Wednesday, September 17, 2008

By the Power of Grey Skull

I am Heman! Oh wait, wrong fantasy... but on the same basic trend of power. I HAVE POWER!!! This is a REALLY funny story.

My oldest brother, whom I live with, was home at about 4:30 yesterday to check on the power and get some more clothes and such and said there was still no power. He said he would probably be there until about 5:15 or so before he would head out to his gf's house. I guess he ended up leaving at about 5:45 and there was still no power. At that time I had stopped at my parent's house to drop off the shirt I borrowed for work and then proceeded back to my house. I was talking with my gf on the phone and as I was entering my house I told her "You know what would be awesome, is if I walked in my house and the power was on." AND IT WAS!!! I got home at about 6:15 and from checking the time on the clocks the power had come back on at almost exactly 6PM. Needless to say, I'm a magician, I mean I was thrilled because then I wouldn't have to drive about 30 minutes out to my brother's house (nothing against you Khrone, its just about 3x the drive to work as it would be from my house the next day).

Right then I was still talking to my gf and told her I wasn't doing anything so she could just come over because I would probably just be cleaning my room and moving around furniture because I was going to get cable installed on Wednesday. Which, by the way, awesome luck there too because I was going to call and reschedule but I ended up waiting to reschedule in case by sheer luck my power did come back on and it did! So I spent about 20 minutes moving stuff around and cleaning and then my gf came over. We just sat around and really didn't do anything except a little talking. After a while I kept asking her if she wanted to do this or do that, and she responded "No" to EVERYTHING. So jokingly, I told her what is she doing here if she doesn't want to talk to me or even look at me, yes she said no to both of those questions too? Then she kept saying how she wanted a foot massage and I told her no. After a few more "Do you want to do ..." questions I finally jokingly said, "Just go home then if you don't even want to look at me." And so she stood up and left. I figured she would just drive to the end of the street and then come back. Heck, I almost walked up to a car that was parked about 6 houses away because I thought that was her. When I sent her a text she called me back and said she was almost home already because she thought I was dead serious about her going home. Then she proceeded to tell me that she didn't feel like driving back and forth again so she wasn't going to come back over. We all know what that means, she was angry ... and I played FFXI.

Which brings us to the juicy info about yesterday. I got 3 levels on MNK last night. Most of it was soloed because no one was giving me an invite. Then at about 11:30 or 12 Neatboy sent me a tell asking if I would be willing to level sync down to 35 which I broke down and accepted. So I threw on my Purple Belt and was by far the biggest DD. I really think I was doing about 75% of the overall damage in that party. I was actually skill chaining with the THF's Viper Bite and my Backhand Blow. I'd say about 70% of the time it was junk damage, but that 30% of the time it wasn't, oh man would it lock hate on me, lol. I think at one point I did about a 270 Backhand Blow and the SC damage was about 130, needless to say I was tanking the rest of that fight. :D

Another thing I continue to realise, BRD and DNC are such an valuable commodity. I am positive I wouldn't have been doing the damage I was without the BRD and DNC because of the Madrigal and Minuet and then the Steps that the DNC was doing. Not to mention the Neatboy was the DNC and was doing a good job with it too because he was curing and using the Erase dance to help out for slows even though the WHM did have Erase and was using it. It was a fun party though because we were killing so fast and not really ever needing a break between fights so we have 3 or 4 people trying to pull at one time and whoever found a mob first would pull.

This morning when I walked into work I had an epiphany too. I can go solo on pets out in Cape Terrigan now! That definitely added a little bounce in my step because while waiting for parties now I can be gettin great exp. :D Not to mention I can be getting Screamineagle some decent exp on aggro'd Goblins then too because they definitely boosted the exp from DC and EP. I think I killed a DC and got 93 exp from the one which is WAY more than I was expecting.

Tonight will be my last chance to level though because tomorrow my gf is going to be staying at my house so she doesn't have to wash her sheets again after using them. Tomorrow we'll also be packing everything into her dad's truck and my car since she plans on driving down to school at about 8AM on Friday. Yes I said 8AM. I don't even wake up that early for work! Guess that means I'll have to make a stop at Speedway to get some cheap coffee/hot chocolate. But tonight I will be leaving work early since the cable guy is coming and then my gf is going to try and come over as soon as her like 5 loads of laundry is done. Then I have singing to go to at 7 and hopefully she won't come over after that since it'll already be 9. Which means I could hopefully get another couple levels soloing on the pets in Cape Terrigan. :D

Goal for tonight (if I can play): 46MNK, which puts me 6 levels beyond my original long term goal for this week.

Quote of the Day:
You know what would be awesome, is if I walked into my house and the power was on.
- me :D

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