Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I haven't even had my cable for a week and it has already died on me once. Not just died on me at a random time, but died on my while I was in a good exp party AND right in the middle of the Heroes season premier! So I had to quickly call Khrone to get a number to actually call and yell at at Time Warner. After about 20 minutes I remembered my TV in my front room was still hooked up to our antenna so I quickly ran in there and watched the rest of the 2nd hour. GOOD SHOW! After that I did some Wii Fit and then some Wii Sports and then sleep by like 12:30. Luckily I woke up to a dead silent room because my POWER WENT OUT! I'm really having a great week...

As far as my progress last night, I only got 1 level. I did alright soloing in Gustav tunnel but its tough because you have to wait for the goblin to come close and turn away before you can pull it. Then I got a party out in Quicksand Caves with Papao and Barathorn. We were doing pretty well then BAM! that's when my cable went out. I was definitely not so happy because I was going to easily finish off my MNK and then I probably could've finished gearing up SAM and then gotten my AF weapon done, but nooooooo. So tonight I have to play catch up because now I've fallen behind. I am still having a goal of end of night Thursday to finish my MNK and SAM to 50. It just seems a better idea to me to just leave MNK there rather than try to work my way through about 5k of exp and then move away from it when I can easily get that 5k in exp scrolls in the next 3 weeks or just leave it there until I get back to it for my tier 3 goal.

Well, I think just convinced myself I'm going to stop MNK now and move on to SAM tonight. Hopefully I can hit about 44 or 45 tonight and then easily finish my SAM to 48 out in Cape Terrigan tomorrow. That would only leave me with needing 2 levels on Thursday which would be CAKE, even for soloing. Which would leave me to gearing up DRK... Wow, DRK by this weekend is scary but exciting. lol I can't wait to just keep swapping jobs because this is just so much fun to do. ^^

Goal for tonight (baring a catastrophe like last night): SAM to 44 and finishing my AF weapon quest for SAM as I'll be using that til 50.

Quote of the Day:
Man: You aren't my mother.
Older Woman: But I am your mother...
- Heroes ... dun dun DUN!!!!!

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