended up failing because someone read the directions wrong on the second last floor which we could've easily won after then, but oh well. I also ended up getting the BLM staff which is pretty cool. If at all possible I would LOVE to get the mythic weapon for BLM because it is just OMFGWTFBBQ good, but I know I never will. :P I probably should've just passed on it now that I think about it because there's no way in Hades that I will have a chance of completing it and as for the WS ... I'm never gonna use it on BLM ... oh well.

After that I decided to get my butt back to SAM and I ended up only getting 1 level on it which brings me to 43. I decided since I did so well at 44 in Cape Terrigan I was gonna try to go there at 43 on my SAM. So I have myself and Screamin sitting in Bastok ready to tele out to Altepa and then make the walk to Cape Terrigan through Kuftal and then rape some rabbits. And if all goes according to plan I should be able to hit 48 just tonight out there. If I can break out 5 levels tonight it will put me more on track to where I need to be, but still leaves me behind on where I want to be. We can't have everything we hope though right?

Goal for tonight: SAM at 48

Quote of the Day:
Shhhh, be vewy vewy quiet, it's wabbit season and I'm hunting wabbit.
- Elmer Fud .... quote since that's what I'll be doin tonight

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